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Sakura re-classing


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You can only grab four Shining Bows, so at best you can get a Shining Bow +2 with 17 Mt. Yet you can nab infinite Steel Yumis, letting you easily get to +4 for 20 Mt. With that and a Support with a paladin like Xander she'll have a more reliable time with a physical weapon. Rabbit God and Rainarok are also forgeable and infinite.

this sounds like an in-game consideration so so much forging shouldn't be considered (if at all). plus, the general player wouldn't forge past +2 or 3

even at +4 compared to +2 (is it 2 Mt per?), Steel Yumi is still only 20 Mt to 17 Mt Shining Bow and Sakura's Mag cap is 5 higher so Shining Bow is still better than Steel Yumi. +4 Silver is 24 so 7 Mt higher so this goes back to before where Silver Yumi is 2 dmg more than Shining on first attack, 1 on second, equal on third and then worse thereafter


Online is 5 units

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Thanks. : P

Well does pegasus knight have sense with her? I mean there aren't any magic class that she can get from it right? Except one with staffs but it uses physical weapons~

She has the same Strength growth as Tsubaki, so an early reclass would have her close in power to Tsubaki, but with much more healing/magic weapon use potential. However, to dish out magic damage, go Strategist to keep on with Xander or Exorcist to have slightly more skill and access to A-Rank tomes. War Priestess is slightly more durable than either, but getting Bowfaire would be just by lucky chance (My castle battle).

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Thanks everyone for the answers, technically i know what to do and what to grind, i'll take everything in mind and choose what i think will be usefull more in that time. :P Again really thanks to all of you for tips. ^^ 5 unit's in online battles is kinda small but maybe it's better... Well at least less problem with grinding larger amout of units.

Please remember when in online battles are 5 units to use, i have more time to grind those to bigger stats. If i'll be masichist enough (and have super luck) i can max Sakura those stats for both weapons and train her ability for using staffs,tomes,bows,lances. I still have time and i think i won't change save when i'll get the game.
Also paring Joker with mozume will be okay? I mean Deeree will be only one child i want to use in online battles when i can use 5 units (as healer) so i wonder if this bonus growths from mozume are ok for that child.

Edited by eriotto
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Also paring Joker with mozume will be okay? I mean Deeree will be only one child i want to use in online battles when i can use 5 units (as healer) so i wonder if this bonus growths from mozume are ok for that child.

well if you want to be serious about PvP, then growths don't matter since you'll want to grind everyone to cap. so you'd have to consider his mods and possibly his skills if you don't want to buy skills. Mozume!Deere has 3/-1/4/2/1/1/-2, which is ehhh. if you want to increase his Mag for a bit more healing (though it only adds +1 HP so probably w/e, you can go Nyx/Elise/Orochi to bring his Mag mod to +2. Nyx also brings his Spd to +3. haven't looked much further into skills so can't say much in that direction

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well if you want to be serious about PvP, then growths don't matter since you'll want to grind everyone to cap. so you'd have to consider his mods and possibly his skills if you don't want to buy skills. Mozume!Deere has 3/-1/4/2/1/1/-2, which is ehhh. if you want to increase his Mag for a bit more healing (though it only adds +1 HP so probably w/e, you can go Nyx/Elise/Orochi to bring his Mag mod to +2. Nyx also brings his Spd to +3. haven't looked much further into skills so can't say much in that direction

This -1 for magic does matter when i'll grind him anyway? Well that's good point when this does matter. I mean additional magic. What about Felicia then? Or just stay to those fully magic based characters to upgrade his heal potential?

I'll probably buy some skills if i'll get lazy with getting them, there are maps for grinding gold so it's not really a problem i feel. : p

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This -1 for magic does matter when i'll grind him anyway? Well that's good point when this does matter. I mean additional magic. What about Felicia then? Or just stay to those fully magic based characters to upgrade his heal potential?

I'll probably buy some skills if i'll get lazy with getting them, there are maps for grinding gold so it's not really a problem i feel. : p

well it seems like the new Staff formulas is X+Mag/3 (X being base amount healed) so even if we boost his Mag mod from -1 to +2, he'll only heal 1 more, which isn't really anything to care about so you can probably ignore that stat and focus on speed or strength instead. if you really don't care about using him as an attacker, use anyone you like. Mozume's fine then. Mozume's mods are too spread out and meh so no one else really needs her for mods

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well it seems like the new Staff formulas is X+Mag/3 (X being base amount healed) so even if we boost his Mag mod from -1 to +2, he'll only heal 1 more, which isn't really anything to care about so you can probably ignore that stat and focus on speed or strength instead. if you really don't care about using him as an attacker, use anyone you like. Mozume's fine then. Mozume's mods are too spread out and meh so no one else really needs her for mods

well if you say so. I'll think about her or felicia then, thanks. : p

Can you tell me what are you using to see thier modifers? I don't see it on wiki unfortunally. : /

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A few notes to consider. If Sakura will be the main unit and Xander the support, consider Revenant Knight for better stat bonuses. Or at least Great Knight for +5 defense with S. I think people are too focused on damage, so here's my take why you should go for a Tome user. Diversity. There are three particular Tomes I'd suggest for her.

Izana's Ancient Spell to kill those tough enemies not in a crowd, Moonlight to heal any major damage done, and Horse God for the great defensive buffs it offers, allowing her to take on crowds. Considering she's pretty frail, this is a much more viable option with better survivability, 1-2 range, and doesn't require grinding a weapon type that's physical. Considering I've actually done this (though, Xander was main unit, cause he's broken) I can already tell you this is a very solid build.

I've not yet used Dark Flier, but considering the buff to bows and her frailty, I'm not sure I'd go that route. You'd certainly have an impresive move of 9, as well as a well rounded offense, but is it optimal? I doubt it.

As for good ole Deere, he's not a unit you want to use in PvP. A My Castle team, sure, but not actual PvP. His mods don't favor him nor does his skill. That said, PvP currently, and will continue to have, a very niche standard in order to be viable, and neither SakuraxXander or !Deere are meeting expectations for success.

Edited by Xylaugheon Daily
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A few notes to consider. If Sakura will be the main unit and Xander the support, consider Revenant Knight for better stat bonuses. Or at least Great Knight for +5 defense with S. I think people are too focused on damage, so here's my take why you should go for a Tome user. Diversity. There are three particular Tomes I'd suggest for her.

Izana's Ancient Spell to kill those tough enemies not in a crowd, Moonlight to heal any major damage done, and Horse God for the great defensive buffs it offers, allowing her to take on crowds. Considering she's pretty frail, this is a much more viable option with better survivability, 1-2 range, and doesn't require grinding a weapon type that's physical. Considering I've actually done this (though, Xander was main unit, cause he's broken) I can already tell you this is a very solid build.

I belive. : P If i'll be able to get to my game dark falcon wing and make her dark falcon i'll stay with tomes definetely (fly is also good) but first off i'll grind her at the war priestess class to the renewal skill which can really help to get her alive along with Xander. I think this will be solid to make her viable as a damaging unit than supporting. Also Xander starts with promoted class? I always wondered about it if i need to promote him or what. He seems preety broken along with lobster king. xD

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Yes, Xander comes as a Paladin. He is a crusher of dreams, for sure. But, as stated, being the support unit, Revenant Knight (2/2/0/0/2/3/2/1) or Great Knight (5/0/0/0/2/5/0/1) offer better stat bonuses (though, I suppose, not by too much, so the point might be moot.) As long as you're smart, Dark Flier should do you fine. Definitely use those Tomes, though, pretty much the best in the game. Getting Renewal is a great idea, and Miracle will act as a fine safety net. Magic Counter will pretty much guarantee you'll never take magical damage on Player Phase. In PvP, though, things are very different, and the weapons and skill you used ingame will not translate well. Just keep that in mind. After all, you're speaking to someone with experience.

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Yes, Xander comes as a Paladin. He is a crusher of dreams, for sure. But, as stated, being the support unit, Revenant Knight (2/2/0/0/2/3/2/1) or Great Knight (5/0/0/0/2/5/0/1) offer better stat bonuses (though, I suppose, not by too much, so the point might be moot.) As long as you're smart, Dark Flier should do you fine. Definitely use those Tomes, though, pretty much the best in the game. Getting Renewal is a great idea, and Miracle will act as a fine safety net. Magic Counter will pretty much guarantee you'll never take magical damage on Player Phase. In PvP, though, things are very different, and the weapons and skill you used ingame will not translate well. Just keep that in mind. After all, you're speaking to someone with experience.

I belive so, thanks for all advices, i still think dark filler is good change for sorc i can't get cause of marriage with Xander/Marx. : P

Edit: I know that Deere isn't really good pick at pvp but i want to use units i like, i don't really care if there is any meta in this game i want to play my own ways. I don't need to win everything either. I belive that i'll have good use of him or rather i can belive in it. : P

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Dark Flier will do you fine, and take advantage of Xander's Strength bonus he'll provide. I'm not trying to turn you off from it, rather telling you that there are thing's you'll need to look out for.

I understand, sorry if this looked like that. My english isn't good. : P

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Some interesting ideas might be to grab Defense Formation and Shadowgift for Nosferatu tanking. The Witch class also has Warp (amazing) and Witch's Poison (potentially amazing.) Not sure Flamboyant would actually help that trigger, though I'd assume so. Then again, it might not be all that great unless you plan on rescuing or are fighting at ranged. Or if you're going for KO. Just remember, skills are just as important, so mapping them as well is vital.

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I understand, sorry if this looked like that. My english isn't good. : P

Oh, no, you're good! I happen to be part Polish. I certainly don't aim to make you feel insecure about your English. My grandfather's parents came over to America, so most of that family is still there. I can't speak much but I make some fantastic homemade pierogies and kielbasa!

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Oh, no, you're good! I happen to be part Polish. My grandfather's parents came over to America, so most of that family is still there. I can't speak much but I make some fantastic pierogies and kielbasa!

Oh, nice to hear that : P I'm only 16 years old so i can missunderstand some words, sorry about that. : P

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I still think you should try SakuraxLeon, mostly because this pairing benefits everyone involved.

Sakura, Leon and Foleo all get something good from this pairing.

For example,

Leon can get Tomefaire and Renewal

Sakura can get Devilish Wind, Magic Seal and Lifetaker

And Sakura is one of the best mothers for Foleo.

Really, those two compliment each well in terms of gameplay.

Not to say SakuraxXander is bad, but this pairing will not benefit everyone I think.

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I still think you should try SakuraxLeon, mostly because this pairing benefits everyone involved.

Sakura, Leon and Foleo all get something good from this pairing.

For example,

Leon can get Tomefaire and Renewal

Sakura can get Devilish Wind, Magic Seal and Lifetaker

And Sakura is one of the best mothers for Foleo.

Really, those two compliment each well in terms of gameplay.

Not to say SakuraxXander is bad, but this pairing will not benefit everyone I think.

Maybe you're right, but i somehow think xander with her will do better, in general. Also i'm not fond of using Foleo, mostly i'm not going to use any of the child units to be honest, personally only ones i like. : p

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(Sorry for double post)
I was wondering, if i would marry Kamui with Zero, can i give him holy bowman class? Like somehow set up Kamui secoundary class as bowman and then use marriage seal on Zero?

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(Sorry for double post)

I was wondering, if i would marry Kamui with Zero, can i give him holy bowman class? Like somehow set up Kamui secoundary class as bowman and then use marriage seal on Zero?

Yes, if your secondary is Bowman, you can give it to Zero~

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Yeah, if you want him to be a Holy Bowman, he'll get the best bows with that S rank, and I believe more crits~

Yeah, S weapons will be usefull, so bad i won't be able to get Sakura S with tomes, not while i want her to marry Marx lel. : P

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Yeah, S weapons will be usefull, so bad i won't be able to get Sakura S with tomes, not while i want her to marry Marx lel. : P

You could if you make her a Witch~ But otherwise, without marrying Leo, you're right~

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