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Good tips for a Terrible Asset/Flaw


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So I started my latest Fire Emblem Awakening run through. I am doing Hard Classic because beating Lunatic once was enough for me. I chose to use a make avatar but I may have screwed him over in the growths and stay cap area. I gave him Asset: Skill and Flaw: Speed.

I'm not one to quit just because it may get tricky but I think I need help in other departments. So here are my questions:

1.Which female should I marry? I prefer having two Morgan like characters as opposed to one.

2.What class would be good to end on for my avatar and what skills? I never keep my avatar aa tactician-grandmaster.

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1) Depends on who you think is capable of handling being a LOT slower than usual. Pairing the Avatar with someone who has naturally high Speed growths/max stats can keep speed at a balanced level for the child. Looking at Max Stats alone, Yarne winds up being the Strongest and Fastest. Unfortunately for me anyways, my personal norm choice of Nowi gives Morgan and Nah -4 Speed.

2) You may be best leaving the Avatar in a class with naturally high Speed mods to balance out the loss, such as Assassin or Swordmaster. Because of your additional Str and Def mods coming from a Skill asset, both classes may be your best bet.

Though really, it's only Hard mode. Coming off of Lunatic, that should be nothing.

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Yeah I figure it won't be too difficult but I do want this as my main file. Because despite playing multiple playthroughs I haven't kept one nor have I done all the dlc I bought (bar exponential growth). Is Morgan as a Taguel good? And does Yarne need the extra classes from Avatar?

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Is Morgan as a Taguel good? And does Yarne need the extra classes from Avatar?

First question: In a word: No. Taguel is the worst class in the game by far. Can't answer the other question.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Another alternative is to say no to doubling and buy Eirika's blade from her spotpass (or just full brave if you wanted to). You could always full tonic + spouse class if really wanted to pursue potential doubling. The spouse's speed doesn't really matter besides the 10/20/30 mark. Nothing with her caps are going to matter, but her having Assassin or something might be a remedy to your problem.

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An alternative to marrying Panne for Yarne is marrying Cordelia for Severa. Her mods aren't as great as Yarne's with the Avatar as you have it set up, but only by one point if I recall, plus it doesn't give Morgan a weakness to Beast Slayer weapons.

Panne as an Assassin/Taguel, Cordelia as a Falcon Knight will boost speed in a Pair Up with the Avatar as well.

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An alternative to marrying Panne for Yarne is marrying Cordelia for Severa. Her mods aren't as great as Yarne's with the Avatar as you have it set up, but only by one point if I recall, plus it doesn't give Morgan a weakness to Beast Slayer weapons.

Panne as an Assassin/Taguel, Cordelia as a Falcon Knight will boost speed in a Pair Up with the Avatar as well.

Could Olivia also be useful? I am curious if that could aide Morgan any...if at all.

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Could Olivia also be useful? I am curious if that could aide Morgan any...if at all.

Olivia doesn't offer very many mods in really any stat, save for +1 Skl/Spd and -1 Def/Res.

Inigo and Morgan will wind up with -1 Spd, so among the Speed granting parents, Olivia's children will be the slowest.

Another alternative is to pair the Avatar with Sully, as that not only keeps Kjelle and Morgan's speed at a base 0 (not great, but it's better than -1), but it also gives Kjelle Galeforce.

Cynthia is best left with Chrom as a father, but her speed is at a +1 mod.

Overall I would say to pair the Avatar with Panne. Even if that does leave Morgan with a Beast Killer weakness, it works in two ways:

~Morgan and Yarne will be at their strongest, and their speed is not as detramental as it could be

~The Avatar can be paired up with a Taguel or Assassin Panne to increase his own Speed.

All the other children can get what they need from other fathers.

But again, it's just Hard mode, so it's not like one wrong move will cost you the entire game.

Edited by Xenomata
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I wound up marrying Panne and beat the Seacomers chapter before leaving for blood work this morning. I hap put my 2ds on sleep. I got home to find that my little sibling started a file over that file...yay. So yeah since I only beat Lunatic Casual thanks to DLC grinding I've decided to do a Lunatic No DLC run. Could I post a new topic for a play by play of my run so I can have help as I go?

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