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The Debate in Mississippi


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Personally, I'm voting for McCain, so obviously I thought he won the debate. But one thing I really learned from it was this:

Both Presidential candidates have good plans and are both extremely intelligent. All that really matters on who you're going to vote for is what you personally want the country to do.

So, while I'm voting for McCain, that doesn't mean that I think the world is gonna end if Obama is president. I'd just prefer McCain.

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Those were probably some of the most mature and noble words ever spoken.

Lol. I should run for president!


Still, I feel like McCain kept his cool through the whole thing. Every once in a while I saw Obama laughing at some of the words McCain said about him and his policies. While McCain just stood there and smiled as Obama did the same to McCain.

Speaking of Maturity, thats what I feel McCain had more of in the debate.

But again, I was always voting for McCain, so I might just be more critical of Obama.

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I honestly have no opinion on the presidential election as it won't affect me, but I think this shows that Lyle isn't one of those die hard McCain supporters and understands the world doesn't revolve around him, and if things don't go his way, he has to deal with it.

Personally I got more of Lyle's maturity from this topic than politics.

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Okay, I know I should not be saying this but.....stick to the topic ;)

If you feel I'm getting off topic, mark my message and I'll give myself a warn.

...Although at this point that would be pointless. I already have 100% warn.

I warned myself for being a bad boy and Vincent warned me for warning myself.

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I honestly have no opinion on the presidential election as it won't affect me, but I think this shows that Lyle isn't one of those die hard McCain supporters and understands the world doesn't revolve around him, and if things don't go his way, he has to deal with it.

Personally I got more of Lyle's maturity from this topic than politics.

I feel like a lot of politics have become that. I live in New York which is the most Democratic state, other than California, in the country. So I know a lot of Democrats that are always preaching that: Obama=God and McCain=Satan. I'm pretty sure that there are extreme right people that think the exact opposite. But I just can't stand that some people can go: "If Obama isn't made President, I'm leaving the country." My own sister said something a long those lines and I wanted to punch her.

Whether you like or dislike the President, to be so fickle about it to the point that you throw away and condem an entire country and all your memories is something I can't stand.

This place is my home, I'm not going to abandon it easily. That is a sign of strength in my eyes. Even if it is stubborn. I see democrats as weak because of that. I haven't heard a republican say: "If McCain isn't president I'm leaving the country." so that's why I lean more towards the right.

Of course, that may just be because of my geographical location.

She likes you Lyle.

What's not to like?





-Sick mind

But I should leave some options open for Masu to list.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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I feel like a lot of politics have become that. I live in New York which is the most Democratic state, other than California, in the country. So I know a lot of Democrats that are always preaching that: Obama=God and McCain=Satan. I'm pretty sure that there are extreme right people that think the exact opposite. But I just can't stand that some people can go: "If Obama isn't made President, I'm leaving the country." My own sister said something a long those lines and I wanted to punch her.

Whether you like or dislike the President, to be so fickle about it to the point that you throw away and condem an entire country and all your memories is something I can't stand.

This place is my home, I'm not going to abandon it easily. That is a sign of strength in my eyes. Even if it is stubborn. I see democrats as weak because of that. I haven't heard a republican say: "If McCain isn't president I'm leaving the country." so that's why I lean more towards the right.

Of course, that may just be because of my geographical location.

What's not to like?





-Sick mind

But I should leave some options open for Masu to list.

You're stereotyping democrats, though. They're not all Obama worshippers who would leave the country just because Obama didn't win or something.

Granted, perhaps you did meet a lot of Democrats like that, but I still don't feel it's right to be stereotyping people.

Again, just saying, not criticizing.

Edited by Fireman
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I don't hate McCain, but if his policies aren't that different from Bush's then how the hell are we going to get out of this recession? I doubt Obama can get this country out of the crapper, but I'd trust him more than McCain in trying.

Well, I can't be sure, but this is how I envision it:

The Democrats will try to "Undo the damage caused by Bush."

I don't think that's the right approach. I feel like the republicans will accept the actions that Bush has done, and try to fix it.

"Undoing the damage" is a step back. Accepting and progressing is a step forward.

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You're stereotyping democrats, though. They're not all Obama worshippers who would leave the country just because Obama didn't win or something.

Granted, perhaps you did meet a lot of Democrats like that, but I still don't feel it's right to be stereotyping people.

Again, just saying, not criticizing.

True. I do know one democrat who is not like that. But there are other reasons to why I'm voting for McCain of course.

Of course, he feels the same way I do in that: He's voting for Obama, but he wouldn't condem the country is McCain is president.

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You know, they're both smart dudes. And I think the country is in good hands with either one of them really. But McCain just seems to have more experience and wisdom. In fact, he DOES have more experience.

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I watched an hour of it. It was pretty uninteresting, and both of them used the questions as springboards to talk about their big mission statements rather than actually answering the questions, and they both interrupted each other to get in the last word. I wouldn't use it to influence who I'd vote for. Pretty insubstantial.

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She likes you Lyle.

Someone has to lol j/k

Well I think Sarah Palin = Epic phail

My opinion changed about Mccain after he pulled that white house stunt

Well honestly their economical plans are almost the same, but I think Obama is a better speaker and I think his plan will work better and Sarah is a doshe, and other world leaders don't like McCain as much as Obama, and Sarah is a doshe.

lol I know a smah pro named Mavirik

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