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Something I don't quite understand...(Fates story, maybe spoilers?)

Aegis Gray

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So I haven't played Fates myself yet, but I've seen it everywhere that the story is very...lacking, especially on the Nohr side. I'm probably not going to notice how it's bad when the English version comes out(except for a few things I've seen about it), but it seems strange to me that IS wanted Fates's story to turn out better than Awakening's, but the opposite happened. Now I don't really know too much about how a story is made for a game, but I recall Kibayashi(forgive me if I spelled it wrong) making 300+ page drafts for Fates, but then it got heavily edited or something along those lines?

Again, I don't really know what goes into story making, but...they were really excited to have Kibayashi write the story, they wanted to have a good story for Fates, but then it turns out very differently. So...does anyone understand(or at least guess) why they might've changed what Kibayashi wrote for them?

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Speaking as a fan of Kibayashi's works, I would say that his works are primarily detective mysteries. You can probably already tell how different that would be from a fantasy war game.

While Kibayashi has quite a bit of experience with fantasy, I've never read a story that he has written with so many characters. It was probably changed to fit the general tone of Fire Emblem games.

I also believe there is a second writer for If. It's quite possible that their ideas clashed and If is the result of a compromise between the two.

Edit: I almost forgot to mention. As someone who has played both Nohr and Hoshido, in the middle of IK, it's best to play the game yourself first with decent standards, then form your own opinion. What I'm seeing across the internet are people with way too high expectations.

I personally love it despite a few flaws. I like it more than Awakening. I recommend avoiding most things like forums until you've had a good look at the game yourself. I'm pretty certain quite a few people here are hating it without having played it themselves, I think there are people who've uploaded ongoing translated playthroughs on YouTube, if you can't wait for the English release date.

Edited by Hoshino Sora
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It's a First Party Nintendo title, production values aside, the gameplay will have more focus than the plot, and considering they felt obligated to include everything Awakening had and more, but had a plot written up that couldn't account for those gameplay elements in particular, children, so the plot suffered for it.

Honestly, I've yet to play the game, but from what I've heard, even in Nohr, it's better than Awakening in terms of plot.

Other problems that I believe caused these grips with the plot are over hypeing it on Big N's part, the sheer amount of writing required for three games, and over expectations on the fans part.

If people's expectations for the plot weren't built up as much as they were, I doubt the backlash would be this bad. I'm personally planning on heading into this game with my usual expectations from a FE game in terms of plot, decent but nothing spectacular, and I may actually like the plot more because of that. heck, I liked Awakening's plot so...

In conclusion, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and this may very well be a good example of that

That other writer happened to be a writer for Ace Attorney, a series I play for plot, but this still doesn't change my overall expectations here.

Edited by MCProductions
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While it actually has never been explicitly confirmed, it's logical to assume that something must have been left out or changed since there's no way to fit a 300-page draft into a game's story, especially one like FE. Also, nothing so far implied that Kibayashi has actually worked on the writing beside providing the initial draft. That said, it's hard to judge what was altered during development, because we don't know exactly which plot was created by Kibayashi and which was not.

If I have to hazard a guess, I would say that the following elements most likely didn't exist in his initial draft:

- The children, since they are completely optional and have absolutely no role in the plot whatsoever. Also hyperbolic time chambers.

- Most minor characters, for obvious reasons. The royalties probably didn't have that many retainers back then either, if at all.

- The Awakening children/clones.

- My Castle and all of its elements, since they're more or less gameplay mechanics and have nothing to do with the story. Though Kibayashi did suggest some ideas like wifi communications etc.

- Possibly Lilith.

- Aqua's song lyrics. Though there might still be a curse or something equivalent, since that's what the song functions as.

- The fact that Kamui and the Hoshidan siblings being completely unrelated, because it's not at all a necessary plot. We all know why it was made like that in the final product...

Edited by Ryo
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Speaking as a fan of Kibayashi's works, I would say that his works are primarily detective mysteries. You can probably already tell how different that would be from a fantasy war game.

While Kibayashi has quite a bit of experience with fantasy, I've never read a story that he has written with so many characters. It was probably changed to fit the general tone of Fire Emblem games.

I also believe there is a second writer for If. It's quite possible that their ideas clashed and If is the result of a compromise between the two.

Yeah, that would make a lot of sense. It definitely would be a struggle to write a story with...however many characters there are(I can't name it off the top of my head XD). But definitely, that does make more sense.

It's a First Party Nintendo title, production values aside, the gameplay will have more focus than the plot, and considering they felt obligated to include everything Awakening had and more, but had a plot written up that couldn't account for those gameplay elements in particular, children, so the plot suffered for it.

Honestly, I've yet to play the game, but from what I've heard, even in Nohr, it's better than Awakening in terms of plot.

Other problems that I believe caused these grips with the plot are over hypeing it on Big N's part, the sheer amount of writing required for three games, and over expectations on the fans part.

If people's expectations for the plot weren't built up as much as they were, I doubt the backlash would be this bad. I'm personally planning on heading into this game with my usual expectations from a FE game in terms of plot, decent but nothing spectacular, and I may actually like the plot more because of that. heck, I liked Awakening's plot so...

In conclusion, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and this may very well be a good example of that

That other writer happened to be a writer for Ace Attorney, a series I play for plot, but this still doesn't change my overall expectations here.

I don't really mind that they added stuff from Awakening, since I loved that game to death, so the children don't bother me at all. But yeah, I agree about the over hyping too, but I guess it's what happens when they have a come back from Awakening. I'm looking forward to the game regardless.

While it actually has never been explicitly confirmed, it's logical to assume that something must have been left out or changed since there's no way to fit a 300-page draft into a game's story, especially one like FE. Also, nothing so far implied that Kibayashi has actually worked on the writing beside providing the initial draft. That said, it's hard to judge what was altered during development, because we don't know exactly which plot was created by Kibayashi and which was not.

If I have to hazard a guess, I would say that the following elements most likely didn't exist in his initial draft:

- The children, since they are completely optional and have absolutely no role in the plot whatsoever. Also hyperbolic time chambers.

- Most minor characters, for obvious reasons. The royalties probably didn't have that many retainers back then either, if at all.

- The Awakening children/clones.

- My Castle and all of its elements, since they're more or less gameplay mechanics and have nothing to do with the story. Though Kibayashi did suggest some ideas like wifi communications etc.

- Possibly Lilith.

- Aqua's song lyrics. Though there might still be a curse or something equivalent, since that's what the song functions as.

- The fact that Kamui and the Hoshidan siblings are completely unrelated because it's not at all a necessary plot. We all know why it was made like that in the final product...

Damn time chamber confusion XD

That's a good point, I assumed he wrote more than just the draft, but then again, it does make more sense when you put it that way.

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