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Asset/Flaw, Lunatic +, Spotpass (or whatever it's called)

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Starting a Lunatic+ game, trying to decide on asset/flaw.

As I understand it, with careful work and maybe a load of resets, any asset/flaw combination is viable for Lunatic+, especially if you're willing to DLC grind (which I am). Apparently it's possible to get past the first four missions, then it's DLC grindy easy peasy. Limit Breaker, Dread Fighter, all the nice things.

So the question comes down to - what asset/flaw should I use, based on SpotPass or something whatevers?

As I understand it, if I make a SpotPass team (I think that's what it's called), other players can play against it - if they win, they can recruit my "Robin" character. If I understand correctly, I don't actually lose anything if my team loses, it's just others can get something - is this correct?

But also - I understand other players have really nasty SpotPass teams - so I want a setup that will allow me to beat them. (If I beat them, do I just get the ability to recruit their "Robin"? Or other things too? Carried gear, for example? I don't think gear transfers.) Is that right; is that all I stand to gain by beating other SpotPass teams?

Anyways - I heard + Res / - Lck is the way to go, maybe - since apparently a lot of players like to target Res? Or maybe the late game targets Res a lot with enemy NPC magic-users? Or something?

Any comment on best asset/flaw, for a heavy-grinding DLC "Robin" that can pretty much do anything I want it to?

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Streetpass teams are what you're thinking of. They're transferred locally when two 3DSs with Streetpass turned on come within wireless range of each other. The teams are just preset duplicates of whatever player you Streetpassed. You have nothing to gain or lose, no matter what happens to your team on their cart. On your cart, if you beat their team, you can recruit them (you can also just bribe them to join). I'm reasonably sure that the Robin will not join with her/his gear. You can, however, buy gear that's on the characters from the Streetpass team. If you're playing Classic, though, if your characters die during a Streetpass battle, they actually die (which is part of why people like to spam Counter and Lethality). You generally don't need anything special to beat an enemy team, since they never pair-up. They also run on the same suicidal AI as enemy mooks, so it's usually not much of a battle, really. This goes the other way around where your Robin will also flail around, unpaired, like an idiot.

If you're just going to grind, just go with whatever Asset/Flaw you want, since you can get away with leaning heavily on Fred to reach the Outrealms without adversely affecting your team (and any combination can also stomp Streetpass teams and be stomped as a Streepass team).

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