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Fire Emblem Fan Game in Need of Support!


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Hello! I am from a team of people working on an original Fire Emblem fangame with its own story, game models, programming, art, etc. Because we just started the project, there are only a few of us, and we need more help!

Skype will be used for the planning of the story, a website called Trello for the storyboarding, and FEXP for the actual game. We are currently in need of programmers and artists. The art style of the game will be similar to that of Awakening. People who are experienced at using Trello and/or FEXP are appreciated, but you don't have to know how to use them to join us. Also, some basic plot ideas are in place already.

If you're interested, send me a message!

Edited by Kazoo
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I am currently working with RPGMaker VX Ace to make my game. (Perhaps you've heard of it?) I'm not the best at using it, but I know quite a bit. I can test the game, but it together, fix events, etc. I've pretty much built my entire game from the ground up, so I have experience with the engine. Have you tried going on to the RPGMaker forums for a rallying call as well? They also have a long list of scripts you can use.

And, sure, I'm on board! Need something to do to pass the free time I have while I'm waiting for my game to be released. And I don't use Skype cause my camera doesn't work, but I can do some work behind the scenes.

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Hello all!! I am also apart of this project! I just wanted to post some info and stuff.

We have three, unnamed nations.

One is based off of Egypt. The other is based off of ancient Rome. And the third is based off of Denmark.

The Avatar/MU will be customizable! They have multiple classes that they can start out as. They come from the nation which is based off of Egypt.

The Sprite Style will be Awakening’s style.

And the programming will be in FEXP.

We are in desperate need of artists for sprite portraits and map sprites! People who can draw and design characters are needed too! Most of the art, besides concepts, needs to be digital, as well.

We are also desperately needing programmers who are familiar with the FEXP program! ...Because we have no idea what we're doing with it.

Edited by Sea Salt
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Like no seriously that's all I'm seeing here. You say you have a team but uh... What do you guys actually do?

Edited by Ritisa
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You are kiiind of coming off as attacking us. But that's okay.

We have people for storyboarding, music, character design so far. So that is work. Planning, scripting, making supports and music. That counts as work. That counts as something. Something important. Please don't imply that creating stories is not work.

We need digital artists and a couple of coders. We're not looking for an army of people.

Edited by Sea Salt
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Planning, scripting, making supports and music.

Planning, no. Anybody can plan shit. I hardly even count people who fling all the gazillions of things into spreadsheets, but that's at least something people can work with. Storyboarding... ...Wait, since when does Fire Emblem have storyboarding in its development unless you're like Awakening and roll in full 3D? FEXP doesn't support that stuff unless you do some prerender work.

Scripting as in writing the story? Yeah that counts too. Gods know how many godawful stories have sifted through these boards...

Support writing I've never seen just one person dedicated to lol that seems kind of weird to me but whatever works in your workflow...?

Character development is worthy enough of a dedicated person though.

Composers are ridiculously hard to come by so you get props for even having one.

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Okay. Your experiences apparently count as law. They govern over everyone who is trying to make a game. Everyone makes the game in the same way that you would.

This is the first fan game any of us have made. It's the first fan game I've made. We're new to it. Not experts yet.

Storyboarding, as in plotting. Planning the story. I used the wrong term, I'm sorry for that.

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Planning, no. Anybody can plan shit. I hardly even count people who fling all the gazillions of things into spreadsheets, but that's at least something people can work with. Storyboarding... ...Wait, since when does Fire Emblem have storyboarding in its development unless you're like Awakening and roll in full 3D? FEXP doesn't support that stuff unless you do some prerender work.

Scripting as in writing the story? Yeah that counts too. Gods know how many godawful stories have sifted through these boards...

Support writing I've never seen just one person dedicated to lol that seems kind of weird to me but whatever works in your workflow...?

Character development is worthy enough of a dedicated person though.

Composers are ridiculously hard to come by so you get props for even having one.

thanks for doing the community a favor by not providing advice and pushing the air of superiority that we already have problems with instead of supplying ample direction and assistance, your posts are not contributing anything

I will say though that your team should get some general work and hard concepts together to show people; it's how you recruit the public in the first place, more than just getting friends together to do something, gotta flex your muscles to draw the crowd

as someone who works alone and slow af on their personal project, it's good to see teams, but I do encourage you to take it seriously if you want to do it, and that communication within your team is paramount

Edited by Lamia
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A few things:

1. If you guys are looking for sprite work because you are unable to sprite yourselves, I suggest that you take a look at the open source sprites over in the spriting boards.

Open Source Gallery

Nickt's open source mugs (these are GBA insertable, not FEXP)

these are a good start for mugs if you want to differentiate from gbafe mugs.

2. There is a difference between constructive feedback and being a dick; this section isn't cool with the latter. Especially for newcomers in the community. Ritisa, for future reference, cut it out pls.

3. I'll be moving this to concepts as it is more fitting for this thread to be there. Good luck, fellas.

Edited by Uncle Ghatsu!
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thanks for doing the community a favor by not providing advice and pushing the air of superiority that we already have problems with instead of supplying ample direction and assistance, your posts are not contributing anything

lol the sarcasm

Planning, no. Anybody can plan shit. I hardly even count people who fling all the gazillions of things into spreadsheets, but that's at least something people can work with. Storyboarding... ...Wait, since when does Fire Emblem have storyboarding in its development unless you're like Awakening and roll in full 3D? FEXP doesn't support that stuff unless you do some prerender work.

Scripting as in writing the story? Yeah that counts too. Gods know how many godawful stories have sifted through these boards...

Support writing I've never seen just one person dedicated to lol that seems kind of weird to me but whatever works in your workflow...?

Character development is worthy enough of a dedicated person though.

Composers are ridiculously hard to come by so you get props for even having one.

ritisa is bluntly trying to say the team doesnt really sound like they know how to get their ideas made into the actual game yet and are gonna have trouble getting more people to want to join. i dont want to join because i think awakenings art is so ugly but thats beside the point -shot-

Edited by xXHoshiHeartsXx
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Calling for help on a completely voluntary game is troublesome, huh? I've done it before, but I at least had some experience with RPGMaker doing the rallying cry.

Because your work seems to be focused more on FEXP or whatever, I feel I am no longer able to work on the project as I have yet to use that program. Sorry. :( Unless RPGMaker is still in use in some way!

Sorry to say that calling for help for a fan-based project on a forum is not usually the best way to get help. People will (more often than not) shoot you down unless some form of compensation is involved in some way, I've been told. The team I have (me, my brother, and Haon on here) was put together because I have been showing off my game for some time now and they came to me instead of the other way around. It also helped that it was a completely original idea and not one based on an already existing franchise. In my experiences, it's best to show off what little you have first and then see who looks interested. I have not put together a fan-based game (technology-wise) yet, though I have some planned, so I don't know how this team building works with an idea based around a fan project.

I'm not trying to bag on your idea here, but I'm sorry to say that, if you want a bigger team to help you, it might be best to rework your idea into something more original. Keep in mind that team building may take some time regardless, though...

However, I would like to see this project go though! I don't like it when games get canceled due to lack of team members, even if it's a fan game.

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