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Nintendo 3DS Internet Connection Help!


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Classes have started once again and as usual, I brought my 3DS XL along with me. Unfortunately, it seems that the Internet Browser seems to be horribly nerfed as I can't even get it to load up, let alone load up the wifi login page, saying that the browser can't be used at this time. I couldn't get it to connect to the campus wifi and the apartment wifi. The Starbucks close to campus no longer runs AT&T wifi and now runs Google Starbucks wifi.

Any solutions for this? It's irritating that I have to wait until I go home to get an actual wifi connection for my 3DS. The system software is up to date at the time of writing (last update was in July 2015).

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I know I had problems picking up wifi with my 3DS, I think it is really picky about signal strength. When I first had mine I did not have wifi at home and the only place I could get it reliably was at my mom's work and at Barnes and Noble. I would try different locations at your school because it could just be the signal strength is to low for your 3DS to pick it up where you are trying now. I would also check and see how many bars you have when you try to get on, and I know that when I did get wifi at home I had to put in a code to connect and at my school they gave each student a code at orientation to be able to use the wifi on campus and you may have to put that code in manually before you can connect. You can put in the code on system settings under internet settings.

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It sounds like it is to low for the 3DS, but I know when I search for access points I can only connect to ones where I have put the code in or that is open access and has a strong signal. I have had mine work with three bars, but I needed to keep it very still for it to work.

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