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SPACE1: Winter Holiday Hullabaloo! Event Proposals and Discussion~all ideas welcome~


Serenes Spriting Forum Community Events discussion  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. What events would you like to see put on? (Multiple Choice)

    • Spotlights/Features on member, art or projects
    • Serenes Spriting Forum Community Interviews
    • Secret Santa 2015. :)
    • Awards? Achievements? Somehow without popularity contests?
    • ...other. (Please elaborate in thread reply)
    • Seasonal Community events (Halloween, Valentines, etc...)
    • Spriters Duel Showdown Challenge-SPRITE OFF!... Two spriters face off, one spriter wins.
    • Community Sprite Comics
    • Community Maps?
    • Monsters vs Man? Zombies vs Survivors?
    • The variety show. (Basically new theme/style of pixel art/spriting every comp?)

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Definitely if someone's interested in doing an SFSS, go for it! ^^;

(I hosted a Creative Section Secret Santa for 2014. It was pretty straightforward, but did have some delays and some missing gifts/MIA recipients that were graciously covered by others in the end. Overall it seemed like people enjoyed it and said they had a good time with it regardless, so take it as you will!)

The interviews and spotlights sound like great recognition standalone. Can't really think of anything that couldn't be covered by just mentioning it during the spotlight discussion~

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Only reason I'd not be up for a Secret Santa is that I assume, like myself, that a lot of people do this more as a hobby and because of that there's no time limits or constraints. Sometimes it can be good to deliver something with criteria to stream-line the process but overall I find it to be too limiting.

Not sure if others share my view, so that may just be my ticket instead to opt out rather than stop the thing entirely.

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Only reason I'd not be up for a Secret Santa is that I assume, like myself, that a lot of people do this more as a hobby and because of that there's no time limits or constraints. Sometimes it can be good to deliver something with criteria to stream-line the process but overall I find it to be too limiting.

I think you're missing the point of a Secret Santa. It's just fun to make something to give someone else a nice surprise. It doesn't even have to be sprites. A lot of people did art or writing; I even got some maps, music, and theoretical builds.

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That sounds pretty damn cool, and fun to just see what people may come up with... So I guess I will put up a poll, although I think most people are on board with the popular three events suggested:

1) Serenes Sprite forums interviews

2) spotlight/features

3) annual secret Santa?

Awards has been deemed unnecessary and potentially divisive. Are there any more suggestions or ideas for events? ...or any thoughts how you think they might or should run? :D

...or anyone who wants to run some of said events, or has suggestions for potential hosts? (I can try to do all of them if necessary, but may be crazy busy at times) ;)

EDIT: I just had... Either the WORST... Or the BEST idea for an acronym guys! :D

Serenes Pixel Art Community Events. ;)

...You are welcome. XD

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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Hmmm... Yeah, I remember those. Those could definitely be fun to participate in or even just see the cool stuff people come up with! I would totally be up for promoting those and spreading the word/trying to encourage participation in those types of events as well. :D

Any other ideas for ways we might encourage participation, or should just promoting it/talking about these things be the main way to go? (I dunno what else we could do tbh, positive promotion and mentions seems good enough in my eyes, but hey... If you have some ideas...? ;p)


Once again of course, thanks so much to everyone for following along with the discussion in the thread so far! All of the feedback and participation in this thread so far has been extremely helpful and positive, even when people may not have thought a particular idea worked, so yeah... Thanks for putting up with this bozo, lets have some fun and keep up this great discussion! ;)

It's cool seeing interest and participation in the Sprite forums even just in an ideas and discussion thread like this. :D

Edit: more ideas... Possibly terrible, possibly awesome, possibly a bit of both.


"Find your SPACE" "...a SPACE to call your own"

"...in SPACE, everybody can see you DREAM..."

"Let's do art together, find YOUR events in the Serenes Spriting Forums.

Serenes Pixel Art Community Events: 'cause we're ALL artists"


...we could have banners? Sig banners maybe people could use if they wanted to?

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Sooooo... Do we have any volunteers or nominees for hosting any of the other suggested events? Or do we go with "you do it, Shep!"?

I am fine with either. We can make this work. :)


One thing that may be a good discussion is how we want to do the features/spotlight selection, and who we want to write it up.

One option would be to maybe have a panel... That could be nominated, rotational, or completely random.

My thought is a panel of three different members would be good though. Maybe we could have something along the lines of artist, Critic/commentator, and new member?

Then they could together discuss which member/thread they wished to write up as a monthly, bi-monthly or seasonal Spriting Spotlight.


Features to me would be featured art, or projects we want to highlight... Perhaps that could involve some sort of nomination/vote system? With caveats that you cannot nominate yourself, all nominations must be unique (so no five people nominating for example Merc, myself or a new member to the forums), and maybe something along the lines of nominate a regular, someone very improved, and somebody new or just starting out?

Again they could be monthly, bi-monthly, seasonal... Whatever works. I could try writing them up, but I think again getting some multiple perspectives would be valuable for the community and the artists. Behind the work/project, something like: "in your opinion what works in this piece, what doesn't work, what would you like to see next?"

We could even make it a community feature feedback thread rather than setting one person to do it...


Anyways, these are some ideas anyone have any other potential proposals or things they might like to see, or suggestions how to do it to avoid ignoring or alienating members?

As always, all the feedback and thoughts have been excellent, lets keep it up! :D

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I'd say that each person that gets put in the spotlight should be nominated/voted upon. That way, the people that win would feel like they've earned it. :)

I also noticed that my votes in the poll made it a three-way tie... Oopsie. :P

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The poll is more to see the level of interest in each of the events. I am pretty sure from what has been discussed that the seasonal spriting events, spotlights/features and spriting forum interviews are all at least ideas worth doing.

The awards/prize/recognition thread has kinda been subsumed into the other three... But I am still intrigued if it could be made to work without being divisive or a popularity contest. However, with the valid concerns raised about it, I would not wish to put it on unless we COULD find that way to make it work first.


Yeah, nominations and votes seem to be the way to go in my mind. Just a question of whether all the events will be essentially in a public community vote, or some sort of nominated/rotating judges panel, or even some other format if someone has an interesting suggestion.(Think that only would really work for the spriters spotlight)

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I feel like spotlighted users getting voted on publicly is still in the popularity contest realm, though I suppose some element of that is unavoidable.

I like the mentioned idea of a panel, particularly if it were randomized (like if people wanted to participate, they'd add their name to a list which would then serve as the randomizer and then after they got picked they'd have to wait a while til they could put their name in again) and then allow them to pick the features between themselves, rather than leaving it to public vote. Since the panel people will change every time, the features will probably be more variant. Basically I want more unknown people to be picked but I am not sure if that is something everyone can agree on. The randomized panel idea is fun too because maybe they could host a monthly event of their choosing, which would give anyone who opts in a chance to participate in the community and feel special for a month even if they're a non-spriter.

Also the idea of getting single nominations is good and works a bit more against that groupthink popularity bit but I'd feel a bit shy about publicly nominating anyone :B

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I am in support for nomination with random final selection. I feel like there's too much opportunity for favoritism unless you incorporate some random element into the process. So imo: take nominations, from the nominations randomly select one and go from there.

Voting for (in no particular order, for no particular reason (maybe just as an example)): Ana, Aeo, Merc, Mewiyev, Vagrant, Serif, Char, Ghast, MarioKirby, GabrielKnight, Nickt, Levi64, singularity, deranger, Lt. Smirks, shinypichu, Skitty, Pi, Dei, Agro, Ragnarok, Yeti, AthenaWyrm.

[Edit: Prime and Bly as well, since mapping is in this section.]

Edited by Lenh
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UPDATED poll options. Delete vote and revote to choose new options.


I like the idea of nominations that are selected randomly. :)

Great suggestions, Mew and Lenh! :D

Updated the poll with two additional options... Interesting, worth discussing, you decide?! ;)

One-on-One spriter duels might be kinda fun if people were into it. Just for that competitive event, as it would be essentially be a small localized competition as people would pit their skills against each other/develop those skills in friendly competition? Could be three sections of the duel, mugs, battle sprites, and... Maps? Vote on the individual sections, see who comes out on top?

Could be nominated, could be actual challenges issued... Etc. "Smirks... I challenge you to a Sprite-Off! >:0"

Dumb idea, fun idea? :o

I would be up for it, even if I got seriously schooled. ;)

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Should probably have some kind of cutoff date for things, though, in case of random disappearances/hiatus? I mean, most everybody's fairly busy most of the time, and some have the tendency to disappear for weeks on end. In case someone doesn't reply, maybe give the whatever events a few days before you default to a backup?

Same goes for spriting duels. Those are cool and all, but, again, as with any contest-type deal, deadlines are always an issue.

Might also need some formal duel rules, like how frequently someone can be challenged, how forfeits are dealt with, how rules for individual matches are established, etc.

Edited by Sphalerite
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Ha, I've had a sprite comic series going on for...how long is it now? At least a year or so, I reckon. :P Although, it's more a serious story than comedy. There are still some scenes that are meant to be funny though.

Still, a collaboration series of sprite comics sounds good to me! And fun! ^^

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Sounds good. Comics added to poll.


Yep, definitely. :)

I have some ideas for potential rules. Will post them a lil later tonight when I have a chance. Would love your thoughts on them especially as you often have a good take I didn't quite see myself. :D

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I'd love to see some large, community-collaborated maps. Maybe have a huge grid and people can select a patch of tiles they want to create. Something kind of like pixeljoint.com's collaborations such as this one: http://pixeljoint.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=23697 but using a map grid instead isometric plots of space.

We could have themes for the maps, specific tilesets to use, maybe a chapter goal idea, such as a map about defending a castle or capturing a city, along with other parameters to keep it fresh.

Some custom tileset stuff or other shenanigans could be added. (I'm thinking that a competition of who can make the best unit arrangement on the finished map or write the best story for the map would be pretty cool, too.)

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Interesting... Added the idea to the thread poll.

Maybe some of these event ideas could be seasonal, to avoid burnout/have something different going every now and then?


Anyways "later tonight" turned into "a couple days later" apologies on that...

So the Sprite-Off, Spriters Duel Showdown Challenge (redundant descriptions are the best for names?) Could be super fun!

My idea for basic rules would be as follows.

-Duels would consist of a best of three challenge, usually consisting of one round of mugs, battle sprites and maps to test one's skills and versatility. The three categories can be decided on between the duelists if they wish to do a different category, like overworld sprites or portrait/halfbody style, or even final boss/monsters?

-Duels would be limited to avoid overloading an artist.

-An artist may be engaged in two duels at a time. One as the challenger and one as the challenged. (Unless they feel capable of taking on more challenges... Basically if someone is already engaged in two Duels at once, find another partner. Unless that person is willing to handle the load)

-The challenger issues a challenge, selecting the starting of three categories, as well as the time frame chosen.

-The challenged may counter one of those, with a different suggestion for either starting category or time frame, or may just accept.

-Challenged chooses first theme.

-Host sets up thread. Duelists send their entries to host via PM. Host posts the entries and sets up poll. Voting time will differ depending on time frame allowed.

-Three time frames are selectable:

>"Quick Draw" 1 month total, 1 week for entries, 2 day quick votes. Faster entry chooses next theme or category. Second place chooses other.

>"Showdown" 2 month total, 2 weeks for each challenge, 4 day votes. Winning entry chooses next theme or category. Second place chooses other.

>"Marathon" 3 months total, 3 weeks each challenge, 1 week votes. Winning entry chooses first same as Showdown. Second place chooses other.

-If a duelist is unable to meet a deadline they may request a change of Duel time-frame, or extra grace from the challenged.

-the challenger is allowed one free change of time-frame or few days grace.

-the challenged is allowed to request a time frame change unless they already are in a "Marathon" type Duel.

-once all entries are submitted, voting will be set up.


Some examples how this might work.

Example 1

-Aeo wants to challenge Merc. Aeo challenges him to a "Quick-Draw" "Mugs" at Dawn!

-Merc accepts Aeo's challenge as is, and says the first theme will be "Barbarians."

-Spriters Duel thread is set up for the next day. Best of three Showdown, starting with "barbarian" mugs, "Quick-Draw" meaning only a month total for the entire Duel, with about a week for each entry allowed, fastest entry gets to choose next theme, second in voting gets to choose next category.

Example 2

-Merc at the same time challenges Errant to a duel! "Quick-Draw" "Mugs" a week from today!

-Errant accepts the challenge, but as the Challenged is allowed to tweak either the time frame or the starting category. Errant chooses to switch the time frame from a "Quick Draw" to a "Marathon", agreed to the week from the day time-frame and chooses the theme of "Royalty."

-Merc and Errant's Duel thread is set up a week from the date. As a "Marathon" it has a total time frame of three months. Each category may be completed in three weeks, with one week for votes. Theme is first place choice, next category is decided by the second place.

-Merc wins the first two challenges. Errant is unable to make the third deadline. Errant forfeits. Merc wins all three challenges for a sweep.

-Merc is now able to issue a challenge.

Example 3

-Smirks at the same time issues a challenge to Merc! Merc has already been challenged by Aeo, and issued a challenge himself to Errant...

-Merc cannot take on another challenge until at least one of his previous challenges are done.

-UNLESS, Merc wants to, as he decides he has lots of time at the moment and wants this duel.

-Challenge is a "quick draw" Merc finds he needs more time. Merc changes time frame to "Showdown."

-Challenge now is two months total with two weeks for each challenge, plus additional time for overages/voting.

-During the challenge Merc finds he needs more time... As the Challenged he is able to switch the time-frame to "Marathon."

-Smirks finds he needs a few days grace on the second challenge to make the deadline. He uses his freebie.

-Smirks finds he needs a few more days grace to finish the last challenge, Merc as the challenged has the choice to end the competition at the original deadline or give the grace.

-OPTION 1: Merc says no, Smirks forfeits round 3. Tally is made of round winners. Smirks and Merc are tied 1-1. Merc wins round 3 by default. Merc wins the challenge 2-1.

OPTION 2: Merc says yes. Smirks gets a few days to finish his entry. Voting occurs. Smirks wins round 3. Smirks wins the challenge 2-1.


...those were some examples of how it could work. We can tweak some things, fix some areas I didn't think through.

I think the idea is workable though... Hopefully it's understandable in the format I have here. XD

Please lemme know what you think, if something should be done differently, or if I missed something! ;)

...yeah kinda a Big wall of text... May need some editing.

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I wasn't on Spritez to participate in it, but I do remember seeing one of Merc's early, if not his first, fullbody sprite where if I remember correctly it was a forum competition or event where there were several rounds that used the same mug, so for instance, the first round was a splice, then the next was to custom something to it, or change something about it, then each stage was building on that until it ended with the fullbody round.

He could probably articulate it better than I could, but I think you get the gist of it, at least.

Mentioning because it's sort of semi-competitive but could also help people branch out a little further and help them get a little better in the long run too, which is more my cup of tea.

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...would that be part of the Duels or an event separate from that?

...maybe a last man standing type event? Start with lots of participants, drop out those in last place, if someone can't make the next round last dropout can come back in... Keep going with the customizing until two people are left and see what we get?

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