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Post your Super Mario Maker levels!


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I feel like I'm spending 90% of my time waiting for the next opening. Your level is hard and arguably fair, but not fun. It needs creativity, decision making, and a continuous flow of gameplay.

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I feel like I'm spending 90% of my time waiting for the next opening. Your level is hard and arguably fair, but not fun. It needs creativity, decision making, and a continuous flow of gameplay.

Yes, the continuous flow of gameplay was the main thing I felt would be a problem. I apologize for your lack of enjoyment.

EDIT: Mario levels in the actual games are linear, so I don't see the problem in lack of decision making though.

Edited by Clarinets
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Ah, but Mario levels are not as linear as they seem. Every time you come across something as simple as a ? block, you're making decisions.

Will I jump over, onto, or under the block?

Will I skip it, or hit it to see what's inside?

Or, if you approach a enemy, such as a koopa...

Will I jump over it, or bounce off it?

Will I grab it's shell to use later?

Mario games are playful in nature. Just because the goal is straightforward doesn't mean the path to it is. Your level, on the other hand, is 100% linear. There is no creativity on the player's part, so it's a pure execution challenge. Most players, including me, do not play for that alone.

You should try this level I made: 8814-0000-00C0-818E I designed it to be nonlinear and give the players lots of options and surprises.

Edited by Zera
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Ah, but Mario levels are not as linear as they seem. Every time you come across something as simple as a ? block, you're making decisions.

Will I jump over, onto, or under the block?

Will I skip it, or hit it to see what's inside?

Or, if you approach a enemy, such as a koopa...

Will I jump over it, or bounce off it?

Will I grab it's shell to use later?

Mario games are playful in nature. Just because the goal is straightforward doesn't mean the path to it is. Your level, on the other hand, is 100% linear. There is no creativity on the player's part, so it's a pure execution challenge. Most players, including me, do not play for that alone.

You should try this level I made: 8814-0000-00C0-818E I designed it to be nonlinear and give the players lots of options and surprises.

That's a good point, I hadn't considered that about the levels. I'll consider that in the future.

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The comment was less than a day old. No way was it unpopular, it didn't have time to be. It was either very inappropriate, or very rude. The STAGE wasn't removed, the COMMENT was.

What if a random person commented from 100 Man Mario or something? I find it unlikely it was someone on here.

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So apparently someone commented on one of my stages, but it was "removed by an administrator", and I didn't get to read it before it was removed. Okay, whichever one of you is the jerk-hole, cut it out! :P:

Which of your courses was it that have the bad comment?

And also, I managed to make the Robin Pixel Art from looking at the Pixels of Robin from Super Mario Maker added for the The Verge of History recreation course and I have a total of 592 Stars.

Edited by King Marth 64
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Graveyard of Terror.

Basically your design philosophy was "MOAR DRY BONES". Running into 8 consecutive dry bones on perfectly flat terrain is not very fun. I'm not sure you can clear the level as big Mario without taking damage. The boo cannon would've been a good idea if the mushrooms weren't already loaded with dry bones. Regardless, your level is better than the ones I saw on my last 100-Mario challenge, so I gave it a star.

Here's my new level: Bombastic Barrage 7F31-0000-025E-4F53

I've also uploaded Talljump Towers and Swing Chomp Stomp, so check them out.

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Zera, I've noticed that you seem to judge every level as if it were a "speedrunner's" level. Please, stop that.

It's SUPPOSED to feel crowded. It's supposed to give you the feeling of there being too many enemies, the feeling of being overwhelmed with foes, a "oh gosh there's too many I can't make this jump without hitting that guy!" feeling. You're not supposed to rush through it, you're supposed to take your time, you're supposed to tread carefully. There's supposed to be a high probability of taking damage. That's the way it's SUPPOSED to be. Please, stop judging levels for not being "speedrunner" levels, because most of them really are not.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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I feel like I'm spending 90% of my time waiting for the next opening. Your level is hard and arguably fair, but not fun. It needs creativity, decision making, and a continuous flow of gameplay.

I could say the exact same thing about your "Big Boo Bash" level.

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Are you the coolest plumber in the kingdom? Test your shell riding skills!

Extreme Sports: Shell Riding 7294-0000-025F-A4C3

I could say the exact same thing about your "Big Boo Bash" level.

My level is better because it's 1/10 as long. You don't have to repeat nearly as much if you screw up.

Edited by Zera
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Yeah, I don't like to stretch ideas - it usually results in a lower fun density. Right now I'm working on a really long level called "The Longest Journey", but it won't be finished until I have enough ideas to fill it, and enough time make it polished and coherent. BTW, what do you think of the last couple levels I uploaded?

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Rude and subjective? :XD: I don't consider it rude - after all, somebody's level has to be better. I'm absolutely certain that it's mine, but if you want to prove me wrong, why not set up a poll in this topic? My level vs. Clarinets' level, a battle to see which is preferred! Actually, that sounds fun. We should have level battles!

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A level battle is pointless because even if people legitimately don't prefer Zera's level, he'll complain that people here are being biased against him.

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The Longest Journey: BC07-0000-0260-80B2

Don't you hate it when a good level ends after just 10 screens? Well, this level's different - it's 40 screens long. It was hard filling up all that space without running out of blocks, enemies, or ideas. Give me all your feedback!

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