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Disney's "Splatoon" game

Water Mage

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How long do you think it will take for Nintendo to notice this

Is this what a video game bootleg looks like?

EDIT: I'm watching gameplay of it on Kotaku and the Phineas and Ferb song in the background is very distracting and I can't help but sing along oh no

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Totally japanese style! EVEN THAT! (Just look at some big posters for example)

And let's not forget they FUC***** DARED to call this SQUID! SQUIIIIIIIIIIID WAAAAAAAARS!!!

Excuse me, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?


*Taking out some middle finger out to Disney Infinity developers*

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Disney will get away with it likely, very few people can actually challenge Disney in a legal battle.

Yeah, it looks very terrible.

Edited by Knight
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A lawsuit from Nintendo would just end with them getting paid off and the matter not going to court since Disney's virtually untouchable with all those lawyers, but I want Nintendo to do it anyway as a warning "stay in your fucking lane" than anything else, really

This is fucking shameful though, this shouldn't be happening to any company by any company, much less Disney of all companies. I understand they want to make money but a blatant theft like this deserves whatever action can be taken against them for it

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They really slapping to their faces its a splatoon clone like that

and they said kids..

it's also really bad they just made a simple coding to let you recolor things not even actually ''spray'', besides calling it squid and not even having squids

Edited by Icarusu
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Honestly this such blatant, obivious and badly done theft, that maybe I'm starting to understand why Nintendo is so controlling when it comes to copyright.

Honestly things like these will not help us make Nintendo lighten the copyright claims they do all the time.

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Honestly this such blatant, obivious and badly done theft, that maybe I'm starting to understand why Nintendo is so controlling when it comes to copyright.

Honestly things like these will not help us make Nintendo lighten the copyright claims they do all the time.

There's a strong difference between "TAS a game I [presumably] own" and "Make a poor clone of your game and sell it for money". If I were Nintendo I would be suing the f*** out of them.

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I can't say I'm surprised at what Disney is doing because IMO they have been going downhill since Mulan (which IMO was their last really good movie that was not a sequel to Toy Story). This is just going to make Nintendo even more protective of its IPs and while in this instance I hope they sue Disney's pants off, I wish that they would not be so hard on people on YouTube.

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I can't say I'm surprised at what Disney is doing because IMO they have been going downhill since Mulan .................................

HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ...

What about some Pixar movies!? ... Okay, I understand, Disney sucks nowdays, but give some credit to UP, Wall-E, etc!

It's another western sucker money anyway ...

Oh well, at least we have Nintendo for some reasons.

I wish that they would not be so hard on people on YouTube.

Can't argue with that. They say the more ... the merrier.

Edited by Erdall
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original video game do not steal

god, the gameplay gif. just turning entire wall or floor panels inked in one shot? i know the base infinity engine basically had no reason to incorporate a full fluid dynamics sort of system like splatoon and it wouldn't be feasible to implement it specifically for what amounts to a user-generated* game made in a sandbox mode, but come on. for the purposes of turf war-style rules, i honestly can't see that working out in an even remotely entertaining manner

that said, eh, who needs lawsuits? not only is it a bit too insubstantial for one (sure, it's incredibly blatant, but it's also small and delivered as optional user-generated content that you presumably don't pay for), but it's a lot more amusing to see disney embarrass themselves freely than it would be to see them get sued or something. that, and given the tas debacle, i'm not exactly lining up to see nintendo go full litigation for copyright infringements

*the user generating it being the disney infinity devs, of course

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Mulan was the last good Disney movie, what??? I still think Disney's movies are pretty good, honestly, but I consider their animation studios as separate entities as the money-hungry marketing and video game teams that are likely responsible for bullshit like this.

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This is actually infuriating. Especially with the possibility of them getting away with this. It's disgraceful. Even calling it Squid Wars is just an insult to injury, saying "Look at us! We're so cool! You can't touch us!" Even the stages look like a rip off from Splatoon.

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