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Can the apotheosis berserker boss be one shot without DLC or RNG?


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Nightmare mode: You're restricted to only items purchasable from armories unless you have armsthrift.

It seems impossible without doubling, but doubling isn't at all trivial and throws a huge wrench into things.


HP: 99

Strength: 80

Magic: 50

Skill: 65

Speed: 64

Luck: 65

Def: 59 + 5 (Helswath) + 3 (Throne)

Res: 55 + 3 (Throne)



Mt: 18

Hit: 60

Crit: 10

Range: 1-2


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If you mean an OHKO, then that would require a crit, and getting that to 100% (for no RNG) isn't going to be doable alongside the amount of Atk it would require. It's barely possible for the 55 Lck, non-Aegis+ mooks as-is.

If you mean simply killing him in one round of combat, though... That's possible. In order to do it, I'll want to use a somewhat inconvenient and thus not too common trick: giving the pairup to the unit in back, and then fighting adjacent to them to keep their DSes but give them pairup's stat boosts instead. Thanks to Rally not being banned, I can still get enough Skl for 100% DS with relative ease, and I don't care about Spd. It might be possible without, but I've spent long enough on this already and am not in the mood to find out (with doubling it should be fairly easy, but I don't know if you'd count irrelevant DGs as RNG).

Lead with +Str/-Res Robin!Lucina@Hero. She'll use a +5/15 Brave Sword, and have DSt+/Hit+20/Prescience/SF/Vengeance. She won't have a support, but she will be adjacent to Sage Ricken!Laurent with a +5/15 Celica's Gale (you get one from Renown, no DLC required, free or otherwise) and TF/Mag+2/Hit+20/Defender/Skl+2. Laurent himself will have an A Sage support. Note that the -Res flaw is to avoid lowering Lck and thus Hit: Res lowers Res/Mag/Spd, none of which we care about here.

Lucina's Atk (no Vengeance): 42(base) +6(mods) +8(Rally) +5(SF) +2(tonic) +18(B.Swd/WRB/WTA) =81

Laurent's Atk: 46(base) +6(mods) +8(Rally) +9(Sage support) +5(TF) +2(Mag+2) +1(Defender) +2(tonic) +2(S.Dance) +11(Celica's/WRB) =92

As for Skl: Lucina has 46(base) +6(mods) +8(Rally) +2(tonic) =62

Laurent: 43(base) +2(mods) +8(Rally) +7(pairup) +1(Defender) +2(Skl+2) +2(tonic) =65

Together they have 127 combined Skl, which gives 100% DS along with DSt+. Lucina also has >50 Skl, which ensures 100% Vengeance. But we also need to look at their Lck to ensure their hitrates are at 100% (Thronie has 148 Avo, dunno why you listed things like Helswath's range but not that).

Lucina: 45(base) +2(mods) +12(Rallies) +2(tonic) =61

Laurent: 45(base) +2(mods) +3(pairup) +12(Rallies) +2(tonic) =63

Lucina's Hit: 123(base) +95(B.Swd) +15(WTA) +20(Hit+20) +15(Prescience) +15(Laurent adjacency bonus) +30(Hex/Anathema/Charm bot) =295

Laurent's Hit: 129(base) +100(Celica's/WRB) +20(Hit+20) +30(Hex/Anathema/Charm bot) =279 (I don't think Laurent gets Adjacency bonuses, but they don't matter anyway).

Both of them are in the clear by a country mile. Now on to damage.

So the team will do 7+17+17+7+17+17 (they're not doubling, so only one round). That's 82 damage, meaning 17 needs to come from Vengeance. That's normally easy, since it has to happen over two hits, but Lucina will be taking Counter damage and won't be getting the final hit, so it's a bit harder to calculate.

At her strongest, Lucina's final hit will leave her at 1 HP (out of 85). If Lucina goes in with 23 HP remaining, she'll have a +31 Vengeance boost, translating to +16 Atk through Dragonskin and exactly 23 damage taken, so she needs at least 24 HP going into the second hit to survive. This will have her dealing only 22 damage, though, but it's still going to be enough.

So if she wants to end the first hit at 24 HP... 42 HP will give a +21 Vengeance boost, which will yield 17 damage. That leaves her at 24 HP, as desired.

Ultimately, the team will be doing 17+17+17+22+17+17 =107. There's your KO and some to spare, with no RNG involved.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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If you mean simply killing him in one round of combat, though... That's possible. In order to do it, I'll want to use a somewhat inconvenient and thus not too common trick: giving the pairup to the unit in back, and then fighting adjacent to them to keep their DSes but give them pairup's stat boosts instead.

Wow that's extremely interesting. I never would have thought of that.

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