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fire emblem binding blade COMPLETE


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I am a bit of a completionist and would like to see ALL the contnet ever made for fire emblem binding blade. Ie I would like to Try to recreate The 4 promotinal maps that where release in japan.

V - jump and J - jump : pictures of the maps are on the net and eneimes would need to be picked..

Graizel Execution Court - Map was based off the managa and the map is on the net so it should be possible to figure out how that trial map should play out.

Defeat bandits - No idea if this event existed, No images , no information.

Of coruse there is always the chance someone could finally rom dump the above versions of the that have those maps but given the rareity we will most likely be waiting a long time if ever.

I seen that there is a map editor already out, how hard would it be to create new trial maps in the game?

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Simple: just get some of the JUMP scans showing the maps, then get BWDYeti's FE Map Creator, and recreate them as close as possible.


And the editor is really, really easy to use. As far as the enemy placement goes, that's a subject unto itself.

V Map: Start on the bottom-center. A huge swarm of enemies on one far side, and a few elite enemies coming to you on the other far side, with some mid-level enemies in the mid-center corridors. Assuming that "front door" is openable, place some generals there with archers/snipers/mages behind them, as a sort of "hardest yet most direct" route. If you want to make it evil, place a mage/sage with Bolting in the middle, if not the boss.

As for the J Map, use the same map design sensibilities of Thracia 776's chapter 21: obvious emphasis on defenses. Ballistae on the island/around the castle, archers/armorslayers around the castle (and in the hands of the advancing army up the J), Generals on the bridges. Station Horsemen/Paladins with "attack when in range" A.I. around/behind the castle, and a platoon on the tip of the J. Horsemen are, with the size of the map, going to be more effective in traversing more terrain, so equip some soldiers/halberdiers with Horseslayers. One strategy that would easily end the map is using a wyvern/pegasus ferrying a high-DEF General and cheesing the enemies around the castle, but a ballista in addition to the paladins surrounding being equipped with Armorslayers would prevent that. An aggressive strategy should be favorable, if by the time you reach the south bridges you'd be at a tactical advantage. You'd want to incentivize that risk of running into a horseslayer with a reward, after all.

Generic stuff, all in all.

Edited by Kysafen
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