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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Don't worry, I won't be the one to take us down that path ;)

1. Least favorite FE character?

2. Least favorite FE lord, if it's different?

3. What game franchises do you like besides FE, if any?

4. What makes Claudius I worthy of being your current title?

5. Opinions of me, if you have any?

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1. Opinions of the following:



a. ee06c1c24e.gif

b. e67647148a.gif

c. 5e7683bee6.jpg


2. Do you think you have rigid, porous, or healthy boundaries with people? If you wanna specify between acquaintances, friends, close friends, romantic partners, sure thing. For reference, here are some common traits of each:

Rigid boundaries: 
* Avoid intimacy and close relationships
* Unlikely to ask for help
* Has few close relationships
* Very protective of personal information
* May seem detached, even with romantic partners
* Keeps others at a distance to avoid the possibility of rejection

Porous boundaries:
* Overshares personal information
* Difficulty saying "no" to the requests of others
* Overinvolved with other's problems
* Dependent on the opinions of others
* Accepting of abuse or disrespect
* Fears rejection if they do not comply with others

Healthy boundaries:
* Values own opinions
* Doesn't compromise values for others
* Shares personal information in an appropriate way (does not over or under share)
* Knows personal wants and needs, and can communicate them
* Accepting when others say "no" to them

3. Branching from the above question, which kind of boundary do you have for:
* Physical (personal space and physical touch)
* Intellectual (thoughts and ideas)
* Emotional (personal feelings)
* Sexual (emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of sexuality)
* Material (money and possessions)
* Time (how someone uses their time)

4. impressions of yours truly

5. how does it feel to beat me for a re-interview?

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40 minutes ago, Painkiller B said:

HATT u should lift the question limit if possible, this is not a question but a suggestion 

1. first and current impressions!!!

2. what about history fascinates u so much!!!!!

3. skills you want to pick up and why!!!!!!!!

I'll do that Thursday because I have a report to finish before that and WHEW LADS

1. First: ... Uhhh...
Okay, so back when I was but a new Great King of Hatti, I came to HHH for the first time (I don't quite remember why and I also don't remember if I even knew at that time what HHH was), but I remember it was a really fun experience for me. But the thing about that time is that I think you were there, but I can't remember if it was really you or if it was someone else (because I didn't know any HHH people at the time). In any case, it was a good memory! 
If you weren't there, then I don't remember when the first time I saw you was, but one of the first things I remember fondly is the Kimming bird. So good!
Current: Out of all the friendships I have, my friendship with you is definitely one of the weirdest ones. We can go months without saying a word to each other and then we suddenly get the urge to shitpost together and it's like we've always been best friends. It's amazing. I also love your enthusiasm for the things and people you enjoy and also your enthusiasm for the things that the people you enjoy enjoy! I could say so much more, but it would just be a repetition of what I put in my birthday present for you last January.
TL;DR: You're a fantastic person and I love you.
2. Honestly, I don't know. I've just always been really into it, but I never stopped to think about why I'm so into it.
3. The courage to talk to new people because I feel like whatever is keeping me from it (anxiety and such) is irrational, and irrationalities shouldn't block my path. I also want to get better at following my own path and worrying less, because I think that as is I'm hindering myself too much in doing what I really want to do.

43 minutes ago, shezzy said:

hi hatt?

historical area you don’t know much about but you’d like to learn

favorite tolkien characters 

how much would you say you’ve changed since your last interview

current mood


So many. I'm going to go with ancient China. I've wanted to look into for it ages, but I've never found the time.

I knew this question would come and I hate it. Picking favorites is one of the things I'm worst at. But then I also love it because I love talking about Tolkien.
My all-time favorite is probably Maedhros. Out of all the sons of Fëanor, he is the only who is both a strong leader and reasonable (qualities which none of the other sons of Fëanor manage to combine). He is also such a good guy and he has to endure such great torment; first physical torment when he is in captivity and then, just when thanks to Maedhros's efforts victory seems within reach, great mental torment as the Siege of Angband is broken and Maedhros sees himself forced to turn against his own allies because of the Oath - and then that mental torment combined with the physical torment of the Silmaril. Maedhros is the only Elf ever to have committed suicide. Elves could (and some did) "leave" their bodies, but Maedhros actually went so far as to kill himself. It really shows the tragicness of his character. I would also like to draw attention to the fact that he hung by his hand from Thangorodrim for 2 Years of the Trees and 5 Years of the Sun and Moon. All in all, that makes almost 25 years in our reckoning.
But I'm also very fond of Aragorn (wise, valiant, strong, just and a unifier), Mandos (surprise, surprise, I like the judge), Aulë (he's just so loving and helpful), all of the Istari, Durin, Balin, Rog, Ælfwine... I could go on and on. I'm also very interested in Melkor/Morgoth and Mairon/Sauron. The development of their character, the nature of their power, their goals and the many similarities and differences between them.

I don't even remember at what point in my life my last interview was. I've changed much, but the core is still the same. I think I have a far better vision of how I want to live my life now, and that's probably the biggest change.












And then my internet died for three hours, so that was very troublesome as well.

TL;DR: Pretty good, but also pretty frustrated.


34 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Hi Hatti!

I. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

V. Shall you be lifting or extending the question limit?

Hi Tar-Helcë.

I. Fire, purely because of Heraclitus' vision of it. As the force that destroys (by being present) it is at the same time also the force that creates (by being absent).

II. Probably patience for virtues. For sins, probably pride.

III. My friend in elementary school sold me his DS and gave me a bunch of games to go with it. He pointed at this one game called Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and said: "I think you'll like this one."
Boy, was he right.

IV. I honestly don't remember how I was led to the main site. Probably by looking up info on FE on Google.
I've used SF for looking up info as long as I can remember. Very occasionally my search for info led me to the forums. On one of those times I thought: "Hey, I like Fire Emblem so much, I belong here."

V. On Thursday, when I'm done with this report that's sucking up too much of my time and patience.

18 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

To start with the basics:

1. Favorite FE game and why?

2. Favorite FE character and why?

3. Favorite FE lord and why?

4. Favorite FE villain?

5. Opinions of me?

1. None and none! *laughs as one fey* (I'm giving the person who gets this reference a cookie)
I have a policy of not picking favorites when it comes to FE games. I like them all equally!

2. Hmm... Tiki. Has been for as long as I can remember. At first it was just a silly "cute little girl turning into destructive dragon HEH" kind of like, but over time I came to realize that Tiki is actually a pretty tragic character (being forced to sleep until Bantu decides to wake her, then being hypnotized by Gharnef, being put to sleep again, and when she finally is allowed to stay awake and finds happiness, she grows up seeing everyone she cares about die around her) and then Awakening did a pretty good job at showing a mature Tiki too.

3. Leif. He is the most flawed one and he is consequentially the one who learns the most during his quest. 

4. Arvis. Powerful, well-intentioned, proud and tragic.

5. I haven't known you for very long, but you seem pretty cool. You also get bonus points because Dutch people on SF are rare.

20 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Hi Hatty

What's your opinion of Wolt?

Hi Glac!

The failed attempt at a Wolt solo gave me a bit of a bad aftertaste, but overall I like him.

Prefer his mother though.

2 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Don't worry, I won't be the one to take us down that path ;)

1. Least favorite FE character?

2. Least favorite FE lord, if it's different?

3. What game franchises do you like besides FE, if any?

4. What makes Claudius I worthy of being your current title?

5. Opinions of me, if you have any?

I knew I could rely on you, Meap.

1. Tharja. She is the only one who can actually annoy me.

2. Hmm... Man, but I like all FE lords. I'll go with Ike. He's a good character in FE9, but he's so blandly perfect in FE10.

3. Total War, Touhou and Sacred are the biggest ones. I also have way too many The Lord of the Rings- and The Hobbit-inspired games that I enjoy. And I played Age of Empires a lot when I was younger.

4. I went to Rome last July and I just love Rome. So I asked our good members of SF to pick a Roman Emperor for me to theme. In hindsight, that wasn't such a good idea, because there were hundreds (if not thousands) of them throughout history, so the vote was really indecisive. So now I'm doing the ones with the most votes (and the ones that are my biggest biases) in succession. Haven't gotten past Claudius I yet though.

5. I don't know you that well, but you just seem like such a fun guy. The mole shenanigans in the counting thread made me laugh and your interview was my favorite since 1066. Also, you have a Tanya avatar and an Ishtar badge, how could I possible say anything bad about you?


@KeA I'll get to your questions when I have more time.

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On 10/31/2017 at 4:32 PM, Rezzy said:


1: First/Current impressions of me?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any? (I believe you've touched upon this, but feel free to expound upon it.)

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

Hello, sorry for copy paste, but I'm on mobile and want to catch you before you go to bed.

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man hatt your answers are all so thorough and honest, i really appreciate it!! ALSO whew im glad ive yet to reach the (current) question limit and am very eager for thursday =)



also also it's funny that u don't remember how/when we met bc i don't either and lowkey asked that question hoping that u did heh, also also also i love u too

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58 minutes ago, Claudius I said:

Prefer his mother though.

A little too much, don't you think?

1. Tell me about your undying love for Rebecca's legs.


But most importantly:

2. What is the correct answer to 1066?


3. First and current impressions of yours truly?

Edited by Natalie
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congrats on re-interview bud gl on your paper (unless you finished by the time you see this, then congrats treat yourself to tolkien essays) OK

1. first / current impressions

2. who is your favorite cat when you go out to deliver mail and why

3. in vivid detail, what was the weirdest dream you ever had

4. what countries would you want to visit and why

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4 hours ago, Claudius I said:

V. On Thursday, when I'm done with this report that's sucking up too much of my time and patience.

Ohhh, best of luck. I'll try to avoid difficult questions about history and likewise until then.

VI. Fight or flight?

VII. Favorite season?

VIII. Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area, or a combination?

IX. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

X. What is your paper about, or do you not even want to think about it in your down time?

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10 hours ago, Claudius I said:

5. I don't know you that well, but you just seem like such a fun guy. The mole shenanigans in the counting thread made me laugh and your interview was my favorite since 1066. Also, you have a Tanya avatar and an Ishtar badge, how could I possible say anything bad about you?

Aw shucks, thank you! I always try to be an enjoyable and entertaining person, so this is a really big compliment to me.

6. I know my own reasons for liking Tanya and Ishtar, but what makes them worthy of mention in your eyes?

7. What FE games have you played so far?

8. Which FE game have you not played that most interests you? If you've played them all, then... um... Opinions on Roger, the Lovelorn Soldier? I didn't have a good backup question prepared for this.

9. What's your favorite Touhou game? I'm definitely not asking to find out which one I should try to play.

10. What was your favorite thing about Rome when you visited? Feel free to list more than one if you can't/don't want to narrow it down.

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14 hours ago, KeA said:

1. Opinions of the following:

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a. ee06c1c24e.gif

b. e67647148a.gif

c. 5e7683bee6.jpg


2. Do you think you have rigid, porous, or healthy boundaries with people? If you wanna specify between acquaintances, friends, close friends, romantic partners, sure thing. For reference, here are some common traits of each:

Rigid boundaries: 
* Avoid intimacy and close relationships
* Unlikely to ask for help
* Has few close relationships
* Very protective of personal information
* May seem detached, even with romantic partners
* Keeps others at a distance to avoid the possibility of rejection

Porous boundaries:
* Overshares personal information
* Difficulty saying "no" to the requests of others
* Overinvolved with other's problems
* Dependent on the opinions of others
* Accepting of abuse or disrespect
* Fears rejection if they do not comply with others

Healthy boundaries:
* Values own opinions
* Doesn't compromise values for others
* Shares personal information in an appropriate way (does not over or under share)
* Knows personal wants and needs, and can communicate them
* Accepting when others say "no" to them

3. Branching from the above question, which kind of boundary do you have for:
* Physical (personal space and physical touch)
* Intellectual (thoughts and ideas)
* Emotional (personal feelings)
* Sexual (emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of sexuality)
* Material (money and possessions)
* Time (how someone uses their time)

4. impressions of yours truly

5. how does it feel to beat me for a re-interview?

1.a. My lord and savior.
b. My lord and savior.
c. My lords and saviors.

2. That's a tough one. I think I'm healthy-rigid with acquaintances and friends and family I'm not very close with, and healthy-porous with friends and family I'm close with.

3. Physical: rigid-healthy. I can get emotionally close to people quite comfortably, but getting physically close always requires me to get used to it.
Intellectual: healthy. I like sharing my ideas, but I don't overshare.
Emotional: healthy, sometimes rigid. Sometimes it can be really hard for me to talk about my feelings, even with people I'm close with. But it depends. Once I do get past that boundary, I feel like I can do it a bit too much though, so there's some porous aspect in there too.
Sexual: rigid, with a healthy undertone. I can talk about sex and such just fine, but there's a big boundary to cross first.
Material: healthy, I suppose.
Time: healthy.

4. You're one of my best friends and one of my favorite people. We can have really serious and deep conversations, but we can also have dumb fun. You are also my go-to sukusuku expert.

5. idk if i should be more happy that i beat u or more scared for suku's vengeance
I don't really have too much of an opinion on it. Being interviewed is fun, but I wouldn't have minded waiting.

13 hours ago, Arcanite said:

I have one question

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Do you believe in love?



13 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Hello, sorry for copy paste, but I'm on mobile and want to catch you before you go to bed.

Haha, you were too late anyway!

1. First: "What did Shezzy change his name to this time?"
Current: You're great. You're very friendly and helpful and you have a great sense of dry humor. You're also such a mom. And even though you're completely wrong about the fall of the Roman Empire, I secretly enjoy arguing with you about it.

2. I don't think I have any aspirations. Well, I do, but I've already reached them. My one aspiration is to be happy; I am that and I will remain that. I have goals I'd like to pursue (becoming a judge, having a family), but my happiness doesn't depend on them, which is why I think the word "aspirations" is too great for them.

3. I've touched on this before? I can't remember. I like kids in general, but it depends on the age and especially on the individual. I would like to have kids, but I can't say I'm planning anything! I would love to have kids, but I also know I'm not very good at dealing with a lot of things at once, so recently I've been fearing I maybe shouldn't have them.

4. Does Fire Emblem: Awakening count?

5. Does The Hobbit count? (The movies, of course, not the book.)

13 hours ago, Painkiller B said:

man hatt your answers are all so thorough and honest, i really appreciate it!! ALSO whew im glad ive yet to reach the (current) question limit and am very eager for thursday =)



also also it's funny that u don't remember how/when we met bc i don't either and lowkey asked that question hoping that u did heh, also also also i love u too

@bold: me in a nutshell

But Kim, the question limit is 5 questions at a time, not 5 questions per interview...

(Also, I was lowkey hoping that you would remember our first meeting, oops.)

13 hours ago, Chen said:

i. how do you like your eggs?

ii. favorite poem from horace?

iii. favorite roman joke?

iv. have you studied chinese history?

v. are eggs the ULTIMATE food?

i. Eggs are good, no matter how you make them. Except for the eggs in that one hotel in Greece where all the food tasted artificial and bad.

ii. Real men read Livy and Ammian instead.
I'd have said Virgil, but I hate how everyone believes his story of Aeneas in Carthage was something all Romans believed and not just a literary invention of Virgil's.

iii. I'll get back to this when I'm home and have time to thoroughly search my meme folder.

iv. I have read some things about it, but it's so little that I don't think it deserves the word 'study'.

v. THEY MAY JUST BE???????!!!!!!

13 hours ago, Natalie said:


A little too much, don't you think?

1. Tell me about your undying love for Rebecca's legs.


But most importantly:

2. What is the correct answer to 1066?


3. First and current impressions of yours truly?


Only in your head, friend.

1. Development of my thoughts on Rebbeca, playing FE7 for the first time: 
Chapter 11: "She cute, but man, she is soooooo bad."
A few chapters (and statboosters) later: "THE HEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
Cute archer girl who is a valuable member of my team? Yes, please.

2. Ah, you mean the rightful king question? Prepare for a short essay.
So English succession law at the time worked pretty much like this. The King is by default succeeded by his male heir. However, the King may appoint a successor, thus overriding the "natural" succession. After a King dies, the King's powers are taken over by the Witenagemot until the late King's successor is crowned King. This also means that the Witenagemot has the power to appoint (or elect, if you will) a new King, thus overriding the "natural" succession.
The situation was this: Edward the Confessor was King of England, with no male heirs. Edward appointed William, Duke of Normandy, his successor. Harold Godwinson (a very powerful figure at the time) swore on sacred relics that he would support William's claim to the throne.
Late in his life, Edward becomes sickly and delirious. Shortly after Edward's death, Godwinson declares before the Witenagomet that Edward, in a moment of clarity, had told Harold that he entrusted the future of England to him. The Witenagemot then proceeded to elect Godwinson King of England.
By English constitutional law, Harold Godwinson was the rightful King of England. However, his sacred oath should have forced him to resign and support William's case before the Witenagemot. 
Conclusion: Harold Godwinson was the legal King of England by constitutional law, but private law forced him to abandon that position in favor of William. This means that Godwinson was not the rightful King of England, but neither was William; after Godwinson's resignation, the Witenagemot simply could have elected someone other than William.

3. Bubbles, you know the answer to this one. But I'll reiterate because you're a bum and you're probably paranoid that I hate you.
First: I remember thinking you seemed cool and I somehow felt drawn to you.
Current: You are one of my favorite people, probably my favorite person at the moment. We're so different, but we get along so well. You're very friendly and supportive and just generally really fun. You're great. You need to learn to love yourself though.
Bike buddies? Check.
Tolkien buddies? Check.
Waifu buddies? Check.

12 hours ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Was zum ...?

  1. First and current impressions of me?
  2. Languages spoken?
  3. Countries visited?

Natalie has a strange imagination...

1. Hmm... I'm not too sure. I think the terms my mind most associates with you are 'nerd', 'weird', 'awkward' and 'languages' (I'm sorry if that sounds offensive, but none of those things are bad things to me, mind). You seem very intelligent and I appreciate that. I also think it's great that you speak a lot of languages, though I don't think SF is really the right place for it.
My current impressions haven't changed much.

2. I'm fluent in English and Dutch, pretty good in German and French, my Japanese keeps getting better, my Latin is passable, I'm decent at reading Ancient Greek and I have basic knowledge of Quenya.

3. Let's see here... The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Turkey, Greece, Vatican City... I think that's all.

12 hours ago, Archer of Red said:

1. Favourite game genre?

2. Sci-Fi or Fantasy?

3. What movies/books/games/etc did you used to love, but don't anymore?

4. What is the best Batman series and why is it the Adam West version?

5. Damage, Tank, or Healer?

1. I don't care about genres.

2. I don't really have much of a preference, but I think fantasy.

3. Harry Potter.

4. Never seen Batman.

5. I love tanks, but I myself would probably be a healer.

8 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Ohhh, best of luck. I'll try to avoid difficult questions about history and likewise until then.

VI. Fight or flight?

VII. Favorite season?

VIII. Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area, or a combination?

IX. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

X. What is your paper about, or do you not even want to think about it in your down time?

Heh, I actually handed it in today. Thanks!

VI. My instinct is flight, but I'll fight with unwavering determination if I have to.

VII. Spring! I love the warmth, the lengthening of days and seeing things grow.

VIII. I live in a suburban area. Though in my rented place, it's more of a combination of urban and suburban.

IX. Suburban. It's not too crowded and noisy like urban, but it's not too remote and quiet like rural.

X. I actually love the paper! It's just the page limit that bothers me to no end.
I'm a judge in moot court and I have to judge a lawsuit between an employer and an employee about a work accident in which the employee lost part of his finger. I have to write a report on the case with a preliminary judgement before the actual moot court.

3 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

Aw shucks, thank you! I always try to be an enjoyable and entertaining person, so this is a really big compliment to me.

6. I know my own reasons for liking Tanya and Ishtar, but what makes them worthy of mention in your eyes?

7. What FE games have you played so far?

8. Which FE game have you not played that most interests you? If you've played them all, then... um... Opinions on Roger, the Lovelorn Soldier? I didn't have a good backup question prepared for this.

9. What's your favorite Touhou game? I'm definitely not asking to find out which one I should try to play.

10. What was your favorite thing about Rome when you visited? Feel free to list more than one if you can't/don't want to narrow it down.

6. Honestly, for a lot of the FE characters I like, I barely know why I like them. But Tanya was the first archer girl I got to know, and I think I just enjoyed the concept.
As for Ishtar, I like the Camus archetype, but Ishtar is different from the standard Camus. It's not an "I'm loyal to my country, in spite of my principles" thing most Camuses have, she's more torn between her love for Julius and her own convictions. That makes it a far more emotional-personal conflict. I also like how she did act on her convictions (helping Arvis liberate captured children), despite staying loyal to Julius. (Also, she's hot.)

7. 1-13, and I'm currently on 14. I've also played BS FE.

8. I think Echoes is the only one that counts as "FE game I haven't played yet". So that! But I'm also really curious to find out what they ended up doing with the source material from Gaiden.

9. I don't think I have a favorite. If I recall correctly though, you should start with IN because it's easy, and not ancient like LLS.

10. Oh man... I love all the "real" Roman stuff, but Saint Peter's Basilica is just so impressive (though I also feel like people underappreciate St. Paul's). I think my favorite thing from last visit was St. Sylvester's Oratorium though. I just love seeing the lie of the Donation of Constantine depicted on its walls.


@Koneko I'll get to your questions later, friend, when I have more time.

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4. if i hired a man to mug me at 2:34 a.m. and my dad, not knowing of our agreement, shot and killed him, how responsible would i be held

5. something good that has happened to you recently in explicit detail!!!

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1. What is your favourite pastry

2. Why do you love Rome so much

3. If there was one place in the world bar Rome you could go right now where

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6. favourite suku of all time
7. if you could have ONE thing in this world, what would it be?
8. opinions of religion
9. legal naturalism or positivism
10. what countries have you been to so far?

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I am hereby lifting the question limit.

19 hours ago, Chen said:

iii. favorite roman joke?

Does this count?

16 hours ago, Koneko said:

congrats on re-interview bud gl on your paper (unless you finished by the time you see this, then congrats treat yourself to tolkien essays) OK

1. first / current impressions

2. who is your favorite cat when you go out to deliver mail and why

3. in vivid detail, what was the weirdest dream you ever had

4. what countries would you want to visit and why

Thanks, friend, but no time for Tolkien essays for me tonight, sadly.

1. First: I vaguely remember seeing you in HHH this one time, but I had the impression that you were very hard-working and I admired that.
Current: You're one of my favorite people and also one of my best friends and also I love you. You're a great person to talk with, whether it's cats or joking around or serious stuff. Please keep your health in mind though. : (

2. You. Currently, the orange-and-white one I see pretty much every week, because our meetings are so frequent.

3. Okay, so
Back in middle school (don't remember the exact year, but it wasn't very early into it - let's say I was 15 or 16 at the time), I had this dream that I was in, uhhh... I think it was Hogwarts? Either that or it just looked like Hogwarts from some very old PC Harry Potter game that I used to play when I was a little Labarna; but I'm pretty sure it actually was a school of magic. I was there with my best friends Nick (that was actually a friend of mine in my first elementary school, before I moved, so when I was 4-6) and Olivia, I think she was called (that was someone my dream just completely made up). 
I don't remember much detail BUT I do remember that after a while Nick started acting really weird, like lying in fetal position only making weird sounds kind of weird, and we were trying to figure out why and discovered that there was some evil virus spreading through the school?
It was really long ago, so I don't remember much and this is as much detail as I can give.

4. All of them! But the ones on top of my list would be (in no particular order):

  • USA (mostly to see friends);
  • Australia (also mostly to see a friend, but I'd also like to see what that fabled country is actually like);
  • Russia (I want to see the cool historical places like St. Petersburg and Moscow);
  • China (big, important country with a rich history);
  • Mongolia (I just have a bias towards Mongolia);
  • Egypt (ancient history);
  • Japan (I want to see historical stuff and such).
4 hours ago, Painkiller B said:

4. if i hired a man to mug me at 2:34 a.m. and my dad, not knowing of our agreement, shot and killed him, how responsible would i be held

5. something good that has happened to you recently in explicit detail!!!

4. That depends on what country's law applies to the situation. If we're going by US law, I have no idea, because I don't know much about US criminal law.
Going by Dutch law, the following applies.
You are guilty of inciting attempted theft with burglary (art. 47 section 1 sub 2 jo. art. 45 section 1 jo. art. 311 section 1 sub 3 of the Codex of Criminal Law) and inciting breach of domicile (art. 138 section 1 of the Codex of Criminal Law). Inciting attempted theft with burglary is a crime with a maximum penalty of 4 years incarceration; inciting breach of domicile is a crime with a maximum penalty of one year incarceration. According to the rules of cumulation in one deed (art. 55 of the Codex of Criminal Law) you can face a sentence of up to 4 years incarceration.
But all of this depends on whether you intended to incite these crimes. If you had no intent, you are not guilty.

5. Hmm... I don't really know. I mean, I'm generally pleased with things that happen to me and I don't think there's anything that really stood out lately. 
If I were to pick a specific thing though, it would be the fact that @Natalie and I started talking on Skype recently because Natalie is great and I love her. It's mostly been really fun, but I also think we've grown a great deal closer as friends. For the sake of her privacy, I'm not going into any more explicit detail.
If we're going for something less serious, Clamavi de Profundis singing The King beneath the Mountains.

4 hours ago, Pengaius said:

1. What is your favourite pastry

2. Why do you love Rome so much

3. If there was one place in the world bar Rome you could go right now where

1. Probably apple pie. Apple pie counts, right?

2. Both of my parents studied Latin and Greek and my dad also studied history, so I basically grew up with Rome. I've also always admired the Roman Empire for its greatness and developments. 

3. Oh man, that's difficult... Probably a place in the US so I could meet a friend, but I can't decide which.

4 hours ago, Archer of Red said:

6. Favourite kind of weather?

7. Least favourite colour?

8. Is plot or gameplay more important to you?

9. What was the last book you read?

10. Tea or Coffee?

6. Warm but not too hot, clouds in the sky, but no precipitation.

7. I don't think I have a least favorite.

8. Gameplay. Good plots are always nice, but gameplay is what does it for me.

9. The last book I finished was The History of Middle-earth: Morgoth's Ring. I'm currently reading The History of Middle-earth: The War of the Jewels.

10. Tea.

4 minutes ago, KeA said:

6. favourite suku of all time
7. if you could have ONE thing in this world, what would it be?
8. opinions of religion
9. legal naturalism or positivism
10. what countries have you been to so far?

6. Eiki suku, of course, by virtue of being Eiki!

7. I don't know. I can't think of anything.

8. Religion is cool. It's nice that people can find guidance in faith, and it's contributed a lot to culture.

9. Legal positivism. As attractive as legal naturalism sounds ("instead of following the law to the letter, justice always prevails!), it actually encourages disorder and chaos, as people can get away with anything in the name of justice. Justice is, after all, a subjective concept, so what may be just in my eyes could very well be very unjust in your eyes!
However, I also acknowledge that legal positivism is an unsatisfying solution. If you always follow the law, you'll end up with unnecessary actions (stopping in front of a red light when no one's around, not cycling on the pavement purely for the sake of not cycling on the pavement) and, possibly, unjust situations. The law simply can't cover everything beforehand. There's also the problem that wicked/oppressive governments will use the law for their wicked/oppressive acts. 
But in spite of this, I choose legal positivism. And I am devout in that. There's people who pick legal positivism but still allow for minor breaches of the law or for civil disobedience, but I think that stance is inherently flawed, for a reason of logic and for a reason of principle. Logic: you state that people have to obey the law rather than follow their own judgment, but then you allow people to disobey the law at their own judgment; that isn't logical. Principle: the very concept of justice is subjective. There is no real 'right' and 'wrong'. It's all just opinions. But the law is a fact. It is the only objective set of rules. This makes it the only set of rules worthy of obeying without fault.
So in conclusion, I acknowledge that legal positivism is very flawed and unsatisfying; but there is no other solution that is less flawed or more satisfying.

10. The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Turkey, Greece, Vatican City... I think that's all.

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Hooray, no question limit! Now to bombard you with an unhealthy amount of questions!

6 hours ago, Claudius I said:

9. I don't think I have a favorite. If I recall correctly though, you should start with IN because it's easy, and not ancient like LLS.

Alas, I have already "started", in a sense; I have EoSD sitting on my shelf, but... it's intimidating, haha. Sakuya is very difficult for a bad player like me. I'll try to find IN next time I'm in a Touhou mood, though.

11. Have you played and/or enjoyed any of the Touhou side games? Including the official ones, like the fighting games, and any of the more recognized fangames.

12. Best Touhou character, in your opinion? This will be the ultimate test of your taste in characters, so choose wisely.

13. What game consoles and handhelds do you own, or have at least used in the past?

14. Based on some of your answers, I assume you're currently working toward a job as a judge, or at least somewhere in the legal field for now. What makes a job as a judge specifically appealing to you?

15. Ever watch courtroom dramas? And if so, how horribly inaccurate were they?

16. Do you like pasta?




17. Are you feeling bombarded yet?

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10 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Hooray, no question limit! Now to bombard you with an unhealthy amount of questions!

Alas, I have already "started", in a sense; I have EoSD sitting on my shelf, but... it's intimidating, haha. Sakuya is very difficult for a bad player like me. I'll try to find IN next time I'm in a Touhou mood, though.

11. Have you played and/or enjoyed any of the Touhou side games? Including the official ones, like the fighting games, and any of the more recognized fangames.

12. Best Touhou character, in your opinion? This will be the ultimate test of your taste in characters, so choose wisely.

13. What game consoles and handhelds do you own, or have at least used in the past?

14. Based on some of your answers, I assume you're currently working toward a job as a judge, or at least somewhere in the legal field for now. What makes a job as a judge specifically appealing to you?

15. Ever watch courtroom dramas? And if so, how horribly inaccurate were they?

16. Do you like pasta?




17. Are you feeling bombarded yet?

How often have you played yet? It took me a few tries before I could even get to Sakuya. She was very hard for me too though.

11. I played Immaterial and Missing Power once and didn't understand it at all and apparently didn't make it very far.
As for fangames, I'm very fond of Touhoumon. It's like Pokémon, but better.

12. Shiki Eiki! She is the judge. She is the law. She is justice.
(I mean, what were you expecting?)
ALTHOUGH Konngara was actually my favorite for a long time, but she moved to second place quite a while ago. They're still really close though!

13. Let's see... I currently own a Wii U, a DS and a 3DS. I used to have a family-shared GBA, but my brother broke that. -.-
Oh, and I still have this old GameCube!

14. You're right, I want to be a judge! I have always loved law, but what I love most about it is actually interpreting and applying law; and that's exactly what you do as a judge. I don't know if that explains it well enough, but the job just really appeals to me.

15. I've never watched any, but I'm sure they're woefully inaccurate.

16. I love pasta!

17. No, but that's because I have more free time now.

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1 hour ago, Claudius I said:

Does this count?

That was my favorite thing to learn about in History!

... It occurs to me that I haven't actually prepared any questions for you.

XI. Favorite Roman emperor?

XII. Least favorite?

XIII. Not that you're a mythology guy, but any favorite mythology?

XIV. Is morality real or is it a human construct?

XV. What is justice, in your opinion?

XVI. Not that I know much about the topic, but regarding legal positivism/naturalism, do you think there are more possibilities than simply one or the other?

XVII. Myers-Briggs personality type, and does it fit you?

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7 hours ago, Claudius I said:

3. Bubbles, you know the answer to this one. But I'll reiterate because you're a bum and you're probably paranoid that I hate you.
First: I remember thinking you seemed cool and I somehow felt drawn to you.
Current: You are one of my favorite people, probably my favorite person at the moment. We're so different, but we get along so well. You're very friendly and supportive and just generally really fun. You're great. You need to learn to love yourself though.
Bike buddies? Check.
Tolkien buddies? Check.
Waifu buddies? Check.


Having it all written down like this in one place....

You forgot height buddies, friend.

I just remembered the first time we interacted on SF heh.

1 hour ago, Claudius I said:

If I were to pick a specific thing though, it would be the fact that @Natalie and I started talking on Skype recently because Natalie is great and I love her. It's mostly been really fun, but I also think we've grown a great deal closer as friends. For the sake of her privacy, I'm not going into any more explicit detail.

Awwwwwwwwwwww! I feel so honoured.

Explicit detail, huh.
Oh, you mean our Felicia quoting wars, right?

8 hours ago, Claudius I said:

Natalie has a strange imagination...

no u


4. Favourite English Felicia quote?

5. What makes Felicia your Fates waifu?

6. Say something cute in Dutch!

7. Opinions on the casting for the LotR movies?

8. What about the Hobbit casting?

9. How would you feel if I started calling you "gramps" from now on until the end of your interview?

10. Wine, beer or spirits? Or don't you drink alcohol?

11. Favourite type of pasta dish?

12. Do you like your peanut butter to be smooth or crunchy?

13. Favourite flavour of ice cream?

14. Don't British spellings look SO much nicer than American ones?

15. What's your earliest memory?

16. When you coming over to cycle around Roman roads and eat scones with me?

17. So, I know you play keyboards, right? Are there any other instruments you'd like to learn if you had the time to do so?

18. Favourite number?

19. Favourite colour?


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