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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1. What motivated you to play FE1 and FE2? What's your opinion on them?

2. Would you play FE3 too?

3. Do you speak any languages besides English?

4. Are you interested in history?

5. How familiar are you with Tolkien's works?

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1. Favorite Waifu Emblem character? (Awakening, Fates)

2. Favorite non-Waifu Emblem character? (Every other game)

3. Played any other good games lately?

4. Watched any good anime lately?

5. Thoughts on the controversy surrounding Fates's localization?

1. Talking just those two: Cordelia. Series as a whole: Lyndis.

2. The Zelda from A Link to the Past.

3. I have a lot of good games. Been playing through Kid Icarus: Uprising and Super Mario 64 again and still playing Xenoblade Chronicles X.

4. Fairy Tail. That's, like, the only anime I watch.

5. ...I'm going to chose not to answer this as I don't feel like starting an argument right now.

1. How many hours did you invest in the work of your self designed game?

2. If you were part in the developer team of Intelligent Systems, what features (new mechanics, weapons, staves, mission objectives) would you like to add in the next FE game?

3. Are there any other round based strategicals RPGs aside of FE you play or are interested in to play?

4. What do you think about the future of videogames?

5. What's your opinion about Serenes Forest?

1. Hmm... I've been working on it almost nonstop for about a year... Then there's the Unity tech demo... then there are the notebooks...

2. Side-quests (not like Paralogues, but actual quests) and enemy recruiting, Pitchforks, bring back the "status inflicting" staves, and "Destroy Castle"

3. I think FE is the only one I've played, but I've been wanting to try Final Fantasy Tactics.

4. It seems like today's are more focused on money than creativity, so I think they're going to keep doing that. (Hopefully not...)

5. I really like the community and how friendly nearly everyone is to me.



~ Describe your personality

~ Do you love Nyan Cat ?

~ Am I annoying ?

~ Your favorite quote



~ Cheerful and optimistic, with a little bit of everything else.

~ Not really.

~ I think you're just being you.

~ "Just do your best."

~ 6'3"

1. What motivated you to play FE1 and FE2? What's your opinion on them?

2. Would you play FE3 too?

3. Do you speak any languages besides English?

4. Are you interested in history?

5. How familiar are you with Tolkien's works?

1. Just the fact that I had them (on emulators) and wanted to play them. FE1 was in Japanese but 2 was translated. But there were more options than I'm used to, so eventually, I got bored from putting in too many commands.

2. I would, yes.

3. Mostly "hellos" and "good-byes" from various others.

4. It depends on what I'm learning about. But I think history is a great way to learn about how to effect the future, as well.

5. We have the entirety of the Lord of the Rings series of books and movies.

[spoiler=what do you think about this song]

I can barely make out what he's saying, but it sounds good.

Edited by Power Master
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Aw darn.

Whoa, I skipped you?! So sorry! I don't know how that happened!

11. Have you had any other pets besides goldfish?

12. Why is Path of Radiance your favorite FE?

13. Favorite Tellius character?

14. Least favorite Tellius character?

15. What was your first FE?

11. I've had several dogs. And a couple crickets from a school project.

12. It was the first physical copy of FE I've owned and everything about it was pretty much perfection.

13. Aside from Ike, I really like Boyd.

14. Calill. She seems cool, but I just don't like her too much. Perhaps it's her personality.

15. Physically, it was Path of Radiance. Otherwise, Blazing Sword on an emulator.

Again, so sorry about that! :(

Edited by Power Master
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omg can we ask you opinions on songs

If you want to, but I'm probably not the best person to ask about them, tbh. My hearing is lower than most people so it's hard for me to make out lyrics without subtitles. It's easier for me to make an opinion on just the music alone.

But by all means, ask away!

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1. Favourite fruit(s)?

2. Have you ever tried a dango? If so, thoughts?

3. Do you like seafood?

4. What country would you like to visit?

5. Ever played a Harvest Moon game?

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1. Favourite fruit(s)?

2. Have you ever tried a dango? If so, thoughts?

3. Do you like seafood?

4. What country would you like to visit?

5. Ever played a Harvest Moon game?

1. Strawberries.

2. I don't think I have, but I would love to try one!

3. I like fish and shrimp.

4. Pretty much all of them, really. I'd like to see the world one day. :)

5. Never been too big on farming games. It honestly gets a little boring to me. However, I have heard a lot of good things about it.

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x) do you prefer faster songs or slower songs

x+1) favourite genre(s), if any? also least favourite genre(s), if any

x+2) favourite instruments to listen to

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6'3 !? :C



x) do you prefer faster songs or slower songs

x+1) favourite genre(s), if any? also least favourite genre(s), if any

x+2) favourite instruments to listen to

x) Usually faster ones, but it depends on my mood.

x+1) Favorite: Techno. Least: Rap.

x+2) Violin and piano. Mostly piano.

16. Favorite movie?

17. Favorite TV show?

18. Favorite superhero?

19. Would you ever go deep sea diving?

20. Favorite Zelda game?

16. Star Wars VII or Hobbit 1 I think I answered this already

17. ...Pokemon?

18. Spider-Man

19. Totally.

20. Wind Waker.

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21. The dark abyss of an ocean trench wouldn't frighten you?

22. Would you rather have a pet bear or a pet lion?

23. What game would you say you've beaten the most?

24. Favorite season?

25. Favorite non-Nintendo system?

21. The dark itself wouldn't, no.

22. Lion. And I'm assuming it's tame.

23. Super Mario 64 without a doubt.

24. All the seasons hate me, but I'm at my best in Summer.

25. Xbox 360. I have a lot of fun with it's games.

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Of cooooourse it's tame! :P:

26. If the darkness wouldn't frighten you, what would?

27. Are you afraid of arachnids?

28. Have you ever played Tekken?

29. What's your favorite Xbox 360 game?

30. Anything about Summer you particularly like?

26. The creatures that live in it. For example: The angler fish and various voracious beings. I can't exactly say I'm afraid of them, as I have no personal experience with them. But they would make it a struggle to enjoy the trenches.

27. Not afraid of them, per se, but I hate them. I find them all over my house and they get annoying.

28. Nope. The one copy we had ended up crashing our system, I think, so we sold it.

29. Soul Calibur V. (I can make my Power Master characters on it!!)

30. It's not cold. :P

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31. Is Soul Caliber V also your favorite SC game?

32. Do you play the Mario & Luigi RPG games?

33. Which arachnid would you say you've encountered the most?

34. If you could instantly master one weapon, which would you pick?

35. Have you ever seen Star Trek?

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ok ok i finally have an idea

[spoiler=you don't have to worry about making out lyrics because they're in a different language =)]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2Ii_2TfVuA

I like how it starts out smooth and peppy then it turns upbeat. I like songs that do that, or vice versa. Alm's Battle Map I think is another good example.

31. Is Soul Caliber V also your favorite SC game?

32. Do you play the Mario & Luigi RPG games?

33. Which arachnid would you say you've encountered the most?

34. If you could instantly master one weapon, which would you pick?

35. Have you ever seen Star Trek?

31. Nah, that belongs to SCII on GameCube because Link :)

32. Yep!

33. The spider kind? They're normally little ones. I believe the pholcidae is the only one I can classify.

34. I'm pretty good with a sword I think, so I'd probably instantly master that one.

35. Of course!

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34. I'm pretty good with a sword I think, so I'd probably instantly master that one.

^6. What kind of sword?

6a. Do you practice historical martial arts(of any origin)?

7. What are your favorite game OSTs?

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^6. What kind of sword?

6a. Do you practice historical martial arts(of any origin)?

7. What are your favorite game OSTs?

6. Mainly long swords and short swords.

6a. Not really, I mainly just copied what characters like Link and Marth do :P: . However, I have picked up a few tricks of my own.

7. Super Mario 64 for nostalgia, but I think Super Mario Galaxy has the best.

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