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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?
7. Are you interested in law?
8. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?
9. Do you cycle?
10. Could you tell me a little about your game?

5. Describe your day so far using pictures of melodramatic anime protagonists. How do you feel after piecing together this artwork?

haha i guess kim makes you pretty happy then

Koahai, I forgot to mention, you did great work on this.

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6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?
7. Are you interested in law?
8. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?
9. Do you cycle?
10. Could you tell me a little about your game?

Koahai, I forgot to mention, you did great work on this.

6. England or surrounding areas. My family originates from there (and France) and it looks like a great place to be. (Anyone here in England want to confirm that or tell me otherwise?)

7. Law seems to be so corrupt right now. If I were interested in it, I'd do something to try and fix it. Not sure what, though, so don't ask me that!

8. I've always been interested in other languages. I've been trying to learn Japanese, though. Don't know a lot yet.

9. I can cycle.

10. It's a fairly standard RPG game, so along the lines of the original Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest/Warrior. The goal is to obtain these magical wish-granting Gems before the main boss does. ...I keep making it sound like there's a time-limit of some kind, but there isn't, at least not one that I was able to make work. While that remains your primary goal, there are plenty of secrets, quests, and other random fun things to do in it. You can burn trees and find treasure like in a (traditional RPG-esque) Zelda game. You'll travel through forests, castles, pirate ships, spaceships, other dimensions, and you can go to them in any order! I've tried to put my all into making this game and, at the same time, tried to keep it as close to the original idea as possible. It may not be the best game ever, but I want to make it enjoyable and fun.

In case you missed my announcement earlier, the game should be out on the 26th of March.

Edited by Power Master
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How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

What's the oldest video game that you can play and enjoy for long periods of time without getting bored of it too quickly?

If you could choose 2 or 3 SF members to promote to moderators, who would you pick?

If you could revive one game series that hasn't had a new entry in a while, what game series would you pick?

What traits do you prefer in a woman, looks and personality-wise?

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How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

What's the oldest video game that you can play and enjoy for long periods of time without getting bored of it too quickly?

If you could choose 2 or 3 SF members to promote to moderators, who would you pick?

If you could revive one game series that hasn't had a new entry in a while, what game series would you pick?

What traits do you prefer in a woman, looks and personality-wise?

1. Probably a calm person who tries to see every option possible, but can get a bit headstrong and stubborn at times.

2. By long periods of time, I'm assuming more than five hours to a day. If so, pretty much any multiplayer game so long as I have friends playing with me. On my own, probably the original Zelda or Mario Bros.

3. Myself, Anacybele, and Noahfest.

4. F-Zero

5. Think Cordelia with brown-hair and is into video games.

36. Which Star Treks have you seen?

37. On what platforms can I play your game once it's out?

38. Is it a free game?

39. Have you ever visited a foreign country?

40. Favorite animal?

36. The original, Generations, Deep Space Nine (which I am currently watching), all the movies, and a bit of Voyager.

37. Windows systems. I tried to get it to work on MACs and Mobiles, but it didn't work.

38. Yep! :)

39. No... Never left the west coast of the U.S..

40. Definitely gonna go with dogs.

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1. do you like creamsicles?

2). what do you think of blue lipstick?

3). would you ever eat salmon raw?

4). if you could collect weapons, what weapons would you collect

5). how pointy would you like your hair to be

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3. Myself, Anacybele, and Noahfest.

I'm offended!

41. Any specific kind of dog?

42. Will you make a topic once your game is out?

43. Have you ever ridden a horse?

44. Which Star Trek was your favorite?

45. Have you seen any of Disney's recent films (things like Frozen and Zootopia, not Star Wars and Marvel stuff)?

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Are there any games/shows/movies/etc. that you enjoy because the quality is so bad that it's funny and amusing?

First and current impressions of me?

Who are your top 5 favourite male and female characters overall in fiction? (so list 5 males, and 5 females)

If you could have a bunch of elite skill gamers team up with you in a game of your choice, what game would you pick? (specifics like defeating it to the end or to 100%, it being uploaded on youtube, etc. is up to you)

Do you think having a fear of dolls, puppets, or clowns is weird at all?

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1. do you like creamsicles?

2). what do you think of blue lipstick?

3). would you ever eat salmon raw?

4). if you could collect weapons, what weapons would you collect

5). how pointy would you like your hair to be

1. I don't remember if I've ever had one or not, but it sounds good!

2). I don't.

3). Probably not.

4). Swords. Unless working magic tomes were a thing.

5). Something like Natsu from Fairy Tail.

I'm offended!

41. Any specific kind of dog?

42. Will you make a topic once your game is out?

43. Have you ever ridden a horse?

44. Which Star Trek was your favorite?

45. Have you seen any of Disney's recent films (things like Frozen and Zootopia, not Star Wars and Marvel stuff)?

Haha, I just picked the first two people I knew well enough.

41. German Sheppard or a Chihuahua. A cross-bread would be my favorite type of dog! :3

42. I'll announce when the game is released with a topic, and people can discus the game there or in their own threads. I'm getting excited just thinking about it, really XD

43. Yep, twice! Though I don't remember the first time too well as I was about 5 years old.

44. I really liked The Next Generation (which is what I meant in my previous post, not "Generations"), so I'll call that series my favorite.

45. Yes to Frozen. No to Zootopia. And I honestly didn't get Frozen.

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Are there any games/shows/movies/etc. that you enjoy because the quality is so bad that it's funny and amusing?

First and current impressions of me?

Who are your top 5 favourite male and female characters overall in fiction? (so list 5 males, and 5 females)

If you could have a bunch of elite skill gamers team up with you in a game of your choice, what game would you pick? (specifics like defeating it to the end or to 100%, it being uploaded on youtube, etc. is up to you)

Do you think having a fear of dolls, puppets, or clowns is weird at all?

1. The Super Mario Brothers and Super Show. Pretty much any movie video game related. As for a game itself: E.T. (which I have!)

2. I don't remember the first impression to well, but I think you're a pretty cool guy.

3. Males:

1. Mario

2. Link

3. Pit

4. Mega Man

5. Chrom


1. Zelda (of any kind)

2. Samus

3. Peach

4. Cordelia

5. Palutena

4. Maybe Halo?

5. Not at all. My brother has a slight fear of puppets and my dad has a fear of clowns.

46. Favorite Next Generation character?

47. Favorite Star Wars character?

48. Favorite ice cream flavor?

49. Do you like rodents?

50. This is my 50th question to you, are you surprised?

46. Worf.

47. Han Solo!

48. Either peanut butter or strawberry depending on my mood.

49. Eh... not really.

50. I expected more!

EDIT: My dog has a fear of clowns XD

Edited by Power Master
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51. Why Worf?

52. Why Han?

53. Would you ever mix the two flavors?

54. Why don't you like rodents?

55. How many more were you expecting?

51 & 52. Why not! They're both very cool characters (plus I can sound like Worf :D)

53. Um... It sounds good in their original forms, but as flavors, I don't think it'll work well.

54. They get noisy. So noisy in fact, that my dad chucked ours out the window when I was 2! That's probably funnier than it should be...

55. I don't know, I just expected a lot!

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56. Did you think Deep Space Nine kinda ruined Worf's character (that's a complaint I sometimes hear)?

57. If you could travel into the future 500 years or back in time 500 years, which would you pick?

58. If you could meet any fictional character, which would you pick (groups are acceptable, such as "the Path of Radiance cast", etc.)?

59. If you could train under any sensei, whether fictional or real, who would you pick?

60. Am I breaking into the "a lot" category for number of questions?

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56. Did you think Deep Space Nine kinda ruined Worf's character (that's a complaint I sometimes hear)?

57. If you could travel into the future 500 years or back in time 500 years, which would you pick?

58. If you could meet any fictional character, which would you pick (groups are acceptable, such as "the Path of Radiance cast", etc.)?

59. If you could train under any sensei, whether fictional or real, who would you pick?

60. Am I breaking into the "a lot" category for number of questions?

56. While I think he's definitely not at his best, his character is expanded upon as well. So no.

57. The future one, just to see how Power Master is then XD

58. The Smash Brothers cast. It's the only acceptable answer! Otherwise Mario.

59. I don't know too many "real" senseis, but I'd like to train under Master Splinter from TMNT.

60. Probably, but I don't mind. I don't know if there is a "Thread Page Limit" though...

Edited by Power Master
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59. I don't know too many "real" senseis, but I'd like to train under Master Splinter from TMNT.

You've just become one of the best persons in the freaking world.

61. If you could meet either Einstein or Sir Isaac Newton, who would you pick?

62. Would you hug a panda bear?

63. Do you like ninjas?

64. Did you ever play Cops and Robbers or Cowboys and Indians as a child?

65. Do you like card games?

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You've just become one of the best persons in the freaking world.

61. If you could meet either Einstein or Sir Isaac Newton, who would you pick?

62. Would you hug a panda bear?

63. Do you like ninjas?

64. Did you ever play Cops and Robbers or Cowboys and Indians as a child?

65. Do you like card games?

61. Einstein. I think we'd get along.

62. Totally.

63. Totally.

64. I don't think so. Lot of Red Rover, though. And tag.

65. Yeah. I got a lot Pokemon cards. And simple number decks too.

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11. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

12. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

13. Forgiveness or retribution?

14. What achievement in your life are you most proud of?

15. Roman-Greek or Jewish-Christian mythology?

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Life got in the way this morning...

66. Have you ever played Poker?

67. Did you ever get hurt playing Red Rover?

68. Have you ever played "Steal the Bacon"?

69. Have you ever gone paintballing?

70. Have you ever driven a go-kart?

66. Not professionally, but yes.

67. No, I don't think so. But it's been a while since I've played it.

68. Doesn't sound familiar.

69. Yep! Knocked myself out doing it, too XD

70. Once during a trip to Spokane, WA.

11. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

12. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

13. Forgiveness or retribution?

14. What achievement in your life are you most proud of?

15. Roman-Greek or Jewish-Christian mythology?

11. A passive ruler.

12. Legal naturalism.

13. Forgiveness.

14. The one that will happen at the end of this month.

15. I'm Christian, so I'll go with the Jewish-Christian mythology. Though I'm pretty much interested in mythologies of any kind.

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71. If you had the chance, would you pet a wolf?

72. Do snakes scare you?

73. How about clowns?

74. Dolls?

75. Have you ever seen Child's Play with Brad Dourif?

71. Possibly.

72. No.

73. Nah.

74. Nope.

75. Never.

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76. What about A Nightmare on Elm Street?

77. Friday the 13th?

78. Halloween?

79. Have you seen any horror movies at all?

80. What about Kung Fu Panda?

81. Have you ever read any of the Timothy Zahn Star Wars novels?

82. Favorite female Star Wars protagonist?

83. Favorite color of lightsaber?

84. If you could change one thing about Fire Emblem, what would it be?

85. Is making games your dream job?

86. About how many characters are in your party in your game?

87. Besides 64, what's your favorite Mario game?

88. Would you ever go skydiving?

89. Have you ever ridden a rollercoaster?

90. Did the increase in question number throw you off guard?

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