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A theoretical question


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I'll be upfront: this question is strictly for my curiosity. I'm not making a hack: I don't have the time and I've never tried any bit of coding in my life before. However I did have an idea pop into my head one day and it won't leave me alone until I find out if it would be theoretically possible or not. (Not 100% sure if it belongs here or in concepts, took a stab at which place it should be). Please don't go overboard digging through programs or the like to figure it out.

We'll be using FE7 as the engine for this question.

Lets say I made a hack, had Lyn Mode as the way to set the stage for the setting and the Main Character. Throughout Lyn Mode the Main Character is presented with two different paths, each one with a designated Pre-Promoted unit that is that path's guidance. We'll say a Bishop and a Druid for ease sake.

During the last chapter of Lyn Mode, the Main Character would be forced to pick one of the two and stay with it. Then it would be the end of Lyn Mode before the Main Character actually makes a choice.

Could you make it so that Eliwood Mode was the Bishop Path and Hector Mode the Druid Path? And more importantly in this theoretical question: could you make it so that the Main Character would be a different class between those two modes? Like say in Lyn Mode they were a player created "trainee" class that couldn't promote. Could you make it so they were a Monk or a Shaman depending on the path they picked afterwards? I'd image you'd have to make it two different units as far as the game's engine is concern (Like "MC #2 and MC #3, only have them show up in their designated paths) and it would be bests for the supports if they were separated like that as well. Would you be able to have stats transfer from that Lyn Mode Main Character (MC #1 according to the game engine) to the Eliwood or Hector Mode Main Character kinda like how stats between Nils and Ninian went back and forth? Would it have to be only one of them (MC #2 lets say) with MC #3 being SOL?

Thanks to anyone willing to answer my curiosity.

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I don't hack, but it certainly sounds possible. Sacred Stones uses the "branched path" option, so I know it can be done.

Theoretically, anything can be done with hacking. It just depends on the experience of the hacker.

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