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Multiple Lords, choices.


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My idea is to have a story consisting of four separate Lords' tales that can be played in any order.

Once you have completed one of the tales, you are able to continue nonto the next Lord's tale.

Once all Lords' tales have been completed it would unlock the final tale which brings all the Lords together.

If anyone has played Live-a-Live its a concept inspired by that.

I have played Arch's Elibean Nights. He has a similar mechanic he uses the maps sprites for. Is there a way to utilize the mechanics in either FE7 or FE8 Lord selection that could do this method?

...which would be better? Would it be better just to utilize the map events rather than fiddle with the Lord choice coding? :0

Keep in mind, I am more of an artist than a coder. Any thoughts or help with this would be very much appreciated! :D

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Honestly, using the in-game lord select stuff sounds like more trouble than its worth unless you're willing to compromise and have only three lords (replacing EliHectLyn in the menu, although it does increase from two options to three options when you unlock Hector Mode so maybe it is possible to change a number somewhere and up it to four?). As for FE8's lord selection, I seem to recall that it's just a Yes/No choice after ch8 that gives you Ephraim if you say no. I'd say you're better using an EN-style character select.

Multiple points of view in a game that aren't Lyn Mode are cool and I wish you luck!

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Honestly, using the in-game lord select stuff sounds like more trouble than its worth unless you're willing to compromise and have only three lords (replacing EliHectLyn in the menu, although it does increase from two options to three options when you unlock Hector Mode so maybe it is possible to change a number somewhere and up it to four?). As for FE8's lord selection, I seem to recall that it's just a Yes/No choice after ch8 that gives you Ephraim if you say no. I'd say you're better using an EN-style character select.

Multiple points of view in a game that aren't Lyn Mode are cool and I wish you luck!

No, it's an option.

"Travel with Eirika to Rausten?"

"Travel with Ephriam to Grado?"

Then after one option is selected

"You want to travel with [Twin you chose]? Yes/No"

So neither is really going to be better than the other; although EN's hub will probably be the best thing to reference when doing something like this; the 3 lord lock thing only comes into account if you have seizing, so if one lord doesn't seize any objectives in their chapters, then you can proceed as you'd like.

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No, it's an option.

"Travel with Eirika to Rausten?"

"Travel with Ephriam to Grado?"

Then after one option is selected

"You want to travel with [Twin you chose]? Yes/No"

Oh, whoops; I forgot about the option-select thing beforehand. Sorry.

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Hmmmmm... I wonder... Would it be possible to edit the Lyn mode code to continue with a new story rather than just replaying it? :0

Then basic intro over LM, switch over to individual stories somehow with EM culminating into an unlockable finale over HHM.

...maybe they could go over the Eliwood Hard Mode and Hector Regular Mode?

...there is six seperate modes if I remember correctly. LynNormal, LynHard, EliwoodNormal, EliwoodHard, HectorNormal, Hector Hard. :o

Are these actually coded seperately? Or utilizing the same maps in the code?

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