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Is variety of status and debuffs the future of FE?


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I know I'd probably sound like a fool saying this, but honestly, I hope not. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea, and they certainly do add more strategic depth, but to be completely honest, I would've preferred it if FE14 turned down the amount of enemies with those stalves, since beating the RNG is half the game already.

Now, I'm not saying to remove half of the enemies in the game, again I welcome the whole thing with open arms, especially the whole stat debuff thing. I just have an issue with the stalves. And even though Misfortune and Sin has only 3 uses, it's more than frustrating having my units have their max HP halved for the whole duration of the chapter/skirmish/whatever just because the healer was out of reach. (And yes, that has happened.)

Unless I'm mistaken, the effects of Misfortune and Sin CAN'T be cured until the end of the chapter so having a healer won't help you anyway.

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Healers can "tank" status staves, I think that's what he meant. And they're most likely not going into the enemy range anyways so it doesn't really matter if their HP's halved, unlike your frontline units.

Edited by Ryo
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