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A Day in the Life of Lyle Dayek


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Let's start out with last night:

At about 11:35 last night, I realized that I had school today and would have to get up at 6:00 Am to drive to school. Meaning that comfortably, I would have gone to bed approx 2 hrs earlier. Then, I got to bed, and found that I couldn't fall asleep till about 1 AM.

And little did I know that at about 2 AM my power went out, so my alarm that was set for 6:00 would not go off. Luckily, my mother picked up on the fact that I wasn't awake at the appropriate time, and she woke me up at 6:30.

So, running a half hour late, I quickly showered, hopped in my car, and drove like a maniac to school whilst ignoring the the indicator which said E for my gas.

Of course, putting aside the usual traffic that would have allowed me to get to my school in a third the time if it didn't exist, was especially ball crushing today and caused me to be 20 minutes late to class.

When I got TO class, (after the intial "YOUR LATE!" from my hippie teacher that reminds me of the public defender from 'My Cousin Vinny.') she procedes to tell me that there was a quiz today on Chinese myths.

After a brief failure (in this case the word is actually apllicable to an event in my life contrary to the popular 'failures' thrown about left and right in this forum as if it's some sort of beach ball at a graduation ceremony.) the teacher procedes to talk about the chinese myths which consist of inbreeding and violence like any other ancient myth, while the annoying prick sitting next to me drones in my ear.

Next, I scurry to my next class which is across the campus, I hop in my car which continues to scream at me that the fuel is empty and I take about 10 minutes to get to my location, and 15 minutes to find a parking spot.

Next I walk in 10 minutes late to my second class, which actually turns out alright since the teacher had also not shown up yet. So four minutes later after all of the kids stare at the clock waiting for the 15 minute rule to kick in (The rule being: If your teacher doesn't show up after 15 minutes, you may leave the class) my teacher strolls in howling a very gospel "GOOD MOHNIN CLASSS!"

After some more endless droning from our teacher and some day dreaming about how it would be so nice to just jump out of the window and run to my car and drive home, our teacher starts to talk about our group project, Which, in our particular group, is about Mexican American culture.

Now, I'm not racist or anything (although I am a republican.) but I find the Mexican culture to be so droll. Especially when compared to other cultures like: "Italian American" or "Irish American" Or "African American" as well as a few other politically correct cultures. And it doesn't help that I took Spanish for 7 years in middle school and high school and I'm personally sick of it to the point where I want to be one of the guards on border control. (Though I'm more likely to be on border control near canada due to my geographical location.) So I now have this project to work on which is due in two weeks.

After class, I run to my car, and finally lend an ear to it's constant screams and wails of pain in the need of gasoline. So after another 20 minutes of getting of campus and finding a gas station, I pull up and park.

Now, for those of you who pay attention to the news, the price of gas has gone down recently, so with high hopes I pull into the gas station to find that regular gas has gone down about 20 cents. Unfortunately, my car uses midgrade gas which only went down about 4 cents.

So after another silent curse, my car finally stops it's screaming and waits in anticipation for the generic mexican or high school dropout of 40 years of age to pump my gas. About 5 minutes later I notice that the pump I was at was 'self serve'. I silently cursed to myself, and looked around to find that all the pumps at that gas station were 'self serve'. So I loudly cursed to myself, got out of my car and proceded to look at the intructions on the blurry screen in front of me. After several more curses and attempts to make the pump work, I finally got into the grove of putting gas in my car as the vehicle before me gave a satisfied: "Ahhhhhh."

It's a good thing I'm not a smoker. Because if I was, I would have probably lit myself on fire by now because as I pulled the pump out after it was finished placing the life back into my car, excess gas poured on my car and hands.

So, driving home I ignore the smell of gasoline on my hands and make it home saftley.


I do make it home saftley, and with high hopes I walk through the front door, place my bag on the side and begin to take my shoes off, as my mother, who stayed home from work due to her cold which she refuses to take medicine other than advil which has little to no affect on the disease, runs down the stairs and tells me she needs my help. So out again I go, this time in my mother's car as she drives to COSTCO to pick up a trashcan and some milk. So we get the milk, find that there are no trashcans in the store, pick out a few more items and my mother loiters around the book section as I try to find a DVD to bash my head with as I wait another hour for her to be ready to leave.

So we drive back home, drop off the milk, and head back out to Bed Bath and Beyond to get a trashcan. After dropping our new garbage bin on my foot, we get back into the car as I have a near heart attack as some moron nearly runs into us in the parking lot.

When we do get home though, my mother says to me: "Well, *Insert real name (Mike) or online name (Lyle) here.* I'd hate to tell you this, but you need to rake the leaves."

So after some more cursing and a guilt trip, I put on my work clothes, grab a rake and some garbage bags and head out to work. Though, to make the work less hellish after having to rake these FUCKING leaves over 12 times this summer (The police have had to stop me more than once from ignighting the trees in hellish flames.) I go and get my i-pod which had been sitting in my drawer for the last few months.

Only to find that the i-pod said: DATA LOST. USE I-TUNES TO RESTORE.

After some more swearing, I put the i-pod into my laptop, restore it, place a few songs to put back on it, (since more than half of the songs on my i-pod were only on my home computer which has more viruses in it then a cespool which had nuclear waste poured into it.) wait for the battery to charge half-way and go out to rake some leaves whilst listening to Disney, Dragonforce, and Queen songs.

So I sit here at my laptop now, finally able to relax while covered in wet leaves, dirt, and sweat and ask you all: Should I put this in creative? Because it is quite a story.

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I read it all cuz I was bored. I love these kind of "Oh God. I hate life" stories. ^^

In fact, I might do something similar...

Well I don't really hate life. But I do find it irksome often enough.

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