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Hello and welcome to my latest PoR run.

I've decided to pick the game up again because I really enjoy playing through it. I didn't want to go in blind on this run so I decided to do a no mounted units run, simply because of how dominant they are in this game. I'm doing this on Hard mode because anything less is just tediously easy, I feel that would take away any sort of challenge.

Anyway I'll start uploading the first 5 chapters today and follow up with the rest on some sort of schedule...hopefully. I'll leave some FAQ's below just to clarify some things on this run

Q. What difficulty are you playing?

A. Hard mode.

Q. What are you prohibited from doing in this run?

A. I cannot deploy/attack/heal with any mounted units in this run. I also cannot purposely use them to block enemies and force them to tank.

Q. So what do you consider a mounted unit?

A. Any unit that uses horseback or promotes to using horseback as well as Pegauses knights/Wyvern riders/Paladins and yes this includes their respective pre-promotes. I don't consider Laguz to be mounted units.

Q. What about Mist?

A. Arguably I could use her until she promotes but to make it more challenging I have chosen to exclude her from the challenge.

Q. Are you going to be using growth bands?

A. Yes, I enjoy the micro management of the bands in this game.

Q. Are you going to soft reset over and over for the first few chapters until you get near perfect level ups like people always seem to do in Radiant Dawn and end up with a 20 speed Micaiah by level 18?

A. Naah, it's fun to laugh at the pitiful growths of a character who gets screwed by RNG.

Q. What LTC strategies are you going to use?

A. None. This isn't a LTC run it's a fun run, and I want to enjoy it and savour it.

With that over, time to get the chapters rolling in.



Real men play Random growths.

So prologue is pretty straight forward, Killed Boyd, healed; attacked Griel and bested him. Level up was quite generous.


Chapters will progressively showcase more screenshots, more of the dialogue too just to break up those longer chapters.

Chapter 1: Call the sellswords!

To start off Boyd runs up, attacks a pirate and Ike follows in after him. Boyd gets attacked by most of the pirates and blocks their axes with his face. At the start of the next turn Boyd finishes off a pirate near him and Ike manages to get a level up.


Pretty decent level up, at this stage strength is essentially a speed level up due to the weight issues of weaponry. Luck is a welcome level up as well.


Ike manages to secure the house and uses a vulnerary, just incase things go wrong. Thankfully that's a seraph robe to the collection. I'm thinking of handing it to either Soren or Ilyana. The next turn Ike gets back attacked by the fighter behind him but Boyd comes to his aid.


Eh not bad, Boyd may start doubling soon and luck is nice; I just hope he doesn't become screwed on Skill later on.

Ike kills the pirate next to him and hits level 4, a good level up no doubt.


Ike secures both the steel sword and Seraph Robe before chapter end


Boyd on the other hand takes down the boss, I need him to hit level 20 much before Ike does so he needs the EXP.


At this point in the game, an incredible level up. Assuming things stay this way I can hold onto the speedwing from chapter 2 for someone else.

Chapter 2: Don't F**K with the White Mage


Our lord and saviour! The whitemage has arrived! (party)


Not much I can do formation wise, I've chosen this one until Titania comes in and then I'll send her away. Most of the enemies pile Boyd in this instance which is good, the only bad thing is that a Myrmidon will also hit Boyd, hoping for some serious RNG to kill the Myrmidon with his 4 skill :(


Getting some use out of the White mage :)


Titania is out of the way with her axes stripped. Was kind of worried about this but it all turned out for the best.


Meanwhile Boyd is doing some serious damage, I've had him finish off the fighter and had Rhys heal him Ike on the other hand takes the fighter out next to him.


Ike's level ups are really, really balanced at the moment so I'm quite content with this.


This pretty much secures the Speedwing sitting in the Convoy I suppose...A bad level up but at a good time.


He needs the experience :)

Bit late to screeny this one, but Boyd managed to Crit! the boss, now just time to clean up and rake in the exp.




Amazing level ups from the two of them. Boyd getting Str/Speed/Skill in one level up at this point is simply amazing, and that concludes the chapter.


Chapter 3: Thunder and Lightning!


You mean the only ship on screen that just happens to be filled with about a dozen pirates? Yeah I'd guess so.


Thunder and lightning?




Lightning got a critical hit! Not bad at all, meanwhile Titania goes to meet Nasir who just so happens to be throwing out Elixir's


Inb4 restart challenge


I may not need to use this with the knight ward coming up but it's a free bonus, worth it.


Ike heals up, the difficulty is slowly creeping up.


No Skill or Speed but for now they're good enough anyway, this is a solid level up.


Gatrie can litterally solo any map he wants to as of right now.



Well I have 14 defense so...Yeah.


15 defence

After running all the way across the ship, we clinch it. Wasn't in any real danger but the few points of damage did add up



Even with Thunder and lightning here to save the day?

And that, is chapter 3 finished.

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These LP screenie playthroughs are pretty nice, simple and can be quite entertaining when done right.

I like that you're going HM/no mounts to give yourself a bit of a challenge. This game really is easy, but it can't get any easier with mounts of the picture. No LTC? Welp, fine with me. I like how you're actually just "going through the motion", using the characters you want and going for the pace you wish to settle with.

Your characters are becoming really good, really fast. Especially Boyd. It takes like 1 Str+Spd level to get him 1RKO'ing earlygame, it's ridonculous. lawlz.

Q. Are you going to soft reset over and over for the first few chapters until you get near perfect level ups like people always seem to do in Radiant Dawn and end up with a 20 speed Micaiah by level 18?

A. Naah, it's fun to laugh at the pitiful growths of a character who gets screwed by RNG.


inb4 everybody in FE10 drafts & LTC runs ever

I've actually sort of had it with LTC runs. At least, going after the sleaziest 2-turn that would require me to dodge two 70s and crit. a 4%.

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Look forward to seeing Chapter 8 with no mounts.

That chapter is going to be thoroughly enjoyable to play. The pressure of having to fill Oscar and Titania's boots, recruiting Ilyana and killing the enemy general for the Soldier band is really going to force me to go a bit more aggressive than I'd like to.

Try to make the screenshots a bit smaller, if you can.

Following. I haven't played PoR in a while. Good luck and have fun.

Will do, that makes it a bit easier for me to upload them as well :) Thanks for the constructive criticism.

These LP screenie playthroughs are pretty nice, simple and can be quite entertaining when done right.

I like that you're going HM/no mounts to give yourself a bit of a challenge. This game really is easy, but it can't get any easier with mounts of the picture. No LTC? Welp, fine with me. I like how you're actually just "going through the motion", using the characters you want and going for the pace you wish to settle with.

Your characters are becoming really good, really fast. Especially Boyd. It takes like 1 Str+Spd level to get him 1RKO'ing earlygame, it's ridonculous. lawlz.

Yeah I have been fortunate with quite a few characters, some are struggling a bit further on but I'm hoping that will level out in due time.

Chapter 4: Everything goes wrong...

Okay so I've been planning a head a few chapters and here is the predicament I am in at the moment. Thunder and Lightning will leave my party come chapter 8 which is going to be a difficult chapter for me to play because of the obvious handicap. This leaves me with 3 characters to block each of the 3 exits and then Rhys and Soren in support. Mia will be received a forge and all the BEXP I have to try and tank through this chapter which means there will be no BEXP available for Soren for the time being, him joining a level 1 gives me a small window of opportunity to get him up to par and hopefully doubling some enemies so that he can get some levels up and stop being a burden to society the Greil Mercenaries. I'll do what I can to feed him a few kills here and there to get him to a decent standard, with Ilyana shortly I don't want two fragile mages on my hands.

I get a fire tomb on chapter 7 which should come in handy as I'll be giving Mia a forged iron sword for chapter 8 as the armor slayer is too heavy for her to use effectively and Ike will be using his steel sword.

On with the chapter!


On second thought, who's bright idea was it to roam the countryside and get caught with our weapons out while wading through Daein corpses in the middle of a war?

Anyway, I choose to initially have Gatrie kill ta soldier while Shinon does the same which allows me to bring Rhys/Soren/Titania to the north eastern corner of the map without putting them in any real danger; Ike follows up soon afterwards. The tricky part here is forming some sort of barricade which will allow Soren to get in his chip damage without putting him in any real danger; all my BEXP will probably go to Mia for Chapter 8 so Soren has to be a bit more self-reliant here and get some good early level ups.


Soon afterwards things lined up perfectly, whenever Soren got hit by an archer I'd have Ike wittle it down and Soren would deliver the final blow; Rhys would come in to heal Soren and Gatrie would shove him out of harms way. Shinon makes sure nothing creeps up the sidelines.


Wow, that's an incredible level up for Gatrie any speed level ups are generally considered a good level up but here I got practically everything I'd ever need.


Cheeky little chip in here for Soren, hopefully he will gain some speed and be able to start doubling sooner rather than later.


Going to use the Iron bow here, hopefully Shinon doesn't land the critical hit and Soren can come in for a nice easy kill and then get shoved out of harms way.




Ike is coming along really nicely and I'm pretty glad about that, especially as he's going to be soloing Black Knight and let's be honest; probably Ashnard


This caught me completely off guard and I yelled "OH SHIT!" when I saw a second attack incoming. I'm very fortunate to have gotten away with this.


Please don't kill it Shinon? :)


Score! Now all that hard work will finally pay off, Soren will level up and be able to contribute just that little bit more to the mercs.



Swiftly moving on...Rhys gets his level up.


I'm already looking forward to chapter 18 when I announce I'm benching Soren. For Rhys.


Gatrie's last level up was worth like three regular ones so I'm not at all ticked off by this. Can't have great level ups everytime.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say as you're the first generic enemy general we've seen in the game and a pre-promote commanding more pre-promotes, that you are not Daein's finest.


Soren gets a chance at redemption, he has got the Thief band equipped so I feel confident.



Well done Soren, you've managed to somehow become more useless than Rhys.

With that, we conclude chapter 4.

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For chapter 8 if you're struggling, only deploy ike. it sounds crazy but only having him deployed means he can stay on the defend square that has dodge boosters and (i think) defense up as well. the obvious disadvantage is only ike will get exp but if it gets to that point there is a way around the constant resets from mia not being luck blessed.

On a slightly unrelated note, how do you take screenshots of only dolphin? do you take the whole screen and crop it or is there a specific function?

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For chapter 8 if you're struggling, only deploy ike. it sounds crazy but only having him deployed means he can stay on the defend square that has dodge boosters and (i think) defense up as well. the obvious disadvantage is only ike will get exp but if it gets to that point there is a way around the constant resets from mia not being luck blessed.

On a slightly unrelated note, how do you take screenshots of only dolphin? do you take the whole screen and crop it or is there a specific function?

I use PuuSh software and have mapped the printscreen key to be used as the hotkey for "Capture current window" which only captures my dolphin screen. It also leaves a copy of the screenshot in a folder I have called "Fire Emblem Path of Radiance" with more folders inside it. I have a folder for each chapter so I don't get muddled up with any screenshots.

Anyway the issue I have with letting Ike solo that chapter is Boyd is probably going to need all the EXP he can get. Kotaff is quite a difficult boss on Chapter 9 IIRC and Danomill on Chapter 10 is also a pain in the ass, albeit optional. If I end up dying like 5 times in a row on and see no alternative I'll definitly give it a shot.

Chapter 5: Gatrie, the worlds best knight


Actually it's ranger Ike, haven't promoted to Lord just yet.


Damnit! Soren must of dropped Greil Mercenaries business cards at the battlefield again...


I like Shinon!


Alright so this is the setup Gatrie is going to run straight down and Ike will run south aswell to wingman him, Rhys will shove him and stand in the middle as he is going to have to heal both Ike and Boyd and maybe Shinon. Soren will stay south as he can be shoved out of harms way if needs be. Oscar and Titania will run east out of the way and Shinon will go west with Boyd as Boyd cannot hold that front alone.


Rhys the versatile!


Gatrie uses a torch which gives me an indication to how many enemies are out there, most notably on the western front. Turns out there are lots.


Taking out these archers and the fighter with the hammer is my main priority here, I want Boyd to take as little damage as possible due to his lack of defense; thankfully his speed is more than reasonable so I don't have to worry about doubles.


Boyd takes the fighter out and doesn't get hit by the hammer which is very juicy! One thing I noticed here though is this particular enemy NPC is noted as a "Mercenary" and then a "Fighter" underneath, whereas every other enemy on the map is listed as "Soldier" then respective class underneath. Now am I honestly supposed to believe that a local mercenary was just walking by when he saw a small portion of the Daein army lay siege to the Greil Mercenary camp and decides to just "Jump in" to a battlefield and side with the guys who invade his homeland for no pay? I know it's probably just a typo but it still grinds my gears!


Back on topic Rhys heals Ike and I have Ike shove Rhys back out of harms way to avoid a repeat of Chapter 4 where Rhys almost gets himself 1RKO'd.


May not look it but this is a decent level up, can't have enough HP and I definitly needed the resisitance; speed is also a welcome addition too.


We don't unlock anything special here but still nice to see progression.


Alright so this is a decent level up once again. HP is a given with Boyd and getting his strength up means he's closer to using Steel axe with no penalty (WT. 15) and skill is a welcome addition so I don't have to worry about forging axes with bonus hit rates.


I've gotta take this aswell, I wanted speed but strength is even better and magic going up is great too. Soren is on the path to redemption!


Truth be told I didn't even know the soldiers had javelins this early on, still; Soren manages to jump out of the way and avoid some damage.


Gatrie manages to get a critical hit on a cavalier, that'll do nicely!


Holy shit!


This is another decent level up, with how chapter 6 starts off I need Boyd to reliably hit things so I'll gladly take this for the time being.


Soren moves over west for a few turns to help out Shinon and Boyd and its good to see he's finally doubling.


Gatrie and Ike on the other hand have managed to defend against pretty much all of the enemies to the south.


It probably helped that you spent the whole battle rushing a knight and didn't bring a single mage with you


Slaughtering two Daein battalions in one day probably solidified that. Letting the enemy general run back to Daein to tell them you have the princess probably wasn't the wisest thing to do either.

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Sorry for lack of updates, I've just turned 23 today so woop! Been quite busy travelling etc.

Chapter 6: Soren, the worlds worst mage


Well thanks for that mental picture Gatrie. Still not as inappropriate as Shinon I guess


Ike should really introduce him to to King Caineghis before Shinon leaves...


Swiftly moving on! I bring Soren, Boyd and Ike down to take down as many enemies as they can. Soren was close to leveling and gets this level up which is pretty...balls! Defense is a nice level up sure, but resistance is next to useless at this stage of the game and he has no problems hitting anything so skill is almost as bad; we need speed Soren, SPEED! I even gave you the thief band!


This...looks slightly dangerous. Assuming Ike gets hit and Boyd fails to ORKO the mage that will leave Ike 11hp and vulnerable to two soldiers and a mage on the next turn, even worse Soren is vulnerable to the same enemies as well. I go for the safer option and attack the enemy soldier instead. Boyd attacks the mage and kills him while Soren adepts proc the last enemy soldier. On the next turn I have everyone chug a vulnerary and for good reasons too.


Of course the poleax would hit :(

Desperate times call for desperate measures...


Bring out the white mage!

Now things have calmed down a little bit we actually start to take some enemies down without relying on RNG to save our asses.




Quite the level up I must admit.

Rhys on the other hand...Not so much


Thanks Rhys, Now I have two s**t mages.

So yeah, Rhys has the archer band and Soren has the thief band. I can't wait till both start getting doubled by armoured knights!




Not getting closer to using Steel axes without a speed penalty but with that speed growth I can almost afford to. It's not too big of a deal, a forge will fix those issues for now.


I got very lucky here, I didn't read think Ike's HP was so low and once the battle started I thought it was game over.


Seems like the most appropriate thing to do here.


Defense is looking a little bit shaky here but with such a high speed stat at this stage that will certainly do wonders for Ike's avoid for the next few chapters.


Cracking stuff Boyd! I have Boyd take out the soldier on the left and the level up does not dissapoint.




Thanks Rhys...Sadly one of the better level ups he has had so far.


And that concludes chapter 6!

Chapter 7: Goodbye thunder and lightning


Mia is here! Hopefully she'll turn out okay, based on past experience she is hit or miss; much like Zihark is for me too.


Not showing this so much for the dialogue but the map itself so you can see sort of enemy placement here.


Soren is actually doubling here which helps a ton, nice to get the enemies here a bit more under control


Holy shit!


Oh! I wonder who this mystery and unknown warrior is!


My god...are my team on PED's this map?


Gatrie is actually doubling other knights, I'm going to miss the lovable bastard.


Skill is nice, that's a good level up.


This may come in handy in future chapters, hopefully the AS penalty on Mia won't be so disastorous.


Look at that weight...What is this supposed to be, the buster sword?


Hahahaha! On second thought maybe I'll hold onto it for awhile.


Almost missed this level up. Speed might seem a bit low but the knight ward will fix that up.




I can't complain after the last level up but still got awhile to go here.


Boyd takes out the boss and gets an awesome level up!


Probably going to put this on Ilyana? Not quite sure yet.


What the hell Soren!

Soren cleans up house to get a last level up, it can't get much worse than this.



Chapter end /

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Happy birthday!

Hahaha thanks Trago :)

I'll just edit this post for Chapter 8, let's see how I do?

Chapter 8: Mia the MvP




No! Ike don't be stupid!

Anyway the scene ends and everybodies sad and everybody cries, thunder and lightning announce their departure to Boyd and Oscar and as the new commander I now have access to the base etc. Now the first thing I do is give Mia the Knight Band bumping her growths up to 45% strength and 25% defense so I'm hoping this will give her just enough growth to survive this chapter. With keeping in with the rules I didn't reset any of these, may be slightly hard to believe with how lucky I got but :/ what can you do.






At this point I was so impressed I decided to unload the rest of my Bexp on Rhys




This goes back to Boyd and I also forge Mia a new weapon. Couldn't think of a good name so yeah :( We get that.


I also use the seraph robe on Mia, I feel it's worth it at this point.


Giving Boyd the hand axe here is ideal due to the 1-2 range of some of the horseback here.


This is how I've organized my team on this map and Boyd gets the ORKO + a weapon level up here.


What is even more shocking here is that Boyd has the knight band equipped for even further strength growth. Boyd's speed stat has somehow overtaken his strength.


A nice level up but in hindsight I should have given him the armour slayer (see map)


Mia on the other hand is doing a decent amount of damage to the armoured knights.


Go Rhys!


Vulnerary was used here just incase, after how far I've gotten in this chapter I didn't want to throw it all away.


With the amount of 1-2 archers (Including one with a longbow) and a knight at the ready I don't want to risk Ike dying.


Mother of god.....


Turn 4 and Mia has cleared her area somehow... :o


I'm happy with this level up.


Rhys heals Ike and I have Ike shove Rhys back a square, might be kinda hard to see here but yeah :)


Still speedy! Good thing here though is there is no longer any AS penalty from Steel Axes anymore, skill is also a welcome level up and I'll probably give Boyd the Dracoshield too.


Go Mia!


Boyd kills Kamura for the Soldier band. Mia helped alievate a lot of the pressure by taking down the western front so soon and being able to help Ike.


Let's be honest, with Soren's growths I really needed this.


Well, I suppose this helps out Soren if I find any Elfire tombs coming up soon.


Not the best level up but I can't complain with how lucky Boyd has been so far.

I move Ike out of the way and use Soren as a meatshield, due to mages being left on the right hand side he can take it with his resistance while Ike may struggle to. I have Mia go south and block that off as Boyd is too far away.


We made it boys!

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Okay so maybe you didnt need to ike solo... you still only get lyre's crappy sister for this game

Lethe is amazing in this run with a 16/20 transformation gauge :o Essentailly irreplaceable until Hawks arrive!

Chapter 9: Laguz units arrive!


We craft a forge for Rolf and name it appropriately, as well as equipping Rhys with the archer band. His speed is abyssmal...


Defense was needed here and everything else looks great too. Expecting good things from you Ike!


Speed is incredible, still not gonna be doubling anytime soon but it's a work in progress.


I'll take it!


Mordecai is quite the savage at this point of the game, I intend to make good longterm use out of him.




Eh...Str is good but...Bah! Whatever, I'll take it


Good job Rolf.


Soren is actually redeeming himself...somewhat.


This is kinda useless as Rhys will still get doubled which is essentially ORKO.


You suck!


Going strong Rolf!


Great level up IMO, everything I needed.


He was actually quite tough for being a million years old.


Oh poop :(

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Oh i know, that was on a pure laguz run where every laguz was maxed out super early it is completely meaningless t everyday gameplay. No hackz though. I'm not 1337 enough for that. She is literally the shittiest est laguz unit every imagined and i say est lightly

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Chapter 10: Prison Break!

Boyd turned out better than expected and I felt like now was a good time to start using my stat boosters.



This seems ideal for Ilyana, I need her to get some decent stats up for long term; especially as she's the only one able to use RexBolt.

I may be favouring Boyd here a little bit but I do love him.


and I decided to have Michael Scofield help me break out of the prison.


Boyd gets benched as well as Mist who isn't allowed in this playthrough either.


Ilyana with her Thoron tomb really helps her get some big hits right off the bat.


Typical, I invest in Ilyana and Soren starts being good.


Yeeey! Nephenee!


Defense is good,




Oh Danomill! I bet you say that to all the boys!


Ilyana you are a savage! I love you


Tyrannosaurus REKT ☑


Speed is a good level up, I am happy!


Mia is just...simply amazing in this playthrough, WOW! Who needs Stefan?


Rolf is getting there!



For his help in assisting us in our escape, I accept Scofields application to the team.


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I'm in it for support (,:

This ain't no game Trago.



I'm envious, almost...


With emulators, it's hard to tell whether you're running hacks or not. Anyway, personal experience means nothing. The general consensus is that Lyre's bad.

As far as I know, there aren't really much of any means to hack FE10. If anything, it could just be savestates- which, to my experience, aren't the most versatile of creatures. Easy and Normal Modes, however, they do provide solid means to getting the desired results, emulator or not.

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As far as I know, there aren't really much of any means to hack FE10. If anything, it could just be savestates- which, to my experience, aren't the most versatile of creatures. Easy and Normal Modes, however, they do provide solid means to getting the desired results, emulator or not.

You don't know that AR codes and other cheat codes exist? Because they do.

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Clearly, I don't. I've lived in a hole for 18 years of my life, I barely have any idea, I'm only open-minded enough to be able to tell that certain things are signficantly more accesible through normal means. You know, without all the hastle of having to go through that, and actually putting in the work.

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Sorry guys been playing other games, I apologize for lack of updates.

I did, however prepare for something like this and recorded in advance, I hope this makes up for the wait :D

Chapter 11: That chapter that's a pain in the ass without mounted units


Small tribute here to kain from FFIV, the whole getup that Nephenee has reminds me of the whole Dragoon class from that era. Plus she sucks at the moment and needs a spear.


Boyd needs this, he's our MvP at this stage. No Beorc in my team can equal his damage output as of right now, plus his amazing speed growths are causing him to double everything.


...I don't see much potential in Brom if I'm completely honest. It's still worth seeing how he turns out and besides, If he turns out shit at least it'll be hilarious.


Bit of Bexp use here, I could use it on someone else but I feel if I don't use it on Rolf he won't be able to keep up with the rest of the team.


Gain a strength level you little green haired prick.




Well, you'll be on forges until endgame then...




Who would've guessed, Soren having the best level up :/.


"If we need allies I'll take the guys who are invading our country and killing us, rather than the only country Crimea seemed to form any sort of bond with" smh.


These guys are so useless I'm not even sure if they could kill Mordecai untransformed.


I couldn't resist :D


Still can't ORKO but it's fine, I'll deal with Rolf being chip damage for now.


Ilyana you are incredible.


It took all these units to clear out the area, things are definitly getting tight now. Every few chapters I feel the difficulty nudge up a bit more.


Nephenee isn't doubling but with her Wrath she's managing to hold her own. I hope that'll change soon, if Nephenee get's speed screwed I'll give her the Knights Ward so that shouldn't be an issue.


If you gave a Mymirdon an energy drop and a seraph robe. This would be it.


I'm not sure how useful Zihark will be, I didn't expect Mia to be so OP so he may be benched later on.


Straight to Boyd, he is by far my most valuable member at this point and I want to maintain that.


Rhys you are going to get doubled by knights at this rate. Try leveling speed.


Again, essentially a speed level up due to weight limits.


Thanks Haar, battlefields full up as it is.


Aside from this being an okay level up, look at how unproportional Mordecai's head is to the rest of his body.


This is probably going to go to Nephenee, however she needs weapon ranks before being able to use this. So for now, this weapon will probably remain unused.


Oh god, the dork knight is here. Not really what I wanted to see.


This guy made me restart so much because no one could ORKO and most of my team is vulnerable, chip damage players. I had Boyd and Mordecai duo him and take him out and this worked well, finishing the chapter became a lot easier after Mackoya was taken out of the map.


I won't complain at this. Boyd is more than competent in this playthrough that a dud level up doesn't hinder him so much right now.


Wyvern riders to my south, Black knight to the north. I think I'll have these guys stay stationary until I hit the boat :D


Mordecai just tears through pretty much anything, I'm very pleased to have him in this playthrough.


We made it! And I wont lie, this took 3 attempts :).

More to come soon :)

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As far as I know, there aren't really much of any means to hack FE10.

Well, there are. Don't say that there aren't without actually knowing. And don't give me a reason for trying to counter my knowledge with information you can't back up either.

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Soren for the time being, him joining a level 1 gives me a small window of opportunity to get him up to par and hopefully doubling some enemies so that he can get some levels up and stop being a burden to society the Greil Mercenaries.


Anyway, I choose to initially have Gatrie kill ta soldier while Shinon does the same which allows me to bring Rhys/Soren/Titania to the north eastern corner of the map without putting them in any real danger


You do realize that's a lot more hilarious than intended, correct?


I'm already looking forward to chapter 18 when I announce I'm benching Soren. For Rhys.

Enter the White Mage? :smug:


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say as you're the first generic enemy general we've seen in the game and a pre-promote commanding more pre-promotes, that you are not Daein's finest.


Now things have calmed down a little bit we actually start to take some enemies down without relying on RNG to save our asses.



Why you'all be gangin' up on that poor Knight. ),:


Thanks Rhys, Now I have two s**t mages.

Or, liek, you know, a shitty mage struggling to carry his own weight and a staff user (aka, the guy keeping your team alive.


The Dark Knight looks so cool there.

I didn't reset any of these, may be slightly hard to believe with how lucky I got but :/ what can you do.

The heck are you talking about, your Rhys and Sor-






I take back what I-




This goes back to Boyd and I also forge Mia a new weapon. Couldn't think of a good name so yeah :( We get that.

It's not your fault a generic, real-life sword's name sounds so cool!


I also use the seraph robe on Mia, I feel it's worth it at this point.

It hella good to be investing on her. Those BEXP levels were insane, couple that with her current stats...

What is even more shocking here is that Boyd has the knight band equipped for even further strength growth. Boyd's speed stat has somehow overtaken his strength.

Is this, liek, FE5?


Mother of god.....

You mean Mother of Mia, rite.

Still speedy! Good thing here though is there is no longer any AS penalty from Steel Axes anymore, skill is also a welcome level up and I'll probably give Boyd the Dracoshield too.

Yeah, because you need to be super fast to actually double in this game... e___e He's TitaniaGod Mode, at this point.


We made it boys!

Yeah, you guys, instead of them. Those poor, little, generics!

I'm sure you guys had such a hard time with that "EZ" EXP. :smug:

Okay so maybe you didnt need to ike solo... you still only get lyre's crappy sister for this game

It's the other way around, bruh. :awesome: And to be quite honest, Lethe is super good in this gaem. Like, even in Maniac Mode.

Mordecai is quite the savage at this point of the game, I intend to make good longterm use out of him.

Mordecia's pretty good, yeah. Only problem would be his Spd a bit, but it gets going with that nice Spd growth (50%).

Sorry guys been playing other games, I apologize for lack of updates.

It's okay, I play other game as well. I play Smash a ton, but I would really like to play a lot more Zelda and Sanic.

These guys are so useless I'm not even sure if they could kill Mordecai untransformed.

Lethe. You definitely mean Lethe. Untransformed Lethe, that is.


If you gave a Mymirdon an energy drop and a seraph robe. This would be it.

Moar, like, 3 Energy Drops and two Angelic Robes. Maybe actual, competent 2-range as well.


Mordecai just tears through pretty much anything, I'm very pleased to have him in this playthrough.

Mordecia's so good. (,: You should see him in Maniac Mode...


We made it! And I wont lie, this took 3 attempts :).


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