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Character's Ages


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Maybe 'love at first sight' meant platonic love? Like a sibling seeing their younger brother/sister for the first time.

She said loved him as a man

CAMILLA: But I... I love you so much. Not as a brother, but as a man. I always have, from the moment I laid eyes on you.

Edited by HTakara82
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Well,if we want to at least figure out Marx/Xander's age we have to try to figure out exactly when his mother died,and how old he could've been then.Same for the Hoshido siblings.Since the actual year is never mentioned (I think),we can't really make concrete ages for all of them.

For Kamui,we have to figure out how long is the difference between the Invisible History and the main story,and figure out how pregnant Mikoto was when she fled the Touma.Did she give birth a couple months after she left,or did she not know she was pregnant with Kamui at the time,which would be about nine months.The different builds of Kamui also look like one's older then the other.

This is why you should never let me into logic threads.

Edited by ShadowShine
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Well,if we want to at least figure out Marx/Xander's age we have to try to figure out exactly when his mother died,and how old he could've been then.Same for the Hoshido siblings.Since the actual year is never mentioned (I think),we can't really make concrete ages for all of them.

For Kamui,we have to figure out how long is the difference between the Invisible History and the main story,and figure out how pregnant Mikoto was when she fled the Touma.Did she give birth a couple months after she left,or did she not know she was pregnant with Kamui at the time,which would be about nine months.The different builds of Kamui also look like one's older then the other.

This is why you should never let me into logic threads.

In Invisible History it's stated that Kamui was just born before they fled. Aqua had also been born then, but who knows how old she was.

Not that this info helps much though...

Also, if real life logic holds, it's said that most people's memories only go back to about the age of 3-4, which means Kamui was at least that old when being kidnapped.

Edited by teddybearyt
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You're right, it was awhile since I read it. Sumeragi brought Mikoto after the fact, of the other 4 being born, and she had a child with her (you). Apparently Sumeragi told the others that they were bruddahs from another mutha, lol sorry had to do it lol. Until sometime later after you were already kidnapped, that the siblings were told the truth that you were from a different father and are not related.

I LOL'd at that :D But Ryouma knew even before you were kidnapped that you weren't his sister, since Sumeragi told him personally. Mikoto then wrote letters to the other three siblings after Kamui came to Hoshido to let them know the truth in case they were to fall in love with Kamui (which I personally find to be a really contrived way of letting them know the truth, but hey :P)

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For most people, Kamui is around 16~20 during the game but for the sake of calculation, I'll take 18 as a reference.

From the informations gathered on this thread, Hinoka was old enough to remember Kamui's kidnapping. Considering the believed age where you start to form memories is 3~4, Hinoka is most likely at least 3~4 years older than Kamui . That makes Hinoka 21~22 at least.

Now, moving on to the fact that Camilla fell in love with Kamui at first sight, we can try to determine what was Kamui's age when he was taken away. We know that Elise wasn't born yet during those events. The admitted age for Elise is 11~14, so that makes Kamui 4~7 if we assume Elise was born not long after the kidnapping.

So, Camilla fell in love with a 4 to 7 (as weird as it sounds but it's Camilla we're talking about) years old Kamui. Camilla must've been through puberty if she "loved him as a man" when they met because that's the age where your hormones begin to boil. Puberty begins around 11, as far as I know, so Camilla should be at least 4~7 years older than Kamui. Which would make Camilla 22~25 during the game.

Apparently, Hinoka is supposed to be older than Camilla but if we say they are both 22 it works well considering Hinoka's birthday ( August 18) is before Camilla's ( November 30 ).

If Kamui is kidnapped at 7, that makes Elise 11 ingame. Sakura is supposedly older than Elise (although I don't know if she was born before or after Kamui's forced departure, feel free to let me know if it's indicated somewhere) so she's >11 years old.

Of course the results vary depending on the age you give Kamui (for example if he's 20, his big sisters will be 24) or various other things like Elise's age ingame, Camilla's when she meets Kamui (if she was 10, she would be 21~24 now), Hinoka's when Kamui is born...

TL;DR:[ Kamui is born: Hinoka is 3~4 ] ; [ Kamui kidnapped when he's 7: Hinoka is 10~11, Camilla is 10~11, Elise is born not long after ]

[ 11 years later: Kamui is 18, Hinoka is 21~22, Camilla is 21~22, Elise is 11, Sakura > 11 ]

My personal favorite scenario is with a 20 years old Kamui. If Camilla meets him when she's 10 and Kamui is 7, it makes her 23 and Elise 13 when Kamui is twenty. If we say Kamui was born when Hinoka was 3, then twenty years later she's 23. Elise is 13 so we can say that Sakura is 14. This is mainly for less younger lil sisters and a less weird age gap between Camilla and Kamui when they meet (taking in consideration Camilla's love at first sight).

Now, I don't claim this is right and there may be mistakes because (I suck at maths and) my knowledge on the game and characters is limited (gotta avoid dem spoilers). This is why if someone has some more canon info about a character's age or period of birth, I would be glad if they told me (but please spare me the story spoilers).

Edited by Joker with Glasses
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You know, maybe it's just me, but I don't think the writers put much thought into the timeline when he wrote that support.

I mean, there is no way Camilla is below 20. I think 22 is already pretty low. And putting Kamui at 20 is quite high for me.

Maybe if you use the 'older male' body type. But the defaults don't really look like that, to say nothing of the young female model.

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To have Camilla love Kamui as a man at their first meeting, their age different wouldn't be large. 1 maybe 2 years.

10 and 7 doesn't sound so unbelievable to me and plus, let's be real, Camilla is a little odd.

You know, maybe it's just me, but I don't think the writers put much thought into the timeline when he wrote that support.

Well, if they didn't put much thinking into the characters' age, someone ought to ^^ I know I'm probably overthinking it but it's fun so I don't mind. Concerning Camilla, I could see her as a 22 years old, the young female build really doesn't fit a 18 or more Kamui though. Edited by Joker with Glasses
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10 and 7 doesn't sound so unbelievable to me and plus, let's be real, Camilla is a little odd.

Well, if they didn't put much thinking into the characters' age, someone ought to ^^ I know I'm probably overthinking it but it's fun so I don't mind.

I dunno, they've made high school girls look like Camilla in anime's for a long ass time.

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I dunno, they've made high school girls look like Camilla in anime's for a long ass time.

Yeah, Japan has that tendency to make a character look younger (example: Taiga from Toradora) or older (examples are countless) than they actually are. If canon ages are ever revealed, I'm probably going to flip.

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I wouldn't use S-supports as solid evidence for character ages when they are just cheap ways to inform the player that two characters are romantically interested in each other. It's been pointed out that in Awakening, some characters claim they've been in love with X character since the moment they met them, to multiple characters. It's a cheesy love at first sight trope, and probably there to make it seem the romantic feeling didn't just instantaneously develop.

Camilla is the last character you should trust for reasonable attitudes on love.

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Where's the evidence that Hinoka's supposed to be older than Camilla in the text, other than birthday month order?

Unless stated otherwise in the story, they don't have to be born in the same year.

I just heard it from people several times and assumed it was stated somewhere in the game; I tried to remain as unspoiled as possible so I had to rely on the infos found in the forums not knowing if they were rumours or facts. I made the calculations while trying to make sense of all those informations, true or not, and well, it worked so... Hurray? Anyways, if you want to make Camilla the oldest, you can by saying Hinoka is, for example 22 and that Camilla is 24 by tweaking the numbers at your convenience. Like I said, these are just theories, I don't claim they're right :) Edited by Joker with Glasses
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I can't really buy that Hinoka is older than Camilla, either... And as far as I know it (or the ages of most other characters) hasn't been mentioned anywhere. But the birth order of the siblings seems pretty clear right now, except for Leon and Takumi. I really have a hard time telling who's older.

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My personal assumption for how old the siblings are relative to one another (which has absolutely no basis whatsoever) is this: Marx > Ryouma > Camilla > Hinoka > Aqua > Kamui > Leon ≥ Takumi > Sakura > Elise

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