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CGV's turn for a RD hard mode run!


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If you're going to use Illyana for the dragons, then you're better off blessing the long-range thunder tome.

I've heard people say that, but I respectfully disagree. Ilyana is one of the more sturdy sages you can get and shouldn't be one-shot by any of the dragons. True, a Bolting would keep her out of harm's way, but doubling with Rexbolt is going to do absolutely MASSIVE damage. I'm talking, like, Red Dragons shouldn't survive just her attacking them massive.

I'm not going to lie: I've never really had any trouble with the dragon chapter, but I've also brought a marksman with me every time and usually bring Elincia or Mist for hit-and-run healing. Dragonfoe + a crossbow (which shouldn't be the blessed weapon, just one you've still got in your guy's inventory) = dead dragons.

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I'm not saying cut all your archers, but cutting out at least one of them isn't the worst of ideas. I'd say use the ones end-game you've either never used before at all for it, or haven't used very often for it.

I always bring people that usually take me a lot of effort to raise up and manage to turn out good, mostly because the chance to ever use them end-game again is rare.

I'd also drop Aran/Nephenee if only for the fact you're going to need to get lucky with cards in order to make the one not using the Wishblade a viable awesome weapon. Last person to boot would be one of the sages, because you're rather magic-stacked. I'd vote Pelleas simply because it's hard mode and getting him up to Archsage with the gimped experience gains could prove troublesome especially if you've already got Ilyana and Soren up to speed. (That, and they are already supporting other units you plan on bringing.)

The thing I like about two marksmen is that they can attack 3 spaces away. Both of them wouldn't need Nihil or Parity and could still attack Deghinsea and Ashera without being countered. I might drop Aran, you bring up a good point about the wishblade

If you're going to use Illyana for the dragons, then you're better off blessing the long-range thunder tome
I don't think he's going to the trouble of getting a Bolting in hard mode. His Ilyana is doing amazing
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By archer, I mean general bow people, because you also listed Astrid. I would say drop either her or Shinon. The reason you keep Leo is because he's got the Lughnasadh which is god-tier, and frees up the Double Bow for your other person.

I'm going to do this with my upcoming RD playthrough now that I finished POR, by the way. Astrid's getting the double-bow while Leo is getting all my speedwings and all the bonus experience whoring I can give him.

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Soren: My wind guy and not a bad support with Ike

Mia: Duh, it's Mia, and she's doing well

Shinon: Supporting Mia and kicking ass. Plus that attacking from 3 spaces away is nice to have

Nephenee: Because she's awesome like that. No one else is worthy of the Wishblade

Haar: Supporting Nephenee, and his awesome stats with flying abilities is good to have

Ilyana: Gotta have Ilyana for those dragons and to use Rexbolt

Zihark: Doing really well and supporting Ilyana

Aran: His speed is doing well, and his strength defense and skill are fucking high (can't remember)

Leonardo: Supporting Aran and doing better than expected in hard mode

Jill: Because Jill is awesome and she flies

Pelleas: Dark magic is fucking powerful

Marcia: She's good and can fly

Astrid: Always does well for me

I've made my cuts

Aran: His speed is horrible, but I knew that would happen because he has amazing str, skl, and def growths. Plus, I wouldn't know what lance to bless

Marcia: Not too much on the strength side, plus I have Nephenee for lances and 3 sword units

Astrid: She will probably be at level 20 anyway, but i cut her because Shinon is doing exceptionally well

Time for 3-9! (Marauders)

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Part 4, chapter 1 only took me about 4,853.34 times to do. That chapter was a fucking pain because I had to thin out my small army to three different places where enemies would surprise me by coming out of the fog and killing me for the longest time

The DB people's (Jill, Leo, Aran and Zihark) levels range from 8-13 in there second tier. So yes, they do have some catching up to do, so does Pelleas when he comes on the second turn

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I don't think he's going to the trouble of getting a Bolting in hard mode. His Ilyana is doing amazing, I've seen it myself. You act like she's just a horrible character...

Fine, fine. I consider her to be a pretty terrible character, yes, but whatever.

I've heard people say that, but I respectfully disagree. Ilyana is one of the more sturdy sages you can get and shouldn't be one-shot by any of the dragons. True, a Bolting would keep her out of harm's way, but doubling with Rexbolt is going to do absolutely MASSIVE damage. I'm talking, like, Red Dragons shouldn't survive just her attacking them massive.

I'm not going to lie: I've never really had any trouble with the dragon chapter, but I've also brought a marksman with me every time and usually bring Elincia or Mist for hit-and-run healing. Dragonfoe + a crossbow (which shouldn't be the blessed weapon, just one you've still got in your guy's inventory) = dead dragons.

You usually have to fight multiple dragons, so having her go and attack even one Dragon, it could be deady.

I just give Kurth Dragonfoe + Paragon. ^_^ He'll be 40 by the end.

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Fine, fine. I consider her to be a pretty terrible character, yes, but whatever.

You usually have to fight multiple dragons, so having her go and attack even one Dragon, it could be deady.

I just give Kurth Dragonfoe + Paragon. ^_^ He'll be 40 by the end.

Could be, sure. If you leave her alone out front instead of letting your tanks do their job by parking in strategic positions. :P

@ Fox: How cruel :)

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I hope you weren't screwed up by my accidentally hitting your resume and accidentally ending a turn without moving anyone when I meant to suspend.
@ Fox: How cruel :)

actually, I didn't even notice. I fucked up and someone died anyway

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