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Canadian Election 2015

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Okay I'll be frank, I just had to make a topic discussion about this just because I'm Canadian.

Looks like its a Majority Liberal Government, grats to PM Trudeau.

Edit: R.I.P. Harper even though I don't like you inherently.

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Glad that we're not going to have another conservative government, though I'm not too hot at the idea of another majority government, even a Liberal one. And I'm kinda sad for the crumble of the NDP and the fact that the Bloc Québecois regained a couple of seats (at least seems like their leader will be defeated in his riding 2 elections in a row)

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I would have prefered a NDP minority government...

Well at least my riding is still NDP.

I really dislike the FPTP system that prevents a third party from taking power and break the conservative-liberal cycle.

That isn't a true change... It's the same old liberal party that we had a decade ago.

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I had hoped that the NDP would win, but it was unlikely to happen. This was my first year I got to vote, so that was interesting. Hopefully if Trudeau doesn't do well, people will finally vote NDP, but ideally he shouldn't do a bad job in the first place. At least Harper is gone.

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I would have prefered a NDP minority government...

Well at least my riding is still NDP.

I really dislike the FPTP system that prevents a third party from taking power and break the conservative-liberal cycle.

That isn't a true change... It's the same old liberal party that we had a decade ago.

The Liberals promised they would change the election system, but since it's an election promised we're still can't be sure they're going to act on it.

At least the liberal party is better than the conservatives. I at least expect them to make us less of ridiculed when it comes to climate change submit.

I had hoped that the NDP would win, but it was unlikely to happen. This was my first year I got to vote, so that was interesting. Hopefully if Trudeau doesn't do well, people will finally vote NDP, but ideally he shouldn't do a bad job in the first place. At least Harper is gone.

Well, I feel like a lot of people who would have normally voted for other parties, voted NDP today, just to get rid of Harper. This is why the NDP was so high at the start of the campaign. However, the NDP campaign was kinda overwhelming, while the Liberals did a decent job all the way through, which led to the shift from the NDP toward the Liberals.

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Glad that we're not going to have another conservative government, though I'm not too hot at the idea of another majority government, even a Liberal one. And I'm kinda sad for the crumble of the NDP and the fact that the Bloc Québecois regained a couple of seats (at least seems like their leader will be defeated in his riding 2 elections in a row)

Tbh I don't think it really matters because the BQ are 2 seats short to have an official party status at the moment anyways.

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I have a friend who lives in Toronto and says the NDP sucks. While the liberal party is at least intended to be a Clinton-esque center-left party, the NDP has shifted right, trying to overlap and take votes from Liberal, and they've kind of ruined the whole social democrat movement in the country.

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I have a friend who lives in Toronto and says the NDP sucks. While the liberal party is at least intended to be a Clinton-esque center-left party, the NDP has shifted right, trying to overlap and take votes from Liberal, and they've kind of ruined the whole social democrat movement in the country.

That's one of the mistakes they made during the campaign. They thought that going for more center policies would attract more voters, while the Liberals went for more left wing approach, which ended up working in their favor. Even then, the NDP was still more left wing in the majority of their policies. They still led a disappointing campaign overall, which is why some thinks that the current party leader will step down.

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I didn't get the MP I wanted on my riding but at least I got the party I wanted to win.

What made the NDP gain so much power from the last election was that Layton was able to convince almost the entire province of Quebec to vote for the NDP as Quebec is pretty much the 2nd province to have the most seats and that created a huge dominance. This time they kind of didn't campaign that part as much and I felt that made the votes for NDP kind of underwhelming and that caused a huge upset. Statistically the majority of the seats that the NDP lost were more in the Quebec region than other provinces and I felt if they had maintained that strategy they would not have lost that much.

But I am excited to see what the youngest Prime Minister of Canada can do for the country and I can't wait to see what changes can be made.

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I didn't get the MP I wanted on my riding but at least I got the party I wanted to win.

What made the NDP gain so much power from the last election was that Layton was able to convince almost the entire province of Quebec to vote for the NDP as Quebec is pretty much the 2nd province to have the most seats and that created a huge dominance. This time they kind of didn't campaign that part as much and I felt that made the votes for NDP kind of underwhelming and that caused a huge upset. Statistically the majority of the seats that the NDP lost were more in the Quebec region than other provinces and I felt if they had maintained that strategy they would not have lost that much.

But I am excited to see what the youngest Prime Minister of Canada can do for the country and I can't wait to see what changes can be made.

A lot of people say the NDP's position on the Niqab was what made them lose their support in Québec, but I'm not sure how true it is since the Liberals position is pretty much the same and they swept through Québec. I feel Trudeau's more positive advertising and messages as well as the Liberals more left winged positions on certain economical issues helped him win those seats since Québec is usually a more left-winged province (we're sadly forced to elect a center right party at the Provincial level cause it's the only party that's not separatist on some level)

Trudeau is actually the second youngest Prime Minister of Canada. He's 43 and Joe Clark was 39 when he came into office.

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Frankly, the jury's out on if we got the leader we wanted and needed, but this is the only outcome I'd have been okay with. I voted NDP in the previous election, and they were the party I had the least confidence in during this one.

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I'm considering reneging on my Canadian citizenship over this election. But that would leave me with just Israeli citizenship and I'd be screwed if I ever wanted to travel.

Justin Trudeau has no economic understanding and even worse foreign diplomacy. Everything good that Harper built over the past decade will be ruined within two years (the surplus, Canada's reputation through the world, rapport with Israel, stable economy...).

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lol what stable economy.

Have you looked at the rest of the world? It's stable in relativity which is a lot better than what other world leaders have done.

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Canada went into recession last month. They also having a housing bubble that Harper and co. won't acknowledge, even though our banks over here at Wall Street are basically betting on the inevitable crash down the line.

Yeah I'm personally not going to miss Harper's economic policies.

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I'm considering reneging on my Canadian citizenship over this election. But that would leave me with just Israeli citizenship and I'd be screwed if I ever wanted to travel.

Justin Trudeau has no economic understanding and even worse foreign diplomacy. Everything good that Harper built over the past decade will be ruined within two years (the surplus, Canada's reputation through the world, rapport with Israel, stable economy...).

Meanwhile you would have been screwed by having a dual citizenship under the Conservative government anyway and if you were to ever travel with the current Conservative government.




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I didn't get the MP I wanted on my riding but at least I got the party I wanted to win.

What made the NDP gain so much power from the last election was that Layton was able to convince almost the entire province of Quebec to vote for the NDP as Quebec is pretty much the 2nd province to have the most seats and that created a huge dominance. This time they kind of didn't campaign that part as much and I felt that made the votes for NDP kind of underwhelming and that caused a huge upset. Statistically the majority of the seats that the NDP lost were more in the Quebec region than other provinces and I felt if they had maintained that strategy they would not have lost that much.

But I am excited to see what the youngest Prime Minister of Canada can do for the country and I can't wait to see what changes can be made.

also from what i heard, michael ignatieff being a terrible candidate and all around human being was a huge boon to both the tories and the ndp in 2011

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also from what i heard, michael ignatieff being a terrible candidate and all around human being was a huge boon to both the tories and the ndp in 2011

I wouldn't say he was a terrible candidate and a bad human person but I personally thought he was underwhelming in the 2011 election.


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Not Canadian, so I don't really understand the intricacies of your politics, but congrats on throwing out Harper. I've heard nothing but bad things about him from the Canadians I know, and I've seen some of the racist fearmongering propaganda his party made to get people to vote for them (which admittedly kinda surprised me, since I thought that level of wingnuttery was a uniquely American thing. Though, given how solidly the Canadian Conservatives lost, maybe America still is the only place where that shit actually works).

Seeing Conservatives lose, even outside of my own country, makes me feel good. So, congrats on that victory, Canada!

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Not Canadian, so I don't really understand the intricacies of your politics, but congrats on throwing out Harper. I've heard nothing but bad things about him from the Canadians I know, and I've seen some of the racist fearmongering propaganda his party made to get people to vote for them (which admittedly kinda surprised me, since I thought that level of wingnuttery was a uniquely American thing. Though, given how solidly the Canadian Conservatives lost, maybe America still is the only place where that shit actually works).

Seeing Conservatives lose, even outside of my own country, makes me feel good. So, congrats on that victory, Canada!

lynton crosby, the strategist harper hired midway through the campaign, was pretty instrumental in engineering tory victories in australia in 2013 and the uk just this past may

iirc, crosby helped make a lot of noise about "stopping the boats" in australia and had a huge hand in the line "those devious scots are going to rule the country by holding labour hostage if labour gets elected!", stoking the flames of english nationalism. basically, don't assume this shit is something unique to us; it absolutely has an effect in other parts of the world (and heck, from what i heard from conservative internal polling, the NDP were losing a percent a day in quebec after the whole niqab thing came into the spotlight)

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iirc, crosby helped make a lot of noise about "stopping the boats" in australia and had a huge hand in the line "those devious scots are going to rule the country by holding labour hostage if labour gets elected!", stoking the flames of english nationalism

tbh, I don't think they needed much help there. England has traditionally always leaned towards the right/conservatives, while Scotland has leaned towards the left, there was always political differences. Not that Scots should really have any faith in Labour now anyway, as Labour had already pretty much put a gun to their own head.

My point is that it probably wasn't that much work to incite a divide from fear-mongering since there is one already.

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tbh, I don't think they needed much help there. England has traditionally always leaned towards the right/conservatives, while Scotland has leaned towards the left, there was always political differences. Not that Scots should really have any faith in Labour now anyway, as Labour had already pretty much put a gun to their own head.

eh from what i read about the campaign, the scaremongering about a labour minority propped up by the snp was huge in bringing over enough english voters to the tories to get them their majority (and of course, this probably worked especially well given that a year hadn't even passed since the indy referendum)

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eh from what i read about the campaign, the scaremongering about a labour minority propped up by the snp was huge in bringing over enough english voters to the tories to get them their majority

It helped, but I feel as though it would have been a majority of English voters voting for the Tories regardless, perhaps more due to Labour's failings than Tories' successes. Labour had some dire public polls going into it IIRC.

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