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Who are your really best friends here?


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Hmm, well since I am sorta new still, I have very few.

Dark Sage, = Helping me out in an rpg and forum. He's the Ice Dragon in my Dragon Clan and one of my faves

FEFL- Funny, a follower to my forums since the first one I made :D

Lyle-Ad at my place, cool, serious

MaSu- Also a good ass friend, too bad he aint here today, the prick lol.

Matthew O'connell- Funny, showed me what friendship was when I was newbie here.

And more I could mention, you know who you are, people I've talked with here at SF. ^^

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Gravemind: Cause I know him in real life.

Kilvas: Funny,


Simple, because they can kick your ass if you dont? XD

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Arc - I earned his respect the first day I was here. It's impossible for anyone to do that. It's near impossible to even EARN his respect. Plus we are really similar in our beliefs.

Bianchi - Do I need to get into details?

Princess Kilvas - We talk through comments all the time and have been on countless quests together. XD (Well, two, but that's not the point! Lol.)

Masu - I love him as much as I hate him. Mostly.

Kiryn - I have a lot of respect for her. Even though she probably wouldn't know it.

There's a lot of people I could list......

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People in my sig listed. (Reasons also listed)

Thunder Lord-Not a BEST Friend but you're pretty funny too, and you're a pretty cool person.

Smashbro-Because hes awesome.

Knife-Look at Smashbro

Uuuh some others but IDK if they consider me the same.

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Arc - I earned his respect the first day I was here. It's impossible for anyone to do that. It's near impossible to even EARN his respect. Plus we are really similar in our beliefs.

Bianchi - Do I need to get into details?

Princess Kilvas - We talk through comments all the time and have been on countless quests together. XD (Well, two, but that's not the point! Lol.)

Masu - I love him as much as I hate him. Mostly.

Kiryn - I have a lot of respect for her. Even though she probably wouldn't know it.

There's a lot of people I could list......

Oh, list me, list me, *raises hand* :lol: jk

Also, lol@ "Well, Two,...

No I think it's because of the fact that I have no friends in the summer, or after school hours.

I'd be your friend, just add me lol. Perhaps you dont like adding peeps.

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Arc - I earned his respect the first day I was here. It's impossible for anyone to do that. It's near impossible to even EARN his respect. Plus we are really similar in our beliefs.

Bianchi - Do I need to get into details?

Princess Kilvas - We talk through comments all the time and have been on countless quests together. XD (Well, two, but that's not the point! Lol.)

Masu - I love him as much as I hate him. Mostly.

Kiryn - I have a lot of respect for her. Even though she probably wouldn't know it.

There's a lot of people I could list......

Yes. Very much. That's just too vague Lyle.

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Your all my friends damnit (Better then most of my real ones)

Hell, you guys stopped me from committing suicide for christ sake...

And your friends IRL didn't help at all? You give us too much credit.

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Gravemind: Cause I know him in real life.

Kilvas: Funny,


Yay! =D

Serene: My first friend here who I adore and respect immensly. He also writes good stories.

Masu: Awesome, I love the guy, Always there, and always makes me laugh. He was one of my first friends here.

Lyle: Same as Masu, I love his stories and enjoy talking to him.

Branded, Nightmare, TLS, Knife, Matthew and everyone else: I LOVE YOU ALL.

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Yay! =D

Serene: My first friend here who I adore and respect immensly. He also writes good stories.

Masu: Awesome, I love the guy, Always there, and always makes me laugh. He was one of my first friends here.

Lyle: Same as Masu, I love his stories and enjoy talking to him.

Branded, Nightmare, TLS, Knife, Matthew and everyone else: I LOVE YOU ALL.

Wait I was your first friend, odd

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