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Hector member badge?


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Hello. I was looking through the member badges today, and even though it has a lot of characters on it, there's no Hector there.. Am I just blind, or why was Hector not included there? I can settle with Ephraim, but it strikes me as odd to have lesser-importance characters in it but to have main lord characters missing. Is there some backstory behind this? From what I know, many people like Hector so that can't be the problem.

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I know it's possible for the mods to add new ones. When Fates was announced, new badges related to that appeared.

Maybe we should hold some sort of vote? Top Ten favorites gets a new badge or something?

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The Fates badges didn't just appear. Someone had to make them and then one of the three admins had to add them. There is actual effort involved. And we have had votes in the past, which, now that I think of it, may be the reason Hector and Eliwood don't have badges. Another badge vote wouldn't be a bad idea, but right now Josh and Vincent aren't very active for their own reasons, and Tangerine seems to be more preoccupied with a contest she plans to hold in the future.

Edited by Sandman
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The Fates badges didn't just appear. Someone had to make them and then one of the three admins had to add them. There is actual effort involved. And we have had votes in the past, which, now that I think of it, may be the reason Hector and Eliwood don't have badges. Another badge vote wouldn't be a bad idea, but right now Josh and Vincent aren't very active for their own reasons, and Tangerine seems to be more preoccupied with a contest she plans to hold in the future.

Well, yes, of course. That's what I meant. I said it wrong. :P

You're a mod, aren't you? Can't you hold it, or can someone else you nominate?

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Someone had to make them and then one of the three admins had to add them. There is actual effort involved.

putting a picture in a little rectangle oh boy

anyway i heard a mod or something say something like, there's already too many badges so yeah they probs just delete some

Edited by xXHoshiHeartsXx
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