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Gamestop preorder back up 11/17 9:45am est


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I already got one of my preorders there, but... hey. They restocked again. How nice.

I guess there is hope for more people to get a Special Edition online after all!

That's if Nintendo doesn't decide to produce more, at any rate... which wouldn't make sense at this point.

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I ordered mine in store, but I'm trying to push my friend to grab his before it vanishes. He has a 3ds with the default memory card so he can't really afford to download those alt paths since Monster hunter takes up so much of it.

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Yeah but the thing is if some how it doesn't go well which I doubt but I'm saying as a second option I could download it. Have a 32 GB but that takes lots of space. The physical benefits mostly everyone. I got the special for the artbook and pouch. Nice bonus

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It lasted longer this time! :D

1 Day!

Games never have stock problems like amiibos do. I like the direction that the series is going. Putting Capture command/Amiibo feature in it makes it like FFT and this makes more people wanting the game.

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