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[FE7] Draft CVX

General Horace

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I'm just trying to figure out how to do the 1-turn with Gaius' team. Kent and Isadora can't kill Lloyd if they have to drop the boss killer on the fort. Dorcas is too fat to carry and Hector would have, like, no chance of even hitting Lloyd. That just leaves Canas, who doesn't have a crit boosting weapon outside of Luna, which costs turns to get in Chapter 20 I think given his team.

23 speed Kent it is then!

Edited by Carmine Sword
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6 mov is enough for the unit that picks the bosskiller up, only the one that does the drop needs 8.

Isadora or Kent can probably do it with KE + filla's might.

Edited by Gradivus.
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A Paladin can't do it with the spear, they can't fight Lloyd on turn 1. But yeah killing edge Kent (you'd have to recruit Guy which is problematic) could do it. If they do the sit on the fort and counter strat.

CHAPTER 29 - 3/108 TURNS

Boots to Priscilla. She rescued Heath ahead on turn 1, and was danced, and Heath and Prissy rescuedropped Ninian ahead. Sain rescued Nino and went towards the warp village, while Dart ran up the middle. Oswin and Hector hung around he start to recruit Vaida/kill wyverns and the cavaliers/nomads that came down from the top.

Priscilla rescued Heath ahead on turn 2, and he started fighting Linus. Sain was danced and dropped Nino ahead to help him clear out some enemies. Dart continued moving north to kill the longbow jerk. Priscilla blew up a bunch of dudes on the enemy phase.

Priscilla charged south and traded Rescue to Nino Sain and repaired it, and he traded it back and canto'd into a position to protect Ninian from a Myrm that was chasing her. Ninian danced Priscilla and she rescued Nino south so she could get the warp staff. Heath had finished Linus on the enemy phase on turn 2, so he went south and cleaned up the remaining enemies while Dart used with mountainwalking powers to walk around the short bow nomad (who blocks the longbow dude usually) and killed the longbow jerk. Everything else died on the turn 3 EP.

HECTOR     20/01.00 39 20 14 18 10 18 07 A AXE D SWORD  
OSWIN      20/15.74 55 28 17 16 11 30 13 S LANCE C AXE
PRISCILLA  15/15.11 38 20 22 19 24 14 28 S STAFF C ANIMA
SAIN       13/17.24 44 25 21 20 15 15 04 S LANCE C SWORD C AXE
DART       18/15.74 54 30 12 28 09 14 08 S AXE
HEATH      15/20.00 51 27 25 22 12 21 07 S LANCE E SWORD
NINO       20/06.31 37 19 19 20 22 10 22 S ANIMA E STAVES
Edited by General Horace
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But if Kent/boss-killer of choice can double Lloyd, they can just ORKO him on enemy phase.

I'm not sure if that's more reliable or less reliable than getting a crit, since doubling doesn't require a crit, but that speed benchmark is really high, especially since Kent doesn't have Lyn Mode to boost his stats.

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CHAPTER 30 - 3/111 TURNS

Priscilla rescued Heath ahead then warped him while he carried Hector. Heath killed the boss.

too lazy for stats till endgame.

CHAPTER 31 - 11/122 TURNS


got the body ring



CHAPTER 32 - 3/130 TURNS

Did some staffwork with Priscilla to get Heath carrying Hector in range to seize and kill the boss on turn 3. Warped Sain up to recruit Renault just in case he does something.


Hammerne'd warp and killed Kishuna with Heath.

too lazy to do endgame for now


I had some real awesome offensive juggernauts so this was possible. Hector opened Darin's door, Sain Brave Lanced Uhai low enough to be finished by Fimbulvetr Nino exactly. Oswin opened Jerme/Ursula's door, Priscilla used the unlock staff on the Reed bros door, Renault rescued Heath ahead to open Kenneth's door, and Dart opened Brendan's door. Athos Berserked Linus so he'd get some guarunteed damage in on his bro before Lloyd owned him, and Renault was danced to rescue Priscilla back out of range of Lloyd. On the enemy phase, Dart killed Brendan's chump, and Ursula with the Tomahawk, Heath killed Kenneth and the Gespenst dude (the sage used Bolting on him), Hector killed Darin and his chump (I needed a Wolf Beil crit unfourtunately), Berserked Linus brought Lloyd low, and Oswin countered Jerme with a spear. On turn 2, Oswin killed finished Jerme, Sain and Nino killed the snipers near Uhai, Heath killed the Bolting sage, and Athos killed Lloyd. Dart finished Brendan, Renault rescued Athos in a position where he could be warped next to Nergal, Nils' Filla's might'd him, and Priscilla warped him, and he killed Nergal on the enemy phase with the totally OP 40x2 damage from Luna (he got a body ring beforehand to double)


Athos did Athos things to the dragon.

unit analysis:


Hector/10. He was kinda fast I guess.


most broken unit ever for one chapter


sucked at hitting things that didn't have lances and had totally overkill offence. helped out in chapter 25.


saved a turn in final, WORTH IT


had weirdly high defence that resulted in enemies attacking dart instead of her in some chapters which I found hilarious

I think she might actually be better that other warpers (if you have other units to handle the desert) since she's mounted, I don't think i've 3 turned Cog before in a draft.



He actually saved a few random turns by being able to rescue unpromoted Hector and not be targetted by enemies because he was too thwomp. Also oneshotting Lloyd was totally hilarious.


she's actually like, pretty useful when she exists since she gets a free promotion in 28x and can kill all the enemies in Cog pretty easily. Too bad she can't really use staves.


that's with a speedwings fuck you heath

he randomly got a lot of defence though and still was the same unit since HNM enemies are so slow.


usually my Sain's suck and never get speed by this one got a lot of speed early then didn't proc it for like 12 levels in a row or something. He was still really awesome.

this team was really really really amazing though I think every single one of them saved turns one way or another.

Edited by General Horace
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The rules state undrafted dudes can't do anything but this

1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above

which doesn't include visiting any villages, but I guess you could theoretically visit Canas's and Priscilla's villages.

Edited by General Horace
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