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Paragon + Blossom means that there's no way in hell she'll have gained enough levels to be useable by that chapter unless you made her solo a chapter! Which, might I add, is impossible due to her shitty base stats.
Her bases are actually pretty good. She's just underleveled. She's the only person in your entire party on the first map you use the Royal Knights on that can gain any decent experience, so utilize that chapter toward making her viable later on. My brother's got her all the way to level 9 just on that one map, but even without trying too hard, I've been able to get her to 7 or 8 without too much trouble.

Also, I should say I don't think Shinon is BAD. I just think he's the worst end-game archer type unit. That's not saying he's bad at all, because Marksman especially are incredible during end-game.

How are bows great? YOU'VE stated before that they're easily the worst weapons in the game.
You must have me confused with those "pro debater" jerks, Tino and Swordsalmon. I find bows to be incredible throughout the series, but especially so in PoR/RD. I find my warrior units tend to use bows more often than their axes upon promotion because I find more uses for strong, accurate ranged attacks than I do for strong, somewhat accurate melee attacks.
You could always transfer that built in Paragon to a unit who's useful for those chapters like Makalov or Kieran.
No you can't. You don't have the option of changing skills on your Royal Knight units the first chapter you get them.
Shinon is easily best because Leonardo has dreadful speed and Rolf needs babying to become amazing. Shinon starts awesome and ends awesome. Shinon gets the Silencer, too, something that Leonardo doesn't have.
Leonardo's speed is fixable, Rolf doesn't require much babying because the amount of XP you can gain in the Greil Mercenary chapters is absurd, and Leonardo gets the Lugnasadh which outclasses any other bow except maybe a Brave Bow and the Double Bow.

Every character in this group at least has their strengths and weaknesses. I tend not to focus much on join stats because every unit save Fiona and Lyre are usable immediately from when they join. Yeah, if you don't utilize Rolf or Astrid, they fall behind fast but fact is, they can be great if you use them immediately.

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As the term "best" is subjective, I can see where you're coming from. To you, the person who is easiest to use and still ends up great is the best. That's fine. To me, I don't really mind someone being difficult to level up so long as they turn out amazing, and Astrid's amazing is better than Kieran/Titania/Oscar/Makalov's amazing because she gets a better weapon to use and has enough speed to be a bigger threat for the most stat-intensive part of the game.

I personally find her EASIER to use than the other paladins because her innate paragon means she gains a level every 3 turns even if she only does 1 damage to the guy she's attacking, or a level every turn if she gets a kill. They all have about the same playtime, but she has the potential to increase the most significantly during that time compared to the others.

Playing through the game with who you want to use in the end in mind before you set out makes the game go a lot smoother. For one, anyone else becomes a throwaway unit. It doesn't really matter if they die (unless they have some sort of uber item they give you during a cutscene later). It also means that the ones you are planning on using will be able to get the majority of the experience out there meaning they will be significantly more powerful during End-Game than just going through the game using whomever is "best" for a task at some specific point and time.

In regards to Shinon, I think he's easily the worst bowman you can get. Leonardo has more intangibles going for him and Rolf is absurdly powerful.


Lowen is great. He's the only non-Oswin/Hector unit with reliable defense gains, which is my most valued stat. Considering most the units are pretty average in every area, he doesn't fall too far behind in strength/speed/skill.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're both operating off of a different definition of best. :D Which is why I'd also say that Shinon is the best Marksman, since the other two are a chore to train, and don't make a big enough difference to justify it for me.

And I never let anyone, die, even characters I never plan on using. It adds to the challenge a bit.

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Sorry friend. My Lowen has no worries in def. I sent him out with an iron axe, sword, and lance. He killed all the enemies on stage. He took 4 damage.

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SOME enemies can damage him, but those who can usually fall victim to my Lowen's awesome luck + speed. 57 avoid FTW. Even if they could damage him, he's got 50+ hp! It'll take many turns to get him to around 10 or lower, and only one turn to use an elixer :lol:!

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Lowen doesn't hold a candle to Sain, or even Kent.

Seriously 30 Str and 30 Spd growth fails so so much.

And he's ugly as hell.

how can you tell? his hair covers half his face

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Lowen doesn't hold a candle to Sain, or even Kent.

Seriously 30 Str and 30 Spd growth fails so so much.

And he's ugly as hell.

But 90 HP and 40 Def growths = Win. Those're about the same as Hector's.

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how can you tell? his hair covers half his face

Which makes him extremely weird looking.

But 90 HP and 40 Def growths = Win. Those're about the same as Hector's.

Hector has also got a 60 Str growth going for him. Also Hector's Def growth is 10+ higher than Lowen's.

Edited by Misaki
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Which makes him extremely weird looking.

Hector has also got a 60 Str growth going for him. Also Hector's Def growth is 10+ higher than Lowen's.

Well, Hector doesn't have Lowen's movement nor does Hector have full weapon triangle control. And I said almost.

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Sure Sain and Kent are awesome, but Lowen is awesome as well. I can't have Sain and Kent kill all the enemies on the map with healing them multiple times, but Lowen can.

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Lowen doesn't hold a candle to Sain, or even Kent.

Seriously 30 Str and 30 Spd growth fails so so much.

And he's ugly as hell.

Lowen has early-game utility, hax supports in Marcus A, Eliwood B, and is considerably cheaper to deploy. Using Kent and Sain with their optimal supports costs a total of about 40000 Gold, while Lowen costs 10000.

EDIT: Oh shoot...err, I mean he has better armour. >__<

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Which makes him extremely weird looking.

Hector has also got a 60 Str growth going for him. Also Hector's Def growth is 10+ higher than Lowen's.

Having a sheep on your head = massive ownage


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30 growth in speed, skill, and strength does not a good unit make. Those are the three stats that matter the most to me, and he's low in all of them.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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30 is pretty low, but when "strong" characters are the rare ones with 50% and above, it's passable.

He can get screwed over in those areas a little easier than other folk. Good thing he joins so early so you have time to see how it's going to turn out.

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'Nuff said.

Everytime i try to use Lowen, he doesn't build STR nor SPD. He's fail and frail

Frail, he is not. SPD and STR have absolutly nothing to do with durability, anyway. XD

I let him die on my game, but don't worry his sacrifice was a worthy one( in other words he helped me get priscilla)

Why not just send Marcus? >_>

30 growth in speed, skill, and strength does not a good unit make. Those are the three stats that matter the most to me, and he's low in all of them.

90% HP and 40% DEF on a Paladin, though, is h4x. Also, the STR problem can be fixed with a Rebecca A/Harken B support, if you so desire. Two Fire x Fire supports FTW.

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90% HP and 40% DEF on a Paladin, though, is h4x. Also, the STR problem can be fixed with a Rebecca A/Harken B support, if you so desire. Two Fire x Fire supports FTW.

Living doesn't mean much if you can't kill...

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