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Our FE:Fates Christmas Wishlist!


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So, its nearing Christmas with every second. Remember how much speculating we did before we knew a ton about Fates? Well, this is the thread for what we want/wanted in Fire Emblem Fates. I understand that most of the information about the game is already available with a single search, but who knows what minor things they could tweak in the English release. The slightest of things could be tweaked for a ultimately better installment to release. There were a lot of bugs in the first Japanese release, maybe they fix things like that? This is all yours! Your christmas wishlist about what you hope does/doesn't change, DLC you want to see, ANYTHING! Go crazy! Even though most of our dreams are majorly crushed, who can stop us from wanting what we want?


No censorship! - This is almost completely confirmed to happen by now, but I still hope and pray that too much isn't changed. Especially character designs. I disagree with changing the way a character was originally designed just to 'please' a western audience.

Nothing like Awakenings DLC - Please No DLC missions or DLC characters like are in Awakening. I thought the DLC characters were very boring, lifeless, and they weren't even REAL.

Different DLC Depending On The Side You Choose - I think this would be a fun feature to add, making the choice of side even harder. Side with Nohr and have the chance to get characters from Path Of Radiance? Or side with Hoshido and get characters from Sacred Stones? < Not exactly that but something like that ^-^

Localization Of Names Kept To A Minimum - In Fates, clearly Hoshido is eastern styled and Nohr is somewhat western styled. Wouldn't it make sense to keep EASTERN style names in the EASTERN syled country?! Same with western.

Posibble Add-On Story DLC - Nothing too deep, but maybe a couple missions 5 years after the time of Fates? Once again this DLC would need to depend on the side you chose.

There is a ton more I could list, but I could probably go on for a while. Leave your wishlists below and I hope you have a wonderful day!



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Most of mine are unrealistic, but I don't actually expect them.

-The player gets to choose the servant they want at the beginning instead of the game forcing one on the player based on the gender of the avatar.

-interesting/fun dlc

-The localization taking out Nohr Kamui's guilt trip for not choosing Hoshido and somehow helping the story to not be as awful.

-The comics and The Making of Fire Emblem book coming out in English and sold in my country.

-dlc of the amiibo characters for those who don't have the amiibos, plus other popular characters from past games.

Edited by Sir FreddyBear
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Very unrealistic to expect out of a localization team, but not technologically impossible (or even difficult) coming from a programmer:

Add Ryouma x Crimson supports pls

Make Rinka's stats suck less

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Give Mamui/Zero and Femui/Syalla children. C'monnnn. If everything else about Fates can be so nonsensical, then why not add one more thing to the mix? I would love to see F!Kanna's interactions with Zero and Eponine's response to having two dads. As long as its not creepy or uncomfortable, anyway.

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● More LGBTQ+ options. I really want to see Zero/Leo. ;;

● Jakob/Flora. We got one girl getting her love requited; can't we do that for another girl as well? Flora's pretty popular, after all...

● Innate. Children. Mods. We have children growths. Why can't we have mods that are spread out depending on the child, instead of +1 to each stat?

I mean, Shara can only get +5 Mag max, and she's an offensive mage...

● Better children hair colors. C'mon, Azura's and Hinoka's look so bad on children besides a few...

● Better M!Corrin hair options. Also, give M!Corrin hair accessories as well. It's not like males can't wear them; Leo has a headband on.

● Less Azura hair clipping. Please.

Edited by Minischew
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Most of mine are unrealistic, but I don't actually expect them.

-The player gets to choose the servant they want at the beginning instead of the game forcing one on the player based on the gender of the avatar.

-interesting/fun dlc

-The localization taking out Nohr Kamui's guilt trip for not choosing Hoshido and somehow helping the story to not be as awful.

-The comics and The Making of Fire Emblem book coming out in English and sold in my country.

-dlc of the amiibo characters for those who don't have the amiibos, plus other popular characters from past games.

I really want to see 'The Making Of Fire Emblem' come out in English, and in the US. I would also love to see an alternate way of getting the Amiibo DLC characters without the Amiibo's for people that can't get their hands on those rare Fire Emblem amiibo's.



Side Note: To anyone who wants, yet cannot find the Fire Emblem amiibo's here are the links to the most reasonable prices for them that I could find. At least they are not $200 a piece.

Marth: Japanese: http://www.amazon.com/Marth-amiibo-Japan-Super-Smash-3075113011/dp/B00O9GPD6W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1448765988&sr=8-1&keywords=Marth+amiibo English: http://www.amazon.com/Marth-amiibo-Super-nintendo-wii-u/dp/B00N4ABOXU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1448765988&sr=8-2&keywords=Marth+amiibo

Ike: Japanese Version: http://www.amazon.com/Ike-amiibo-Japan-Super-Wii-U/dp/B00PIEI0OQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1448766166&sr=8-1&keywords=Ike+amiibo English: http://www.amazon.com/amiibo-Super-Smash-nintendo-wii-u/dp/B00PG7M95G/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1448766166&sr=8-2&keywords=Ike+amiibo

Lucina: Japanese:http://www.amazon.com/Lucina-amiibo-Japan-Super-Smash-3075113011/dp/B00TS0UKE4/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1448766230&sr=1-1&keywords=Lucina+amiibo English: http://www.amazon.com/Lucina-amiibo-Super-nintendo-wii-u/dp/B00V86BJV4/ref=sr_1_2?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1448766230&sr=1-2&keywords=Lucina+amiibo

Robin: Japanese: http://www.amazon.com/Reflet-amiibo-Japan-Super-Smash-3075113011/dp/B00TS0UFOY/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1448766280&sr=1-1&keywords=Robin+amiibo English: http://www.amazon.com/Nintendo-Robin-amiibo-Super-wii-u/dp/B00V86BRHU/ref=sr_1_2?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1448766280&sr=1-2&keywords=Robin+amiibo

Roy: Sorry, but he's not available quite yet! I'll edit this post once he is available for potential future readers! :/

Hopefully I did not forget any of them ^

This is where I personally get ALL of my amiibo, not just the Fire Emblem ones.

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(A release date for this Christmas...jk)

No, but really. I'd like to see less changing of the names (bring back Joker not Jakob! And Suzukaze! We aren't that dumb that we can't handle that name, NoA.)

((Although I'm guessing Joker and Leon were changed to not be confused with the Batman villain and the blonde hero of Resident Evil.))

An older female age and a younger male age. Why is there a kid and middle option for female and a middle and old dude option for male only?? Awakening had 3 types each!

Non-removal of "petting session simulator". ...what? Japan's the only one that gets that weirdly interesting looking and hilarious as all hell option of My Room?

Easier access to gold or cheaper forging\buying (not to the extent of gold farming in Awakening but a little more).

As little censoring as possible (none if possible).

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  • redesign charlotte's outfit into something that actually makes sense for her character (demure and flirtatious =/= tits out)
  • censor the fuck out of camilla
  • cut the ability to marry the hoshido/nohr siblings and keep this incest fetish horseshit 14326236326 feet away at all times
  • cut waifu-fondling

basically, maximum censorship. the game fucking needs it

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What I want, just because I want~

* DLC with conversations like Awakening scrambles, because I really like conversations :V . I just want more interactions between characters that can supports, characters that CAN'T support (Like Oboro with Piery maybe? Both lost their parents in front of them :/), and special conversations for the mothers with their kids (and dads in the case of MKanna and Shigure)

* Takumi4Smash!

* Also Takumi and Leon amiibo \o/ !

* The TCG characters in the game, the new girl Yuzu caught my attention (wonder if there are another char for Nohr too)

* Fire Emblem Fates badges for the Badge Arcade (like the japanese ones, but that will be after the release of the game I guess)

* Not too much censorship, only the necessary

* A DLC with Christmas hats for everyone!

* The Special Edition of the game for Mexico... Gameplanet didn't have it... yet.

* Official OST

* An Anthology for Invisible Kingdom, I really liked the Hoshido and Nohr ones


Add Ryouma x Crimson supports pls

I want that too. And Oboro x Leon but that will never happen.

Edited by SniperGYS
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I'd like for the supports to be unchanged and leave the petting as is.

I'd also like some adjustments made to growths and mods to certain characters. Like I find it hilarious that Camilla likes strong girls but both her retainers have negative strength mods and 30% Str growths.

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I doubt I'll get any of them but this is what I want and I've been a good boy.

-Give the female classes pants (you know the ones)

-Make unique color pallets for all natural promotions

-Story DLC for Kamui's kidnapping.

-More class DLC

-remove incest pairings

-Improve Nohr's story

-make better explanation for children

Very unrealistic to expect out of a localization team, but not technologically impossible (or even difficult) coming from a programmer:

Add Ryouma x Crimson supports pls

Make Rinka's stats suck less

This. All the Kamui-sexuals deserve at least a few more supports. No Yuugiri x Yukimura? No Flora x Joker?

Give Mamui/Zero and Femui/Syalla children. C'monnnn. If everything else about Fates can be so nonsensical, then why not add one more thing to the mix? I would love to see F!Kanna's interactions with Zero and Eponine's response to having two dads. As long as its not creepy or uncomfortable, anyway.

Isn't that the essence of Zero's character?

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-Make Tsubaki Stats Suck Less, as a Pegasus/Falcon Warrior

-Removes DLC Gender Locked Classes

-More Class DLC

Make All Classes no Genderlocked

-Give the Amiibos Personal Skills, and All of Hoshidan, and Nohrian Classes

-Improve Hoshido, Nohr, and Invisible Story

-No Censorships, but Certain Censorships

-More Same-Sex Gender Options, along with the Amiibos also for Kamui

and Still thinking.

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This. All the Kamui-sexuals deserve at least a few more supports. No Yuugiri x Yukimura? No Flora x Joker?

Tbh It'd be really cool if they pulled a Pent x Louise with Yuugiri x Yukimura

but can't have that in a Kamuicentric world sigh

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Localization tweaks, eh? I'd remove the marriage option for at least the youngest characters (Midoriko is like, what, ten and can get pregnant) as well as change Camilla's personality quite a bit, since she's just plain disturbing, at least by Western standards.

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The only thing that I don't want is for them to change the Hoshidians to be more sinister when they are pure of heart with no negative thoughts. It will suck if they have any sort of rebellious nature. Because...it'll separate of what they really should be.

Nohr's speeches can be changed to fit our style. Instead of Aversa in Awakening saying "Sennai" meaning die in Japan repeatedly, instead she complains about us killing Validar the person she desired not knowing that she too was a pawn in his own game! That is an example that I won't mind.

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Echoing the demand for the european release date.

I'd also love more gay options, like Azura and Silas. Also having the kids still avaiable in those cases (they can just say they are adopted and give them a random hair colour, or handwave it with magic).

The ability to have non-avatar gay couples like Caminoka, Kagerochi, Ryoumarx, Leokumi and Zero/Leo *cough*

Camilla and a couple of other people being given more of a personality.


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Add Ryouma x Crimson supports pls

Make Rinka's stats suck less

* DLC with conversations like Awakening scrambles, because I really like conversations :V . I just want more interactions between characters that can supports, characters that CAN'T support (Like Oboro with Piery maybe? Both lost their parents in front of them :/), and special conversations for the mothers with their kids (and dads in the case of MKanna and Shigure)

* Not too much censorship, only the necessary

-Make Tsubaki Stats Suck Less, as a Pegasus/Falcon Warrior

-More Same-Sex Gender Options, along with the Amiibos also for Kamui

Pretty much what these people have already stated. Especially the one about DLC conversations between characters who cannot normally support in-game and more convos for characters who can support. I like character interaction.

As for more same-sex options, that mostly applies to Silas and/or Jakob since their fierce dedication to the Avatar does not change for the Male Avatar.

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