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Our FE:Fates Christmas Wishlist!


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Um...you cannot break this game whatsoever. The mechanics are set to be just like Pokemon now that you can thwart absolutely anything with a few simple things.

-Sealing Skills

-Venom/Four Fangs/Deadly Breath

-Counter no longer works during your opponents phase. This is good, actually. As that is what made Awakening Lunatic+ unbalanced! As Galeforce and Counter absolutely broke that game!

-A few skills like Flamboyant and Line Of Death also gives it to your enemies.

-Defensive Formation totally negates double attacking non braved effect weapons and Speed Seal.

-Cut Through

-Attacking skills like Vengeance and Ignis only works with the amount of skill that you have! Whenever they activate, it only does it's job with the amount of skill that you have!

-Charm and Demoiselle no longer gives hit and avoid.

-There are less enemy phase dependant skills with the exceptions of Solidary, Underdog and Lucky Seven

...And there aren't going to be anything new with what was already cracked in the game and discovered! Still...I still feel that we should get Status Resistance. It only does it's job by half and it's something that we can have to deal with Venom, staves that conk you out etc much more. Make this a DLC skill definitely.

One of the supposed DLC skills that will come are tomes to give a skill to allow bows to hit from range 1 and a skill to let paired up units to still be able to use dual attack (essentially Awakening's pair up), and I believe Paragon too. The game has a breaking point, I am sure of it.

What I want is for there to be a summer and hot springs scramble where the Kamui gets marriage convos with everyone.

I need my marriage convos with Orochi and Charlotte badly.

considering how the scramble convos were based off the popularity poll, you can kiss any chance of Orochi getting a convo goodbye.

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From what I know about Fates so far..

- Cut the incest. (Although, I'm believe it was reasonably common in those times to marry within families/clans, so it's probably more true to the setting if you keep it, but... half-siblings? Not even cousins?)

[spoiler=Some relationship stuff]Who are you referring to with this one? Corrin can't marry anyone biologically closer than a first cousin; the worst you can get would be pairing Saizou and Kaze with Hinoka and Sakura, then pairing the resulting Gurei and Midoriko, since they'd be double first cousins, which is biologically equivalent to half-siblings.

Leo has some overtones with Camilla, too, but they can't pair.

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..Ya know, as unlikely as it is, I hope they darken Eponine's skin tone. She is just too pale compared to her own father and it really irks me. I know all her possible mothers are pale, but stiiiill. Ignis gets to have tan skin, so why not Eponine?

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Also, also. [spoiler=join time spoils ]I knew that Jakob would join later if you play as a boy, but I didn't know it was that later. I don't even want Felicia to exist within my general vicinity. I hope the localized ver. lets Jakob join earlier or, haha, even at the same time as Felicia.

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Also, also. [spoiler=join time spoils ]I knew that Jakob would join later if you play as a boy, but I didn't know it was that later. I don't even want Felicia to exist within my general vicinity. I hope the localized ver. lets Jakob join earlier or, haha, even at the same time as Felicia.

I so want them to implement a way to let the player choose the servant they want. I don't know why they didn't just do that in the first place.

I know it won't do any good at all, but I emailed Nintendo a couple of times asking about it and naturally got vague answers in return and promises to forward my emails to the team working on Fates. Except this last time. The rep somehow misunderstood my question. They thought I was talking about gay marriage and gave me an explanation on how that works in the game, lol.

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- Release a patch which contains more support conversations (especially for the Kamuisexuals. I want to see Flora x Marx, Ryoma x Crimson etc), and please write them well pls.

- Unique icon for each weapon.

- Story related/world-building DLCs.

I'm aware that I'm begging for too much.

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My FE Christmas wish would be the equivalent of Future Past DLC for Fates, wherein all the moms get customized talks with the kids. Doesn't even need ther serious plot, I just want something beyond cookie cutter please.

..Ya know, as unlikely as it is, I hope they darken Eponine's skin tone. She is just too pale compared to her own father and it really irks me. I know all her possible mothers are pale, but stiiiill. Ignis gets to have tan skin, so why not Eponine?

Yeah it'd be great if they did this though kinda doubt anything apart from translation's going to happen. I've done some skin darkening with Eponine myself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I doubt we'll get any significant changes in the international release beyond maybe a few reworked lines or minor censorship. But if I had a say in the matter...

- Rework some of Soleil's and Eponine's Supports. The iffy ones that have already been complained about to death, you know what I'm talking about.

- Maybe have a slightly less silly and kinda creepy excuse for the child characters than the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Just have them hop on over from an outrealm, or something.

- Make the amiibo units fully-realized characters; C-S supports with Corrin, reclass options, potential for My Room/Bathhouse/other My Castle features, ect. Perhaps also include a way for people who don't have the amiibos to get them, like Streetpass.

- Make the incoming Roy amiibo compatible too. Maybe have the incoming Corrin amiibo do something too.

- Remove the gender-locking on Ballistician, Witch, Lodestar, Vanguard, Grandmaster (Especially silly since female Robin was a thing), and Great Lord (Even more silly since "lord" implies male anyway).

- Allow the player to get Kanna and Eponine even if they choose the same-sex marriage options.

- Fix the issue where a male Corrin can't marry a first-gen woman without screwing himself out of one of the child characters. Possibly by just giving Anna, Crimson, or Flora some additional Supports. This one's my biggest gripe since it totally ruins my plans for Revelations.

- Facial hair options for male Corrins. They've got that empty slot where female Corrins get hair accessories, might as well make use of it, and the game has a dearth of facial hair outside of Garon and Nacht. And Cervantes' moustache would be an option.

- Easier way to do post-game grinding. Maybe a DLC map where the reward is like a super Eternal Seal that permanently sets your level cap to infinite so you don't have to seal up every five levels.


- Make the Captain Falcon amiibo compatible, as a guest character. FALCON PUNCH!!

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Give Mamui/Zero and Femui/Syalla children. C'monnnn. If everything else about Fates can be so nonsensical, then why not add one more thing to the mix? I would love to see F!Kanna's interactions with Zero and Eponine's response to having two dads. As long as its not creepy or uncomfortable, anyway.

Wait hold up, they get absolutely NO children? I know gay marriage doesn't grant Kanna. Which granted makes sense, but no Eponine? Doesn't affect me but that's kinda screwed up.

-Removes DLC Gender Locked Classes

Make All Classes no Genderlocked

Pretty sure there's no more genderlock except priest(ess) line which is just different stats and weapons (but those classes are usually horrible anyways so it doesn't matter)

Anyway on topic

-Minimum localization (it's inevitable)[hope Zero isn't Henry 2.0]. I understand Soleil's supports being reworked, Zero being reworked, etc.

Better emphasize there isn't any incest because of waifu/husbando pandering

-Sjws, feminist extremist, etc. staying away

People are asking for some pretty extreme changes on this thread...

Edited by Darthkeeper
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