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Custom class problems


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With that little amount of info, people will not be able to help you. Describe such things as the the problems you're having and what exactly the class is, such as what colour scheme you're using and what weapons the classes can use. Throw in some screenshots inside spoilers if you can for extra info.

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The Class Editor allows you to specify what a certain class can become, under the "Promotes into" dropdown box. You'll then need to edit a promotion item's pointer and add the classes you want the item to work on (such as editing the Guiding Ring's pointer to allow that class to promote with it) with the Promotion Item editor.

At least, that's I think you're asking,

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Sorry, basically i edited the peer class so it can use swords and aminea and light magic while the promoted class can use all types of magic all of the animations work correctly. i cant promote the peer class to the bridumond class which i made into the promotion class. im not sure how to fix the pointer issue

Edited by Broluigi02
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That still didn't seem to help. Next time use more detail.

Usually this problem occurs with the promotional item itself. I don't know if you're having trouble with that but I'll tell you anyway. In the Class Editor (Nightmare), it tells you what you want to promote the class to. So when you apply the promotional item of your choosing to that character with that class, it should promote them.

The way you edit which classes the promotional items work on, you have to go to the Item Editor and find the promotional item module (duh). It allows you to point to a custom offset for you. Then there's a module that allows you to edit these offsets to the desired classes that you want promoted with that item.

I don't know if that is what you are looking for but you didn't say too much and it makes it difficult for us to know what you want help with.

Edited by Avril Lavigne
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