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Other message boards


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Just out of randomness and curiosity, what other message boards/forums do people frequent?

I myself regularly check out:

  • Fire Emblem: Sanctuary of Strategy
  • FE Planet
  • Most of the FE boards at GameFAQs o__o
  • ChinaFE
  • The SRPG board at 2ch

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For me, i usually just go to:

- digitalmzx.net - a forum that has to do with the MegaZeux GCS and games made for it.

- Every once in a while i'll also check ubuntuforums.org, i only really registered there to get help with a problem i was having with ubuntu linux.

- Only other forum is here obviously.

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Serenes Forest is the only message board in which I currently participate actively. I do, however, regularly lurk in the following message boards:

- GameFAQs

- Visual-Novels.net

- How to Learn any Language

- Atlus USA

Until a couple of months ago I frequented the following forums; I have since withheld primarily due to time constraints, but a slowly declining interest was also a factor:

- TeamLiquid (Alongside a few other StarCraft oriented forums, this is one of the few in which I participated actively).

- PGR21

- FighterForum

- 4Forums

Much like Hanz, I am usually more inclined towards lurking than posting.

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Gamefaqs Radiant Dawn forum, though I'm banned so I only look.

GameFAQs banning is a joke. You can just log in on the same account on GameSpot. It's the same message boards, and the only difference is that you're not banned.

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GameFAQs banning is a joke. You can just log in on the same account on GameSpot. It's thes ame message boards, and the only difference is that you're not banned.

You liar. I actually believed you there. I am still banned.

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Going down my bookmark tabs:

FESS - Been there for years now.

Acmlm - same there, but not nearly as much activity. And no interest in the hobby lately :/

FEPlanet - Gradually picked up interest there; an okay place, I guess.

I don't know this one - really

ROMHacking dot Net - the site is good, and I like their forums :/

GBATemp - haxxor scene board

Advance Wars Net - I check here whenever bored.

JUL - board drama split from Acmlm.

Oddly enough, they're ranked in order of general activity :/

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GameFAQs banning is a joke. You can just log in on the same account on GameSpot. It's thes ame message boards, and the only difference is that you're not banned.

no dude, i brought this up with crazy before when HDT was banned, all his accounts on Gfaqs and Gspot were b7ed. You dont need a usermap axe to have it happen either.

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this is my first forum. I dont really count Gamefaqs. I made a profile and pretty much never logged on. But I like SF, I think more people should join

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I used to lurk in Gamefaqs, posting infrequently. I posted just enough to keep one active and got up to Legend. There seemed to be a disproportionate number of asshats at that site. I like them for their walkthroughs (which are interesting if not always completely accurate) and I used to love the fact that people who were banned could show up 5 minutes later with a different account. RockyRacoon was particularly funny. I guess they fixed that problem now, from the sounds of the other posts in this topic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Other than this site, the only message boards I visit regularly are Legend of the Emblem and GameFAQs. On GameFAQs, the only boards I usually post on are the Path of Radiance board and a couple of secret boards, though I'm still attempting to get into the habit of checking the other FE boards as well.

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Sites I am active on at the moment are:

1. GameFAQs

2. Fire Emblem Universe

3. Fire Emblem Empire

4. Serenes Forest

Sites I used to be active on are:

1. Fire Emblem Fusion

2. Legend of the Emblem

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