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Characters You Could Care Less About


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Soleil is based around one of those Tropes, forget its name, in Japan which is really just way for Otaku's to fulfill the fantasy of converting an obvious Lesbian with their... Male Parts because the Girl wasn't a Lesbian at all, she just need you, a MAN, to make her see the light of being with Men and not Women! Ugh. Course USA as that trope has a fantasy, though that's lost a lot over the years as acceptance of LBGT grows. Still a big issue in the Far South and heavily Religious States who support "Pray the Gay/Lesbian Away" and making LBGT feel ashamed of who they are.

Not to mention that there are certain feelings over there, mainly with the older part of the population, that being Gay/Lesbian is a "Rebellious Phase" (Actually, seems like many countries including the Far South of the USA has this mindset) that one WILL grow out of as they get older. It's also frowned upon to be openly Gay/Lesbian, though don't expect to really get too much issue over it (You'll mainly be ignored) like you would in certain Middle Eastern Countries, African Countries and the Far South of the USA for example which tends to get... Violent.

It's actually pretty surprising, a stark contrast to what many of those who've never been to Japan would think due to their only exposure to anything Japan being Anime which is far more open to such things.

Make no mistake, the Japanese aren't "evil" and can be pretty accommodating to Foreigners but they are really stuck hard to "Tradition" persay.

Course I haven't been to Japan in a few years, maybe things have changed for the better at this point? Anyone been there recently?


I hate Soleil because of that. Fates not only wants the pie but wants to eat it too without paying. Corrin being LGB, with severely limited options behind paywalls, while not having those like Soleil being Lesbian as she's portrayed is disgusting.

I hate the Awakening Returnees. DLC for them only makes me hate them more as now they look like real tools in the main story for not doing what they said in the DLC. It's almost like the DLC was made after the fact by an Awakening fan who didn't read the main script first.

I hate the kids because of how they're handled.

I hate Charlotte and Camilla as they're purposely oversexualized and "excuses" are made for those like Charlotte when we all know she's just there for fanservice.

I hate that you can S Rank relatives.

I hate the portrayal of Zero and Syalla. Highly offensive.

I hate how dumb Aqua in all paths.

I hate the Garon we got in Fates. Disgusting.

And I'm sure there's more but that's off the top of my head.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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I hate Soleil because of that. Fates not only wants the pie but wants to eat it too without paying. Corrin being LGB, with severely limited options behind paywalls, while not having those like Soleil being Lesbian as she's portrayed is disgusting.

You know, while I agree that Soleil was poorly handled, I don't think "cure the gay" was the intended motive. The game still has two other bisexual characters (the status of them both being creeps is another matter) so I wouldn't describe them as being homophobic. I think the real guilty trope is "bait and switch lesbians". Girl on girl is hot, right? But where is the fun if they DON'T want Kamui's dick? So they make it seem like she's practically a lesbian but is willing to bat for the other team, so to speak.

Soleil can marry any of the second gen males + Mamui so she's definitely bisexual, the problem is Femui forgets her own potential bisexuality when supporting with Soleil.

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I remembered that I can't stand Dicken 1.2 Tsukuyomi because he is pretty much Dicken Ricken, except that he's also an arrogant asshat on top of it all.

I tried to remove his existence from my mind... that's how much I like him : |

IS, remember when you could do the anima/wind weilding mage right? Or can you only churn out unlikable shotacon fanservice now?

This. This so much!

I hated Ricken and I will hate Tsukuyomi. I have a personal vendetta against arrogant characters, especially if they are children, so that dude is on my hit list already (as in, I'll send him to his doom very early on).

Also, the Nohrian siblings save for Elise who is just too cute to hate :3

And other characters I dislike are:


Tsubaki (I loathe perfectionists.)

Pieri (psychopathic Yandere... enough said)

Zero (I feel sorry for all the male homosexual players out there that THIS guy is the only one they have as a gay marriage option)



Lazward (a.k.a. Inigo)


Also Takumi.

The rest are fine in my book. That probably will change once I get the game but from what I have seen, these are the characters I am least likely to use.

Edited by DragonFlames
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You know, while I agree that Soleil was poorly handled, I don't think "cure the gay" was the intended motive. The game still has two other bisexual characters (the status of them both being creeps is another matter) so I wouldn't describe them as being homophobic. I think the real guilty trope is "bait and switch lesbians". Girl on girl is hot, right? But where is the fun if they DON'T want Kamui's dick? So they make it seem like she's practically a lesbian but is willing to bat for the other team, so to speak.

Soleil can marry any of the second gen males + Mamui so she's definitely bisexual, the problem is Femui forgets her own potential bisexuality when supporting with Soleil.

It is the intent. She's based off that silly trope to explain away lesbianism to fulfill a male fantasy of converting a girl, who loves girls, with their male parts.

She usnt portrayed as Bi. Heck, her support with Corrin literally has Corrin drug her to help her get over girls and desire men.

On another note on this agenda.

Notice how Zero abs Syalla are portrayed as deviants who're weird and highly offensive. Especially Zero.

It's sad that anyone would think that's how LGBT actually are.

I also stand tgat it's unforgivable to have the options behind pay walls and that only Corrin can get with the same gender.

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It is the intent. She's based off that silly trope to explain away lesbianism to fulfill a male fantasy of converting a girl, who loves girls, with their male parts.

I haven't read all her S-supports but does she undergo a "gay therapy" conversion with her non-Mamui partners? If not, that might evidence against your suspicion. Or you could be right. Lord knows that if there is a fetish, it has shown up somewhere in Awakening/Fates.

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Hinata. He's just….. meh. I can't really find anything that stands out about Hisame, either. My feelings towards them might change once I actually play the game, though.

I initially hated Luna/Severa, but it seems she's better than she was in Awakening and has actually matured a bit. I'm still annoyed though by the constant "she's got an inferiority complex" excuse, character development is a very wonderful thing.

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I haven't read all her S-supports but does she undergo a "gay therapy" conversion with her non-Mamui partners? If not, that might evidence against your suspicion. Or you could be right. Lord knows that if there is a fetish, it has shown up somewhere in Awakening/Fates.

In Soleil x Foleo, she says something along the lines of that she prefers women but she can have male partners just fine.

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I just realized we're giving in-depth reasons of hatred and arguing over fictional characters. What has life become?

Characters are just people who aren't real. Of course, because they're made up, they're depth varies, but alas.

I can give so many reasons as to why I don't like someone real. Why would it be strange to do the same thing over someone who isn't real?

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I just realized we're giving in-depth reasons of hatred and arguing over fictional characters. What has life become?

People have been arguing about fictional characters, stories and genres for hundreds if not thousands of years; hell, Don Quijote de la Mancha - one of the most famous and beloved books of all time - is a giant (humorous) middle finger to the entire chivalric romance genre

If you care about a series, or just invest time and money into playing a game, you get involved. In a case like this, when you realize the quality is non-existent, you tend to get pretty peeved.

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Matoi, mostly. I'm just not into netorare.

Oh, you.

I just realized we're giving in-depth reasons of hatred and arguing over fictional characters. What has life become?

I'd rather have my negative feelings directed to something that doesn't exist rather than the people I can't stand IRL. It's a great stress reliever.

Therefore I don't have any problems with this.

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Not a fan of Silas, but not for the same reason as everyone else--though I do agree his personality kinda doesn't really stand out.

But I read a lot of his supports, and I get that he's mostly a good person and all, but I also find that he's rather judgemental. Which, I mean, okay, that's fine, we're all human, but what bothers me is that he's rather confrontational in his judgements, and more than once he jumped to conclusions and confronted the person about the conclusions he came up with which then he looks like an condescending ass at times for that. As a person he's rather grating to me to read about, at times.

But what really broke it for me was, at least how his support with Hana conveyed to me in the support. I feel that whoever wrote that support didn't get the memo that Hana's supposed to be very strong, one of the best Samurai in her generation, capable of cutting down entire trees with a single stroke etc etc (which isn't easy with a katana; they're not meant for cutting trees), but for some reasons in that particular support they weakened her significantly, I don't know if the writer had a hard-on for Silas or something but it was not consistent with what's established about Hana and it's like, the only one that does it with her so I'm pissed off about it Hana doesn't deserve this shit

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Not a fan of Silas, but not for the same reason as everyone else--though I do agree his personality kinda doesn't really stand out.

But I read a lot of his supports, and I get that he's mostly a good person and all, but I also find that he's rather judgemental. Which, I mean, okay, that's fine, we're all human, but what bothers me is that he's rather confrontational in his judgements, and more than once he jumped to conclusions and confronted the person about the conclusions he came up with which then he looks like an condescending ass at times for that. As a person he's rather grating to me to read about, at times.

But what really broke it for me was, at least how his support with Hana conveyed to me in the support. I feel that whoever wrote that support didn't get the memo that Hana's supposed to be very strong, one of the best Samurai in her generation, capable of cutting down entire trees with a single stroke etc etc (which isn't easy with a katana; they're not meant for cutting trees), but for some reasons in that particular support they weakened her significantly, I don't know if the writer had a hard-on for Silas or something but it was not consistent with what's established about Hana and it's like, the only one that does it with her so I'm pissed off about it Hana doesn't deserve this shit

Now I might run the risk of sounding judgemental, but isn't that a very common portrayal in Japanese entertainment media? The whole defending weak girls or even weakening previously strong ones so they can be rescued? It's just so dumb; I hadn't read Silas and Hana's support which seems like a good thing, because I really hate that trope. Defending and rescuing people is fine, but not when it comes at the expense of one of the characters involved.

Still, I thought this was a thread about characters that slipped our mind, not the ones we disliked. I mean, I can list a LOT of characters I dislike, but the ones that are just "meh" are rather few.

Speaking of which, another "meh" character is Hinoka. I would even go so far as to say she's not even a character as much as she is a collection of tropes thrown together with minimal explanation or justification - she's a warrior princess who cares about her family but oh no she can't do feminine stuff. That's...pretty much it. She's hardly even got a minor role in any of the three routes, and her supports tend to be either bad or a snoozefest - her support with Saizou is one of the worst in the game, for instance.

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Now I might run the risk of sounding judgemental, but isn't that a very common portrayal in Japanese entertainment media? The whole defending weak girls or even weakening previously strong ones so they can be rescued? It's just so dumb; I hadn't read Silas and Hana's support which seems like a good thing, because I really hate that trope. Defending and rescuing people is fine, but not when it comes at the expense of one of the characters involved.

He didn't do that, actually. He went up and accused Hana of not fighting with enough power in their C, which would be okay if it's just Hana having an off day or something, but then the support went on to show that Silas is somehow ~so ~much ~better ~than ~her despite her otherwise established abilities

claiming her strikes as "shallow" when the rest of her character establishes her as rather brutal at attacking consistently just to make silas look so much more skilled than her feels like bullshit. I think Elfie's support with Silas kinda suffer from that too.

But yeah idk like, Silas's supports actively annoy me.

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A lot of the 2nd generation seems "meh". I'm not the one to get wound up and actively hate something that's purely fictional, but very few of them resonate with more or have entertaining supports. Camilla and Hinoka are also on my "don't care for" list for similiar reasons; they're tropes but not much else, while being "prominent" characters. Ryouma is also boring, as he's Prince Perfectâ„¢. Add in the Awakening trio; I semi-enjoyed Inigo in Awakening, and somehow put up with Severa due to virtual father-daughter relations, but I couldn't stand Owain. But of course, there's the big reason: they don't belong here. Their sole reason is to try and push some Awakening fans towards the Nohr route.

The only characters I actually harbor negative feelings toward are Pieri (who the localization will almost definitely change) and Tsukuyomi (who I don't even want to care about).

Also, this isn't directly related to things, but are we really going to bide the time until the NA release with more FE14 hate threads? Everything has already been said, people have made their rants and judgements, and in general these types of threads start feeling old as soon as they've been created. People have said and repeated their opinions, and I think everybody who visits this sub-forum has a decent idea of what's wrong in FE14.

Edited by The DanMan
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This. This so much!

I hated Ricken and I will hate Tsukuyomi. I have a personal vendetta against arrogant characters, especially if they are children, so that dude is on my hit list already (as in, I'll send him to his doom very early on).

Also, the Nohrian siblings save for Elise who is just too cute to hate :3

And other characters I dislike are:


Tsubaki (I loathe perfectionists.)

Pieri (psychopathic Yandere... enough said)

Zero (I feel sorry for all the male homosexual players out there that THIS guy is the only one they have as a gay marriage option)



Lazward (a.k.a. Inigo)


Also Takumi.

The rest are fine in my book. That probably will change once I get the game but from what I have seen, these are the characters I am least likely to use.

Ohh come on now.. Kill Tsukuyomi and there is no Shara T~T

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Ohh come on now.. Kill Tsukuyomi and there is no Shara T~T

The only thing i don't like about Tsukuyomi is that his daughter is Shara...

Tsukuyomi is actually one of my favourite characters I love his japanese voice actor (Valshe), his personality and his design.

It's kinda weird since I didn't really like Ricken while they're pretty similar. I just find Tsukuyomi adorable and i can't really find an explanation why xD

Oh but i guess this isn't really the thread for saying how much you love a character... sorry.

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Matoi, mostly. I'm just not into netorare.

But that doesn't even make any sense to begin with.

Matoi doesn't have a so-called "Chrom obsession" like Cordelia is sometimes criticized for. Yes, she falls in love the most easily, but if you do your [Avatar's] support with her, then

its YOU [rather, your Avatar] whom she falls in love with at first sight.


Matoi x Kamui would thus be essentially the exact opposite of what you're implying.

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But that doesn't even make any sense to begin with.

Matoi doesn't have a so-called "Chrom obsession" like Cordelia is sometimes criticized for. Yes, she falls in love the most easily, but if you do your [Avatar's] support with her, then

its YOU [rather, your Avatar] whom she falls in love with at first sight.


Matoi x Kamui would thus be essentially the exact opposite of what you're implying.

Then it's NTR for Kamui because she actually loves the player.

I think the person you were replying to was joking anyway.

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But that doesn't even make any sense to begin with.

Matoi doesn't have a so-called "Chrom obsession" like Cordelia is sometimes criticized for. Yes, she falls in love the most easily, but if you do your [Avatar's] support with her, then

its YOU [rather, your Avatar] whom she falls in love with at first sight.


Matoi x Kamui would thus be essentially the exact opposite of what you're implying.

Not until they release Original, the blue haired Chrom look alike mercenary as DLC.

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