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What is it about Avatars that makes handling them such a problem? (SPOILERS FOR FES INCLUDING FATES)


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...I just like Shinon. Shinon's one my personal favorite FE characters, and his jerk-ness has a lot to do with that, to be honest. Most units are either pretty good, or start with some bias issue they get over. Shinon...is just a jerk. He's always snarky and mean, but also, like...smart and fairly merited in being so arrogant about his abilities. Yeah, he isn't really a nice guy but he isn't evil or dumb, and I like that there's a character who is a jerk...but isn't a villain. I think that's more interesting than having a Camus, personally. And I just like Shinon. The guy is an ass and I find that amusing.

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Being an ass can still be a detriment to the character. Severa is a tsundare character and her supports always get on my nerves because we never see her show any other side. Too much of being an ass will make players see the person as unlikeable.

As for the avatar. I think giving the character a personality, and more towards the idea of letting them be their own character rather then just an avatar would help players a lot more then a blank slate. One thing to do would be to have the player have the option to name the character and maybe traits as well as maybe positive/negative/neutral responses based on how the player is playing the game. Like for example if the Avatar is with a character and they constantly do the fighting or use the other character as a meat shield then the other character will have a negative response to them, but if they do well, share the fighting with the other character then a more positive/neutral response will occur.

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They don't give enough customization. Main characters that are created don't have to be horrible. Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate, and Neverwinter all do just fine. The difference is, they all allow extensive customization of your character. Appearance, background, in some cases personality, race, etc. They also have branching dialogue options. Something that if IS wants to continue using the avatar, they really need to adopt. They also don't have a story completely based around them. There are other things going on in the world. More than just the created character are competent enough to handle the situations at had. I think Awakening was a good start for the MU, central to the story, but at the same time not being constantly praised.

I think if they want to make it better, improve on the appearance customization. Really make it where players can create the character they want. Example being in Fates I won't be creating my Paladin that I create in every fantasy game. The customization options just arent there to make him in this one. Also allow more control over dialogue. If they don't want to go with dialogue choices, then at least allow different personalities that effect what they say, do, and act like. That and they really need to drop the praising of the character. You don't have to make him hated or dislikable, but make it where he isn't the constant character that from the time he was 5 he was told that he is the hero of this land.

I also think dropping the Otaku pandering could help. With the personality system I stated above, it could also decide what characters can be supported. Stop the entire full cast support and limit it. That and I think the entire reason for the constant MU praise in the story is because of Otaku pandering. They try to hard to make the player feel special, instead of making a good story around the character they created.

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I've yet to play Fates or spoil myself to it's plotline, but in Awakening and FE7, I liked the avatar characters. Even if FE7's barely existed

Honestly, I found the constant hero worship of the main character WAY more annoying in Tellius than towards any of the three avatar characters in the games I've played thus far. So, all but Fates

As for Shinon, he's easily the only asshole in the series I've ever liked, ever.

As for Kamui, I came to the conclusion long ago before the game's release that he would be worshipped, since he's shown to be a manakete in the trailers.

In short, I'm fine with the systems current implementation, tho I will admit to never basing the Avatar off of me, instead making characters up, or flat out stealing them from other games.

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Well I did think it was a problem. Shinon reminds me of that one character who doesn't like the perfect main character, but who is so bitter and petty about it that he's wrong automatically and only makes the main character looks better in comparison. If someone doesn't like the main character I would like them to at least have a point about it.

Yeah, I don't really like Shinon as a counterpoint to 'this is how you have a character dislike the Avatar', because Shinon can be pretty easily characterized as a racist asshole, albeit maybe one with redeeming qualities. It's not like Titania or Oscar or other reasonable characters truly doubt Ike at any point(I guess Gatrie leaves, but that's not really explored).

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Yeah, I don't really like Shinon as a counterpoint to 'this is how you have a character dislike the Avatar', because Shinon can be pretty easily characterized as a racist asshole, albeit maybe one with redeeming qualities. It's not like Titania or Oscar or other reasonable characters truly doubt Ike at any point(I guess Gatrie leaves, but that's not really explored).

Shinon leaving problem had something to do with Gatrie's decision. He isn't exactly resistant to external influence, such as, say, his best friend quitting because he felt the change in management was stupid.

On the note of Gatrie, since who needs to address the actual topic at hand, he's part of the reason I think Shinon is great, or at least works. You know, because their friendship shows a lot of those redeeming qualities without making him actually stop being a jerk.

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Yeah, I don't really like Shinon as a counterpoint to 'this is how you have a character dislike the Avatar', because Shinon can be pretty easily characterized as a racist asshole, albeit maybe one with redeeming qualities. It's not like Titania or Oscar or other reasonable characters truly doubt Ike at any point(I guess Gatrie leaves, but that's not really explored).

Yeah, Shinon iirc is the only playable character who dislikes Ike but he's treated as an unreasonable douche who just didn't give Ike a chance. I think what's funny is that Shinon is right about Ike, namely that he's a spoiled little shit who gets everything without working for it and taking it for granted, but the game acts like he's unreasonable to do so.

Takumi's pretty much the same way too with Kamui, though he gets treated even worse by the story.

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