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Likes & Dislikes about Fates? !!SPOILERS!!


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I think it's ridiculous they aren't marriage candidates regardless of gender, especially Jakob. At this point, though, I'd just be thrilled to get to choose the one I want at the start of the game. I'll never understand why they took that choice away from the player. Especially since it takes so long to get the other one. What if you don't like the servant you're stuck with and like the other one significantly better?

Edited by Sir FreddyBear
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Nohr difficulty



How re classing works

New weapons


My castle battles




Marriage (I don't hate it, it just wasn't really needed in this game)


Female designs (I may not ride horses, but from what my friend told me, you should not be riding horses in underwear...)

Anna as DLC

Player worshipping



This is why that we complain about the skinship and fanservice that this game provides. It takes away the "only the strong and wise survive" motto away. This stuff should not belong in war games, period!

Anna being paid only really sucked. Since her paid episode gives you nothing else upon it! As have said about it on this page.

Edited by Lin_Lee_Koo
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This is why that we complain about the skinship and fanservice that this game provides. It takes away the "only the strong and wise survive" motto away. This stuff should not belong in war games, period!

Anna being paid only really sucked. Since her paid episode gives you nothing else upon it! As have said about it on this page.

Yet you're not complaining about the player worship?

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  • Gameplay changes - I liked the Dual System, but it was easily breakable. Splitting it and allowing enemies to use it seems so much more balanced.
  • Characters - Most of them seem pretty likeable, and most of their designs are cool
  • Multiple Storylines - Any way to get more Fire Emblem into my system
  • My Castle - I'm a HUGE sucker for little hubs you can build and interact with, like Join Avenue in Pokemon B/W2, so I can already see myself sinking hours into that alone
  • Unisex Classes - Finally male Pegasus Knights!
  • Unlimited Weapon Uses - It'll be nice to not need to give my units multiple weapons just to make sure they don't end up unarmed mid-map
  • Better Knight/General Design - Still not perfect, but we're looking a lot less... encumbered in this game


  • New Weapon Triangle - I'm not sure how I feel about Tomes and Bows being added to the triangle, I feel like it may unbalance certain classes. I won't really know until I try it though.
  • Personal Skills - Some of them look really good (like Nohr-Hater and Explosive Flame), but a lot of them seem extremely limited (any of the ones that work only with Corrin) or even potentially negative (Unlucky Soul and Beautiful King). The fact they can't be removed isn't great either.
  • Awakening Transplants - I like Inigo and Owain, and am meh about Severa, so I don't mind seeing them back, but I think the "alternate dimension" explanation is extremely lazy. Something like having them traveled far from Ylisse would have been better. Only other downside is that it takes up 3 new character spots on Nohr side...
  • Children characters - I really like the children characters from Awakening since they gave everyone's army a little bit of personal identity. Everyone had slightly different pairings, and I liked seeing how they built their characers. Their presence in this game is much more forced and they don't seem as likeable as Awakening's second generation. Maybe they will be a bit different in the translations.
  • DLC - I don't usually mind DLC, even the maps in Awakening. Having a full storyline as DLC though seems a bit excessive, and I cross my fingers that we won't see some sort of microtransaction system shoe-horned in...
  • "Incest" marriage options - I just don't really give a shit about it, it's not like they're related anyway. I'm sure the translation will tone down the vibes anyway.


  • Ridiculous Fan Service - Normally a bit of fanservice doesn't both me and I've even been known to enjoy it a bit, but Fates goes WAY over the top with it. I'm surprisingly meh about the touching minigame (though I'd be all for it if it implemented cupcakes and headbutting yarn balls), but the spa and option to make them fight almost nude is over the line. I'm not going to let it ruin the game for me at all, since it is all entirely optional and I will ignore it, but even its presence alters the tone of the game quite a bit...
  • Camilla's Design - Definitely the worst of the crew with how ridiculously over-sexualized she is. I'm not offended by scantily clad women, but her design is so over the top compared to everyone else, and makes no sense for her class. Wasted opportunity to make a more dignified royal sister.
  • Weapon Drawbacks - I'm all game for unlimited weapon uses, but the sheer number of drawbacks is ridiculous! There are just so many different ones with each weapon, it's outrageously hard to remember them all. Also, certain weapons inherently lower stats, and they can affect Critical Dodge, can't double attack, no skills, etc... Now equipping characters will take an hour of planning to figure out...
  • Poor Story- I know the story of Awakening was far from perfect, with a throwaway second act and some plot holes, but I'm not a huge story gamer anyway and it was enough to get me by. This game seems particularly problematic though. Hoshido looks passable, but the final Nohr revelation undermines the whole plot and Revelation just seems kind of confusing. And what is with all the alternate dimensions? The Awakening transplants, My Castle, the children... The alternate dimension trope is probably the laziest way to explain something in a story, and it's really disappointing to see them resorting to it. Again, hoping the translation will at least give us some decent dialogue to make it more palatable.
  • Awakening Expies - If I count correctly, I think we have 6 Awakening expies in total (Lazward, Luna, Odin, Syalla, Gurei, Matoi), and I'd even be willing to slip Tsukiyomi in there for number 7. Do they really think that they need to rehash this many characters to draw Awakening fans back? We're not so dependent on Awakening that we need to have half the cast back just to play the next one. It takes up spots that could be filled by new characters with different personalities. At the very least the first 3 are the exact same characters, but it feels bizarre that the other 3 are different characters but identical in looks and personality.

So that's my long-winded take on it. Take it for what you will.

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-better online play

-less broken MU



-double weapon triangle


-more varied objectives


-battle animations seem less weird than Awakening's (some of its "killing attack" animations were especially bad)


-Less MU builds

-Hinoka's English voice is terrible

-too many Kamuisexuals

-Rinka's fake abs

-children were pretty obviously shoehorned in

-seems like most of the characters are auto-recruited, very little enemy recruitment

-IK balance seems pretty bad, looking at when characters join and their bases

-Only one dark tome

-can't gay it up with Foleo (no homo)

-some of the new weapon designs

-non-unique weapon icons

-Anna as DLC


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There are a few things I'm absolutely looking foreword to once Fates is out.

Seeing the translated supports, trying out that sorcerer class, and getting a hang of that new weapon triangle Fates has.

Something I dislike? Hm.

I got nothing. I'm pretty apathetic towards things I don't care about.

But, that's not very interesting to say, since there's got be something I don't like about the game.

Having to shell money for downloadable content?

(mild irritation at worst. worth it if you want it.)

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  • Gameplay changes - I liked the Dual System, but it was easily breakable. Splitting it and allowing enemies to use it seems so much more balanced.
  • Characters - Most of them seem pretty likeable, and most of their designs are cool
  • Multiple Storylines - Any way to get more Fire Emblem into my system
  • My Castle - I'm a HUGE sucker for little hubs you can build and interact with, like Join Avenue in Pokemon B/W2, so I can already see myself sinking hours into that alone
  • Unisex Classes - Finally male Pegasus Knights!
  • Unlimited Weapon Uses - It'll be nice to not need to give my units multiple weapons just to make sure they don't end up unarmed mid-map
  • Better Knight/General Design - Still not perfect, but we're looking a lot less... encumbered in this game


  • New Weapon Triangle - I'm not sure how I feel about Tomes and Bows being added to the triangle, I feel like it may unbalance certain classes. I won't really know until I try it though.
  • Personal Skills - Some of them look really good (like Nohr-Hater and Explosive Flame), but a lot of them seem extremely limited (any of the ones that work only with Corrin) or even potentially negative (Unlucky Soul and Beautiful King). The fact they can't be removed isn't great either.
  • Awakening Transplants - I like Inigo and Owain, and am meh about Severa, so I don't mind seeing them back, but I think the "alternate dimension" explanation is extremely lazy. Something like having them traveled far from Ylisse would have been better. Only other downside is that it takes up 3 new character spots on Nohr side...
  • Children characters - I really like the children characters from Awakening since they gave everyone's army a little bit of personal identity. Everyone had slightly different pairings, and I liked seeing how they built their characers. Their presence in this game is much more forced and they don't seem as likeable as Awakening's second generation. Maybe they will be a bit different in the translations.
  • DLC - I don't usually mind DLC, even the maps in Awakening. Having a full storyline as DLC though seems a bit excessive, and I cross my fingers that we won't see some sort of microtransaction system shoe-horned in...
  • "Incest" marriage options - I just don't really give a shit about it, it's not like they're related anyway. I'm sure the translation will tone down the vibes anyway.


  • Ridiculous Fan Service - Normally a bit of fanservice doesn't both me and I've even been known to enjoy it a bit, but Fates goes WAY over the top with it. I'm surprisingly meh about the touching minigame (though I'd be all for it if it implemented cupcakes and headbutting yarn balls), but the spa and option to make them fight almost nude is over the line. I'm not going to let it ruin the game for me at all, since it is all entirely optional and I will ignore it, but even its presence alters the tone of the game quite a bit...
  • Camilla's Design - Definitely the worst of the crew with how ridiculously over-sexualized she is. I'm not offended by scantily clad women, but her design is so over the top compared to everyone else, and makes no sense for her class. Wasted opportunity to make a more dignified royal sister.
  • Weapon Drawbacks - I'm all game for unlimited weapon uses, but the sheer number of drawbacks is ridiculous! There are just so many different ones with each weapon, it's outrageously hard to remember them all. Also, certain weapons inherently lower stats, and they can affect Critical Dodge, can't double attack, no skills, etc... Now equipping characters will take an hour of planning to figure out...
  • Poor Story- I know the story of Awakening was far from perfect, with a throwaway second act and some plot holes, but I'm not a huge story gamer anyway and it was enough to get me by. This game seems particularly problematic though. Hoshido looks passable, but the final Nohr revelation undermines the whole plot and Revelation just seems kind of confusing. And what is with all the alternate dimensions? The Awakening transplants, My Castle, the children... The alternate dimension trope is probably the laziest way to explain something in a story, and it's really disappointing to see them resorting to it. Again, hoping the translation will at least give us some decent dialogue to make it more palatable.
  • Awakening Expies - If I count correctly, I think we have 6 Awakening expies in total (Lazward, Luna, Odin, Syalla, Gurei, Matoi), and I'd even be willing to slip Tsukiyomi in there for number 7. Do they really think that they need to rehash this many characters to draw Awakening fans back? We're not so dependent on Awakening that we need to have half the cast back just to play the next one. It takes up spots that could be filled by new characters with different personalities. At the very least the first 3 are the exact same characters, but it feels bizarre that the other 3 are different characters but identical in looks and personality.

So that's my long-winded take on it. Take it for what you will.

Camilla's design is just...ugh! -.-
She is of the empress arcana in the series, but this is no way to show it. -.-

I actually like Awakening better because of the evil mechanics to make the game harder than anything else doesn't apply to the game and having better old skills as they are badly nerfed in this one.



-better online play

-less broken MU



-double weapon triangle


-more varied objectives


-battle animations seem less weird than Awakening's (some of its "killing attack" animations were especially bad)


-Less MU builds

-Hinoka's English voice is terrible

-too many Kamuisexuals

-Rinka's fake abs

-children were pretty obviously shoehorned in

-seems like most of the characters are auto-recruited, very little enemy recruitment

-IK balance seems pretty bad, looking at when characters join and their bases

-Only one dark tome

-can't gay it up with Foleo (no homo)

-some of the new weapon designs

-non-unique weapon icons

-Anna as DLC


Foleo is over the top of transvestites which this series needs more character of.

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- Nohr's gameplay.

- The soundtrack is among the best in this series.

- Personal Skills are a nice little touch to make everyone unique.

- The new weapons system is fun and interesting.

- Most of the new classes.

- The characters in general. The majority of them are written better than Awakening's, and there are more I genuinely like. Azura, for example, is one of my favorite characters in the series.

- Half of the class designs. The Lancers, Outlaws, and Samurai in particular are very nice.

- Pair-Up changes.

- Unisex classes. I can FINALLY have my male Peg Knights and female Berserkers now.

- The new animations are pretty fluid.

- Feet.


- Conquest's story. I'm fine with Birthright and Revelation, they were okay if nothing special, but Conquest is just a mess.

- Related to the above, the guilt-trip for choosing Nohr.

- Also related to the above, no moral greyness; Hoshido is pure good and Nohr is pure evil.

- Incest being treated as wincest.

- Children and their shitty excuse for being in the game.

- Zero and Shara as LGBT options. I'm sorry and I'm not trying to offend anyone, they just make me uncomfortable and I wish they'd chosen other people.

- Excessive fanservice. Especially when it undermines characters. Camilla, for instance, had the potential to be interesting if they hadn't reduced her to pure fanservice.

- The other half of the class designs. The Dark Mages and female Generals/Cavs in particular are pretty bad.

- Avatar-worship needs to stop.

Overall I do like Fates more than Awakening, and I do think it was a good game. And hopefully some of the things on my dislike list--the black-and-white morality, the wincest/incest thing, the guilt-trip for Nohr--will get changed in the localization, so I can enjoy it even more.

Edited by Abvora
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- Zero and Shara as LGBT options. I'm sorry and I'm not trying to offend anyone, they just make me uncomfortable and I wish they'd chosen other people.

Shara annoys me since she's not even really gay, she's just Kamuisexual.

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Ain't that the truth.

I'm surprised to see people liking My Castle, and I don't just mean the fan service part of it. It just feels weird that characters are teleported to another dimension to relax in between battles, instead of planning, restocking, training and all that good stuff; if there's one thing I like about the Tellius series, it's how there was a constant focus on that, which added to the overall atmosphere.

Honestly, i doubt people really give a fuck about where My Castle is. The fact that it exists is a pretty exciting and fun thing for people. An area that you can plan your next move(s), buy junk, customize shit, convince guys to join you, battle people via Spotpass, do supports, goof off in general, etc. Instead of being a giant menu, its an actual place you can move around in. Its damn cool, despite whatever "narrative" reason its there. It doesnt surprise me that people are looking at this game in a purely gameplay sort of perspective.

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Shara annoys me since she's not even really gay, she's just Kamuisexual.

I don't see how that invalidates her bisexuality. She's a girl who can fall in love with another girl. Even if its only ever that specific girl and never another one after that, unless she says something like "F!Kamui was an exception, I think I'm straight despite that experience" then there's no reason to say something like you did.

I mean, I understand your frustration wholeheartedly, but. ehh. ehhh. ehhhhhhhh. sorry.

To add something relevant to the thread, I'm mostly excited for the customization of My Castle. And Skinship. Being able to walk around and talk to other units is going to be enjoyable, too. Even if its not really 'realistic', I think its mostly about having fun. And I mean, we all have different kinds of fun, so whatever works for you?

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I like the My Castle feature. I always enjoy castle/base building elements in games, even if they aren't all that detailed. I also like the length and replay value this game is going to have with the three versions, plenty of classes, the marriage system returning, and the amount of characters. I think I will enjoy the story, since I also enjoyed Awakening's story and thought it wasn't too bad. Unfortunately some of the character deaths were ruined for me by accident.

I'm on the fence on the children returning. I thought it was lazy the way they explained it, and could of been handled better, or just removed. I also am not big on the idea of the MU being able to marry the children units. I thought it was creepy in awakening, and think its creepy here too, especially since he was likely there for some of their births.

Their really isn't a whole lot I dislike. For the most part i've tried not to spoil things for myself. That and I am pretty simple when it comes to things I like. As long as it's got good gameplay and a half-way decent story it is good in my book.

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-The forged killer weapons as shown in this video that the Killer Shuriken is probably the deadliest weapon in the game! But...there is no surefire way to getting a +6 one without the weapons episode as I want to get some of these forged Killers before doing any online matches. The forged +7 irons offers 15 crit which is quite good! The forged +6 Braves will take some good time as well.

Edited by Lin_Lee_Koo
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