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Least Favorite Games Played in 2015


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Since there is already a thread dedicated to games you really enjoyed, why not have one for games you didn't like so much?

I'll need my hipster glasses though.

Persona 3 (PSP), I just couldn't get into it. The protagonist had omega special syndrome and the coffins just seemed like they were trying to be overly creepy.


I love Dark Souls and I love gothic settings. Unfortunately Bloodborne's gameplay really annoyed me to no end. All the bosses were incredibly strong and looked awesome (well almost all), but they all had insane amounts of health combined with insane damage. This pretty much made every boss seem like a damage sponge as my weapons did almost no damage (I was using the saw spear).

The enemies really pushed me over though, especially the multi hit ones and tentacle face guys. The first just stunlock you to death since poise isn't a thing and the other just super armors everything. Plus the fact that I had to buy up blood viles meant that instead of going back in to fight a boss or even try and get to the next lamp. Eventually I just had to start farming blood viles so I could progress. I had the same problem with quicksilver bullets though to a lesser degree.

With all that said though, the level and enemy designs were fantastic and the weapons all felt pretty diverse. Except the saw spear/saw. Those are pretty similar, but even then there is enough diversity between them to let me hate the saw cleaver but love the spear.

Fallout 4,

I was really looking forward to this game, but the elements I loved from the previous installments were all gone. The removal of skills I could have potentially dealt with. Skyrim did a similar thing by dropping attributes.

Then comes the stuff I really didn't want gone. The "new" dialogue system annoys me to no end between not letting me actually see what I'm going to say and voicing everything makes it feel more like I'm customizing a preset character than making my own.

The main storyline also messes with roleplaying characters more than Fallout 3 did. It always begins with a heterosexual marriage with one child. Add in the voiced dialogue and I'm now completely uninterested in playing a Fallout where my character has a preset backstory.

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I really don't dwell on any 'bad' games (and not even, usually just not for me) I play.

It figures that I would like both Fallout 4 and Bloodborne, though.

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TES: Arena. The lore contributions the game has that weren't retconned by Morrowind are few and far between, there is almost no dimension of height (which makes every location just plain soulless), and the main quest is effectively 17 fetch quests. The only Elder Scrolls I wouldn't recommend to anyone.

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Bravely Default, for the same reasons most give when criticizing the game. First half was fine, nothing special but still enjoyable, and then the second half happened. It became too much a slog then.

I don't remember any other games that I didn't like, and definitely not any ones that came out this year.

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Yo-Kai Watch.

It was so promising.

It failed me miserably.

My friends all complain about the combat system, but honestly my gripe isn't even about that. My gripe is the CONSTANT side-tracking, detours, errand-running and general inability to get anything done right away because obviously the player needs to be sent across town 5 times before they can progress the "Story." T_T I put it down and have not touched it since.

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The 3rd Super Robot Wars Z: Tengoku-hen

Fire Emblem: Fates

Trails in the Sky: First Chapter

First two I disliked, and Trails was just boring to play. People praise Trails, but I just can't enjoy it unless I enjoy the gameplay.

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