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Realism in Terms of Kamui's Sexuality


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Is there some sort of reaction from the family when Kamui pursue's Zero or Shara? It would be much more realistic if there was. Like maybe some of them could be accepting and the others aren't? I don't know.. It just adds realism and makes more sense. Especially if someone is expecting Kamui to produce an heir.

Edited by GrayClouds23
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I haven't played yet either, but I've always imagined that the Nohrians would be..less than accepting. Especially considering Zero's social status. Because Zero and Shara aren't main characters, though, I doubt much in the story dialogue changes-- Definitely not as much as marrying Azura would. I mean, I assume dialogue changes, similar to Robin/Chrom playthroughs. Maybe one or two offhanded comments here and there, but I don't think much would change.

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I believe nothing much changes and no real reactions from anyone.

I could see this maybe changing in the localization, however, I highly doubt it.

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I believe nothing much changes and no real reactions from anyone.

I could see this maybe changing in the localization, however, I highly doubt it.

it would be really dumb if they changed it

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Ya, basically waste of time on the localization team.

It would be worse than that, because I guess it'd be just too hard for Americans to imagine a world where homosexuality isn't treated as deviant/unusual

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It would be worse than that, because I guess it'd be just too hard for Americans to imagine a world where homosexuality isn't treated as deviant/unusual

It's this world in general. Japan doesn't seem to care, and some countries treat homosexuals horribly. It's not just America.

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It's this world in general. Japan doesn't seem to care, and some countries treat homosexuals horribly. It's not just America.

Many countries do not care, while as more do. At least America allows gay marriage, and doesn't execute people that are found as gays. <- Some countries do that to this day.

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It's this world in general. Japan doesn't seem to care, and some countries treat homosexuals horribly. It's not just America.

I was talking about the localization team changing it

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It would be worse than that, because I guess it'd be just too hard for Americans to imagine a world where homosexuality isn't treated as deviant/unusual

1. Gay marriage is legal in the USA and while we still have a long way to go before total acceptance, we're making progress.

2. If people in the game had an adverse reaction to Kamui being gay, that would be a reflection to their values, not ours.

3. All the homosexual options in Fates are already deviants and unusual. Take that as you will.

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It would be worse than that, because I guess it'd be just too hard for Americans to imagine a world where homosexuality isn't treated as deviant/unusual

There are plenty of games released in the Americas with gay romance/marriage and no one treats it that way. Either in the game world or the real world.

As for this game, I haven't played, but I'd be very surprised if such reactions occurred. And it really wouldn't add realism because:

I mean I know nothing about this game but since it's a fictional world theres no reason gay relationships can't be completely accepted

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i think the bigger issue with marring shara wouldn't be that she's of the same gender as you, but she's literally a whole generation apart from you, its pedophilia in all but name.

But Shara is an adult in game. Someone called me that when they saw me pursuing her as well. I just laughed at them

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There's all sorts of options for Kamui character development here. Almost being rejected by their family, even after making a decision to abandon the other and fight for them, is a pretty sweet option. I don't know. It would all come down to how its handled, I guess. I'd be lying if I said I like all those ridiculous stories about LGBT+ being all sad and depressed because family/friends reject them super hardcore. I think something like that is plain and overdone and it makes me wonder if its actually based on an LGBT+ person's experiences, or a straight person's perception of LGBT+ lives. For once, I'd like to not have to go out of my way to find stories about other LGBT+ being in happy, fulfilling relationships. Just let us be happy, yaknowww? However.. I feel like this would've been a pretty nifty opportunity for Kamui/Zero/Shara/Royal sibling development. Witnessing other characters overcome any possible homophobia they have, for instance. I dunnoooo. Like I said, I don't know anything that happens in these games yet, but giving Zero/Shara's minor roles, I can assume that things like this won't happen.

i think the bigger issue with marring shara wouldn't be that she's of the same gender as you, but she's literally a whole generation apart from you, its pedophilia in all but name.

Also this. There's just so many options for story/character development that could've happened if <literally any other character> was a main character. Oh well. We have fanfics.

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your only fine with it is because she looks like Kamui's age.

i bet if there was a 20 or 30 year age difference you'd think otherwise, regardless of adults.

should a 48 year old Liu Bei be allowed to Marry a 15 year old Lady Sun, even if it is a political marriage this is beyond messed up, granted you could make the argument you weren't a "child" at 15 back in 200 AD china, but come on.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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1. Gay marriage is legal in the USA and while we still have a long way to go before total acceptance, we're making progress.

2. If people in the game had an adverse reaction to Kamui being gay, that would be a reflection to their values, not ours.

3. All the homosexual options in Fates are already deviants and unusual. Take that as you will.

There are plenty of games released in the Americas with gay romance/marriage and no one treats it that way. Either in the game world or the real world.

As for this game, I haven't played, but I'd be very surprised if such reactions occurred. And it really wouldn't add realism because:


What I'm trying to say is that by changing the way Kamui's family reacts to their sexuality in the localization, the people who localized it are implying this. I'm not saying thats actually how it is in America

Also, the localization team changes things specifically to fit the values of the culture its being localized for, so it would reflect our values, sorta like if they remove incest from the game

Edited by Moira
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your only fine with it is because she looks like Kamui's age.

i bet if there was a 20 or 30 year age difference you'd think otherwise, regardless of adults.

should a 48 year old Liu Bei be allowed to Marry a 15 year old Lady Sun, even if it is a political marriage this is beyond messed up, granted you could make the argument you weren't a "child" at 15 back in 200 AD china, but come on.

I could care less about this world's policies. I follow them so I can stay out of prison, other than that I couldn't give less of a shit what goes on in games. Yes yes I know, I'm nuts etc.

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From what I played and what my friend and others here have translated, there is no change what so ever if you marry Zero or Shara.

I really don't see a point in it anyways Neither are main characters and I am pretty sure even if Kamui marries one of the 9 royals, there is no dialogue change. Maybe with Aqua, kind of like what happens with Chrom and MU in FEA, but nothing else from what I could see.

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Nohr operates on the strongest survive and it has been shown that status don't matter when it comes to choosing the retainers, only skill. If anything I might think the backlash would come from the Hoshidan family, not Nohr, and from Nohr it'd be about Zero's character and personality, not his upbringing.

Meanwhile all the retainers from Hoshido are said to be from noble families, and that only those from noble families can aspire to such duty. Syalla can be kinda an exception since she's the daughter of Tsukiyomi who although no status, all her mothers are from noble blood with the exception of Mozume and the Nohr girls.

This would have been so good to see in the contrast of the Nohr and the Hoshido royals regarding their acceptance of their s/o in the third route, because i can see the Nohr siblings only like "Are you sure? are you completely sure? They won't kill you on your sleep?" "Yes i love them and they me." "Ok have fun" while the Hoshido siblings are all -gasp-

Now i wonder what reaction Hoshido siblings might have had towards Zero or Nyx!Syalla in the third route

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I don't think there're any changes whatsoever. It would've been great to see others react to it though, because it seems like gay marriage isn't considered normal in Nohr.

In their S-rank conversation, Kamui first goes "But I'm a guy". Later on, Zero says "...I guess it's impossible. It would be fine (receiving a proposal) from a woman, but from a man..."

So it's probably not a widely accepted concept.

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