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[FE7 RR] Nino on a tree is OP Draft


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22 - 3/69

Isadora rushed to the boss, with Ninian's help. I fed some kills to florina.

23 - 4/73

Pent did most of the work. I fed Florina some kills, again. Isadora went to the north. After the chapter, I gave Florina the afa drops. I also recruited Lyn.

24 - 1/74

Florina went to the arena, Isadora killed a monk, Pent healed her, Lyn went to a fort. On the EP, Lloyd attacked her and was killed by a mani katti crit.

25 - 5/79

Florina rescued Karel and droped him on the western part of the map. Lyn also went to the west. Isadora and Athos went to the north. Florina and Pent went to the east. Florina got the elysian whip on the last turn.

26 - 11/90

I tried to feed as many kills as possible to Florina, and also build Pent's staff rank. Karel got to level 20 and promoted. I couldn't save the village.

27 - 6/96

Florina rescued Isadora, was danced and went as ar north as she could. Then Isadora went to the torwards the boss. I did a rescue chain and managed toget Athos next to the boss on turn 5. Pent build his staff rank.

28 - 15/111

I used this chapter to build Pent's staff rank and get some levels to Florina, since i need her to be decent for CoD. Isadora, Florina, Pent, Ninian and Athos went to the east, Lyn, Karel and Oswin went to west. I got everything except the brave lance.

Athos (20): 27HP / 18MAG / 13SKL / 13SPD / 12LUK / 11DEF / 15RES

Florina (12): 28HP / 9STR / 11SKL / 19SPD / 10LUK / 5DEF / 7RES

Karel (20/5): 37HP / 19STR / 23SKL / 22SPD / 16LUK / 12DEF / 11RES

Pent (20/14): 35HP / 24MAG / 14SKL / 24SPD / 16LUK / 18DEF / 18RES

Isadora (19/13): 40HP / 23STR / 17SKL / 25SPD / 19LUK / 18DEF / 16RES

Ninian (9): 22HP / 1STR / 1SKL / 18SPD / 16LUK / 6DEF / 10RES

Lyn (x/10): 40HP / 18STR / 26SKL / 25SPD / 20LUK / 10DEF / 14RES

Oswin (x/6): 41HP / 20STR / 15SKL / 11SPD / 6LUK / 22DEF / 10RES

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Bad ZM!

Though it is funny that Jerme's map took the same turns as Kenneth's map.

I'm sorry! The temptation was too much for me!

Thankfully I had three mounts. And Kenneth's map is usually one or even two turns faster.

Edited by ZM.
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Chapter 24 1/73

Fiora killered Lloyd

Chapter 25 3/76

Dart picked up Karla, was danced, and went west. Fiora went east, and everyone else went north.

Chapter 26 11/87

Self-improvement for Dart, Fiora, and Legault.

Chapter 27 5/92

Fiora, Dart and Ninian were up the front. Athos approached Fiora, who rescued him and moved forward 3 spaces.
Dart took Athos and Ninian danced Fiora; Fiora rescued Ninian forward and dropped her to the left on turn 2.
Dart carried Athos up and dropped him forward on turn 3; Fiora backtracked one space, rescued him and moved into the building. Ninian danced her and Fiora dropped Athos so that he and Ninian blocked the wyverns and the merc had to attack Athos or Fiora.
Turn 4, Athos finished the merc and Fiora rescued him, moved forward 5 spaces, was danced, and dropped him behind her in range of the throne. She killed the SM on the EP and Kenneth on turn 5.

Chapter 28 15/107
Chapter 28x free/107

After that exercise, it's time for 35 turns' worth of self-improvement. Nino hit A staves.

Athos     20.00 25 17 15  9  8 11 14
Renault   12.71 31  6 15 14  8  9 12
Nino   20/18.01 42 23 27 26 25 10 23
Karla     20.00 30 12 20 19 22 11  9
Ninian    13.40 22  0  0 20 20 10 12
Legault 20/1.00 34  9 14 20 14 12  6
Fiora  20/16.93 45 20 25 27 12 12 20
Dart   20/13.82 54 29 12 25 13 11  9
Rebecca 20/3.20 31 16 18 20 13  8  8

Chapter 29 4/111

Fiora was danced turn 1, and went west to get Warp, then north to kill the snipers. Nino was danced turn 2 and went north, and Dart followed; using Merlinus, I transferred Warp to Dart so that when he caught up to Nino, she could warp him into Linus' room and kill him with a Swordreaver. I gave Dart some books to make it more reliable and boost his crit for later bosses. The other chumps went wherever they were needed.

Chapter 30 3/114

Athos capital R rescued Fiora, who lower-case R rescued him. Nino warped them turn 2, and Fiora dropped Athos in spot range.

Chapters 31 11+5/130

Chapter 32 3/133

Nino Warped Athos forward and was danced by Ninian, who was rescue-dropped by the rabble up to the first set of forts. Nino then Warped Ninian forward, and Athos Rescued Nino. Fiora grabbed Dart and flew forward.

Turn 2, Fiora flew forward near the second set of forts and was danced. She dropped Dart after moving again, and Nino Warped Athos after he moved forward.

Turn 3, Fiora removed an enemy in the way so Nino could Warp Dart, be danced, and Warp Athos. Dart killed Limstella and Athos seized.

Chapter 32x 1/134

Hammerne, Warp, crit.

Chapter F 3+1/138

Nino Berserked Uhai so he would kill the snipers, then Bolted him. Renault Unlocked Darin's room and Dart set himself up to Hammer those two on EP, then unlock Lloyd and Linus' room on turn 2. Fiora took the mage room, Legault and Rebecca "helped" Athos take out Brendan and Ursula's rooms. Hector ran forward, was danced, and smacked Nergal once he appeared.

Part 2 was easy, since Body Ring Hector doubled the Dragon.

Athos   20/20.00 40 26 26 19 18 20 24
Renault    14.88 32  7 16 15  8  9 13
Nino    20/20.00 43 24 28 26 26 10 24
Karla    20/1.00 30 14 20 19 22 13 10
Ninian     16.01 24  0  0 23 23 10 14
Legault  20/8.28 35  9 16 25 19 15  9
Fiora   20/20.00 48 22 25 28 14 12 23
Dart    20/20.00 60 30 18 28 17 13 10
Rebecca 20/10.31 33 20 22 25 14 10 10
Edited by Baldrick
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Oh well, I gave up on Eliwood. He'd have been useful for final, but it didn't really make any difference.

28x - free/111
I used this chapter to build Pent's staff rank, which hit A, and Isadora's Sword rank, which hit B, and also level up Florina, which not only promoted at level 20, but also reached level 7 as a falcoknight. I got the Speedwings, the recover and the thor ire. After the chapter I gave the speedwings to Athos and the Boots to Isadora.
29 - 4/115
Isadora rushed to the boss. Pent went to the north. Lyn and Athos stayed behind. Florina went to the warp village, with Karel following her.
30 - 3/118
I deployed Pent, Isadora and Athos. Isadora rescued Athos and she and pent went to the west. On turn 2, Pent warped her torwads the boss and she droped Athos, next to him. On the next turn she critkilled him and Athos seized.
31 - 11/129
I basically trained Athos. Lyn, Oswin and Karel also got some kills. Isadora got the items. After the end of the chapter, I gave her the body ring.
31x - 5/134
I bought stuff. Athos went to the Arena.
32 - 3/137
Lyn, Oswin and Karel went to the northwest. Pent warped Isadora and Athos to limstela. I used the double dance strategy to get them to the boss on turn 2 and also to get Mathew on turn 3.
32x - 1/138
Pent warped Lyn to Kishuna and she crit killed him.
Final - 3+1/142
I used door keys and each of my combat units went to a door. Athos finished Nergal and the dragon.
Athos (20/17): 41HP / 30MAG / 20SKL / 25SPD / 21LUK / 20DEF / 26RES
Florina (20/9/16): 47HP / 10STR / 10SKL / 26SPD / 21LUK / 13DEF / 19RES
Karel (20/14): 42HP / 21STR / 28SKL / 27SPD / 21LUK / 14DEF / 12RES
Pent (20/20): 39HP / 25MAG / 15SKL / 26SPD / 19LUK / 20DEF / 21RES
Isadora (19/20): 46HP / 23STR / 19SKL / 25SPD / 21LUK / 21DEF / 17RES
Ninian (20): 33HP / 3STR / 1SKL / 27SPD / 27LUK / 7DEF / 16RES
Lyn (x/19): 46HP / 24STR / 29SKL / 30SPD / 25LUK / 13DEF / 15RES
Oswin (x/12): 47HP / 24STR / 16SKL / 14SPD / 7LUK / 23DEF / 10RES
Mathew (x/17): 47HP / 15STR / 17SKL / 30SPD / 19LUK / 14DEF / 9RES
Hector (x/20): 56HP / 30STR / 23SKL / 21SPD / 14LUK / 28DEF / 15RES
Edited by Nobody
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Pretty good. On the early game he was a bit worse than Hector, but after promoting he was really good. He killed Limstela and did most of the work on endgame, for example.


She ended up being even better than I expected, and her low con was never a problem. Her STR and SPD were insane, and her DEF was also good after getting a dracoshield. Her only flaw was not flying. She was my MVP, tied with Pent.


He was amazing on the early game. He got levels really quickly and I actually had to wait for the first guiding ring in order to promote him. Getting the warp EXP wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be, and he was a great warper. Contributing towards Kenneth's map was the icing of the cake. Definitely a fantastic 2nd pick, and might have done even more work than Isadora.


Before Leaving (she got 2 more levels on CoD) After Leaving

What a weird unit. Seriously. She joined ultra underleveled and with absolutely terrible bases (2 STR and 2 DEF...), but I knew I had to train her if I wanted a fast CoD clear, and it paid off. She was also useful on Pale flower of darkness despite being unpromoted. After CoD she went away and came back as a bard (lol), which ended up being a great help. A good 3rd pick, but redundant if you already had a flier.


Pretty good on the early game, but filler during the rest of it. Definitely a good 4th pick, tho.


Her stats were pretty great. There were plenty of times when her SPD and the Mani Katti came in handy. Great for a 5th pick.


He never did much. I don't think he helped me save any turn.


He killed something with lethality on the final chapter, so that's something.


Having a dancer from early game was awesome. She was also surprisingly durable and I rarely worried about she dying. Double dancing was a fun strategy on the last few chapters.


Worse than Athos on the original. The only thing he did was kill the room with the mages. Still did more than Oswin, tho.

Well, this run was fun. Only having Florina as a flyer was kind of sucky, but I'd say my team was good enough.

Edited by Nobody
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Chapter 25 - 4 / 88

With dance shenanigans, I had Heath drop Raven in the southwest forest so he could one-man the entire area and capture that fort by the fourth turn. Heath managed to fly to the northeast fort by then and obliterate everything to do the same. The other units powered the northwest, and also captured on the fourth turn.

ATHOS  20.00 29 20 15 16 10 11 17 A-ANM
GEITZ  20.00/02.55 41 22 09 17 14 12 07 A-AXE, E-BOW
HEATH  20.00/06.15 54 23 24 23 14 13 10 S-LNC, E-SWD
RAVEN  19.04 37 17 16 20 08 08 02 C-SWD
WIL    --.--/03.55 32 14 15 13 11 09 06 A-BOW
ERK    --.--/04.36 33 14 14 16 07 08 15 A-ANM, C-STF
NINIAN 07.43 19 01 00 16 16 07 07 -----

Chapter 26 - 11 / 99

Wil mostly chipped things from the middle, Raven covered the south(east), Erk covered the east, Geitz hung around the middle, Serra destroyed everything (but Lowen) in the north, Heath bounced from the village to the shops then I realised I should sell the gem and buy more by the ninth turn, so I had to do a slick trade chain so he could get some more things in time.

ATHOS  20.00 29 20 15 16 10 11 17 A-ANM
GEITZ  20.00/04.59 43 23 11 17 14 12 07 S-AXE, E-BOW
HEATH  20.00/07.52 55 23 25 23 15 14 10 S-LNC, E-SWD
RAVEN  20.00/02.68 42 18 19 22 09 11 04 B-SWD, E-AXE
WIL    --.--/04.53 33 15 16 13 11 10 06 A-BOW
ERK    --.--/06.96 34 15 15 16 07 08 16 A-ANM, C-STF
SERRA  --.--/10.42 33 16 15 20 23 10 20 S-LIT, A-STF
NINIAN 08.43 20 01 00 17 17 08 07 -----

Chapter 27 - 6 / 105

The units rushed through the snow, Heath carrying Athos until he could be dropped in range of the throne. Swordsmaster blocked the entrance to the room though, which cost me a turn but I don't think I could really do anything about it, unless a crit on them happened during EP.

ATHOS  20.00 29 20 15 16 10 11 17 A-ANM
GEITZ  20.00/05.36 44 23 11 17 14 12 07 S-AXE, E-BOW
HEATH  20.00/10.28 57 26 25 23 15 16 10 S-LNC, E-SWD
RAVEN  20.00/03.28 43 19 20 22 10 12 04 B-SWD, E-AXE
WIL    --.--/05.11 34 16 17 13 11 11 06 A-BOW
ERK    --.--/08.15 36 16 17 18 09 09 18 A-ANM, C-STF
SERRA  --.--/11.16 34 17 16 20 23 10 20 S-LIT, A-STF
NINIAN 09.12 21 02 00 18 18 08 08 -----

Chapter 28 - 15 / 120

Raven, Wil, and Erk went the western side, everyone else went east. Serra ensured Rebecca didn't die, so I got the gaiden. Erk spammed Barrier to get B-rank staves.

ATHOS  20.00 29 20 15 16 10 11 17 A-ANM
GEITZ  20.00/05.36 44 23 11 17 14 12 07 S-AXE, E-BOW
HEATH  20.00/10.28 57 26 25 23 15 16 10 S-LNC, E-SWD
RAVEN  20.00/03.28 43 19 20 22 10 12 04 B-SWD, E-AXE
WIL    --.--/05.11 34 16 17 13 11 11 06 A-BOW
ERK    --.--/08.15 36 16 17 18 09 09 18 A-ANM, B-STF
SERRA  --.--/11.16 34 17 16 20 23 10 20 S-LIT, A-STF
NINIAN 09.12 21 02 00 18 18 08 08 -----

Chapter 28x - 20 (free) / 120


Forgot I had no storage, so I lost a few lances at the cost of the treasure and some excellent levels, which also meant Heath couldn't attack for half the chapter.

ATHOS  20.00 29 20 15 16 10 11 17 A-ANM
GEITZ  20.00/11.06 50 26 13 20 14 12 09 S-AXE, E-BOW
HEATH  20.00/15.77 60 27 25 23 15 18 13 S-LNC, E-SWD
RAVEN  20.00/10.52 50 23 23 24 12 12 05 B-SWD, C-AXE
WIL    --.--/10.75 39 19 20 15 13 12 08 S-BOW
ERK    --.--/12.94 38 17 18 19 12 11 21 S-ANM, B-STF
SERRA  --.--/17.05 37 19 18 21 26 10 20 S-LIT, A-STF
NINIAN 09.12 21 02 00 18 18 08 08 -----

ffff just realised I forgot to get Dorcas back in chapter 27

I need to stop picking units who require me to wait a few turns for them to appear.

Chapter 29 - 5 / 125

Heath hit the village and killed the boss, Athos stayed at home and murdered everything (but recruited Lowen). The other units poured through the middle with two range weapons and had a field day.

ATHOS  20.00/01.00 32 20 17 19 10 16 18 S-ANM, B-DRK, B-LIT, B-STF
GEITZ  20.00/13.98 52 27 13 21 15 12 09 S-AXE, E-BOW
HEATH  20.00/20.00 60 27 25 23 17 21 16 S-LNC, E-SWD
RAVEN  20.00/13.11 53 25 24 26 13 12 06 B-SWD, C-AXE
WIL    --.--/12.57 41 19 22 16 14 12 09 S-BOW
ERK    --.--/15.59 40 19 19 21 13 11 23 S-ANM, B-STF
SERRA  --.--/19.40 39 21 19 22 27 11 25 S-LIT, A-STF
NINIAN 12.91 24 02 00 21 21 09 11 -----

Chapter 30 - 3 / 128

I really don't think a 2-turn is possible: you need to get to and kill the boss by the PP of second turn, as they don't move and you need to seize the space.

ATHOS  20.00/01.69 32 20 17 19 10 16 18 S-ANM, B-DRK, B-LIT, B-STF
GEITZ  20.00/13.98 52 27 13 21 15 12 09 S-AXE, E-BOW
HEATH  20.00/20.00 60 27 25 23 17 21 16 S-LNC, E-SWD
RAVEN  20.00/13.11 53 25 24 26 13 12 06 B-SWD, C-AXE
WIL    --.--/12.57 41 19 22 16 14 12 09 S-BOW
ERK    --.--/15.59 40 19 19 21 13 11 23 S-ANM, B-STF
SERRA  --.--/20.00 39 22 19 23 28 11 26 S-LIT, A-STF
NINIAN 12.91 24 02 00 21 21 09 11 -----

Chapter 31 - 11 / 139


ATHOS   20.00/06.50 35 22 19 24 12 18 21 S-ANM, B-DRK, B-LIT, B-STF
GEITZ   20.00/17.25 56 30 14 22 16 12 10 S-AXE, E-BOW
HEATH   20.00/20.00 60 27 25 23 17 21 16 S-LNC, E-SWD
RAVEN   20.00/16.50 56 25 26 26 16 14 06 B-SWD, C-AXE
WIL     --.--/13.90 42 20 23 17 14 12 10 S-BOW
ERK     --.--/17.85 41 21 20 22 14 11 24 S-ANM, B-STF
SERRA   --.--/20.00 39 22 19 23 28 11 26 S-LIT, A-STF
NINIAN  13.85 25 02 00 22 21 10 12 -----

Chapter 31x - 5 / 144

Athos lives in the arena.

ATHOS  20.00/10.81 38 26 19 25 13 20 23 S-ANM, B-DRK, B-LIT, B-STF
GEITZ  20.00/17.25 56 30 14 22 16 12 10 S-AXE, E-BOW
HEATH  20.00/20.00 60 27 25 23 17 21 16 S-LNC, E-SWD
RAVEN  20.00/16.50 56 25 26 26 16 14 06 B-SWD, C-AXE
WIL    --.--/13.90 42 20 23 17 14 12 10 S-BOW
ERK    --.--/18.43 42 22 20 23 14 11 24 S-ANM, B-STF
SERRA  --.--/20.00 39 22 19 23 28 11 26 S-LIT, A-STF
NINIAN 14.35 26 02 00 22 22 11 13 -----

Chapter 32 - 3 / 147

I had Athos rescue Serra but Geitz and Florina occupied the adjacent spaces furthest from the boss so Serra was guaranteed to land on an optimum space. Heath rescued Athos, and moved as far as he could within range of Ninian's dancing. He was danced, then warped, and moved over the forest.

Second turn, he moved into the mountains near the boss, equipped a Javelin, and dropped Athos. EP, Snipers be cleared. Brave Lance killed the boss, Athos seized.

ATHOS  20.00/11.06 39 27 20 25 13 20 23 S-ANM, B-DRK, B-LIT, B-STF
GEITZ  20.00/17.75 56 30 14 22 16 12 10 S-AXE, E-BOW
HEATH  20.00/20.00 60 27 25 23 17 21 16 S-LNC, E-SWD
RAVEN  20.00/17.64 57 25 26 26 17 15 07 A-SWD, C-AXE
WIL    --.--/13.98 42 20 23 17 14 12 10 S-BOW
ERK    --.--/19.14 43 22 21 24 14 11 24 S-ANM, B-STF
SERRA  --.--/20.00 39 22 19 23 28 11 26 S-LIT, A-STF
NINIAN 14.65 26 02 00 22 22 11 13 -----

Chapter 32x - 1 / 148

Serra warped Heath, his Killer Lance warped Kishuna.

ATHOS  20.00/11.31 39 27 20 25 13 20 23 S-ANM, B-DRK, B-LIT, B-STF
GEITZ  20.00/17.75 56 30 14 22 16 12 10 S-AXE, E-BOW
HEATH  20.00/20.00 60 27 25 23 17 21 16 S-LNC, E-SWD
RAVEN  20.00/17.64 57 25 26 26 17 15 07 A-SWD, C-AXE
WIL    --.--/13.98 42 20 23 17 14 12 10 S-BOW
ERK    --.--/19.39 43 22 21 24 14 11 24 S-ANM, A-STF
SERRA  --.--/20.00 39 22 19 23 28 11 26 S-LIT, A-STF
NINIAN 14.75 26 02 00 22 22 11 13 -----

Final Chapter - 3 + 1 / 152

Part 1:


Was prepared for an EP, but Athos decided to give me a Luna crit.

Part 2:

Noticed I had and used Thor's Ire, and Luna!Athos actually got a crit because of it. Hector finished the job with Armadas.

ATHOS  20.00/12.91 40 27 20 25 13 20 24 S-ANM, B-DRK, B-LIT, B-STF
GEITZ  20.00/19.46 58 30 15 23 17 12 10 S-AXE, E-BOW
HEATH  20.00/20.00 60 27 25 23 17 21 16 S-LNC, E-SWD
RAVEN  20.00/19.75 59 25 26 26 17 15 07 A-SWD, B-AXE
WIL    --.--/14.48 43 21 24 17 14 13 10 S-BOW
ERK    --.--/20.00 43 23 21 25 15 11 25 S-ANM, A-STF
SERRA  --.--/20.00 39 22 19 23 28 11 26 S-LIT, A-STF
NINIAN 15.26 27 02 00 22 23 12 13 -----
HECTOR --.--/20.00 56 30 23 21 14 28 15 S-SWD, A-AXE

178 turns - 26 (6 extra defence chapter turns + 20 free turns) = 152 turns

Compared to everyone else, that's pretty bad, I'd say.

But I think my main issue was the early-mid game, Heath came late enough for a few flight exploits to not be possible and being restricted to only Athos (and technically Jaffar) for five chapters meant my offence was very limited, which was a major problem.

I mostly picked up the slack mid-game onwards when I started to have more than two units, which my turn counts seem to show, so it was definitely my drafting choices that did me in due to the ignorance regarding recruitment (not surprising because I'm still new to RR), especially the few who actively cost me turns to get (Raven, Erk) and Dorcas who I completely missed, rip. Noticing this is probably a good thing, at least.



NkFfinz.png B: 149 W: 125 L: 0

Decent start, very strong mid-game for a while before the lack of a promotion held him back, then he got amazing again for end-game.

2vFTZ6X.png B: 134 W: 103 L: 0

Extremely helpful after a slightly shaky start given the lack of other units, a great unit through the entire game because he got very fast and very powerful whilst being quite bulky.

dI7csSb.png B: 179 W: 122 L: 0

No doubt the MVP: many chapters were done in sub 4 turns because of his flight and I feel like he believed he was Farina with those stats: he was super blessed. When he got the boots, he RULED.

lLx4DcV.png B: 100 W: 71 L: 0

Cost me two turns, I think he's done a good job of giving them back.

WVF8Xwr.png B: 70 W: 40 L: 0

No significant contributions, but a lot of chipping.

dkCLZmF.png B: 76 W: 58 L: 0

Cost me two turns also, but he definitely gave those back with his staff usage and pretty strong offensive.

eVgNK32.png B: 50 W: 43 L: 0

A-rank staves right off the bat was an excellent utility, guaranteed warping and rescuing was one less thing to worry about. Her offensive capability was super impressive.

7PT1KU7.png B: 46 W: 0 L: 0


GkVIeT0.png B: 3 W: 3 L: 0

Killed a few things, finished off the dragon.

Edited by Icemario
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