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Newbie hacker question

Ero Tetsujin

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I been fiddling around with FENightmare for a bit and found that while some things can be easily edited like stats or items, others like adding in a unit causes crashes during event scenes to even having odd effects like having the tactician as a unit (though that was not my intention). So I looked up a couple of tutorials and workshops that suggest using Eventiel and applying the script via Event Assembler, but however, that would cause the original events to be overwritten (from what I seen and read). I can't find any tutorials that shows if it's possible to just simply rip the event scripts from the game because I don't want to recreate some of the events from the ground up, like the Tactician meeting Lyn in 7.

So I'm just wondering if I could just rip the scripts that already exist and edit a bit to only add in new units and then reapply it into the game?

Edited by Ero Tetsujin
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Vanilla events can be ripped using Event Assembler and the 'Disassemble' feature.

You'll have to write the events you're editing to free space if you're going to be adding extra units or other tidbits. Otherwise, the new events will be larger than the original, and will overwrite the data that comes afterwards. In the second half of this post I walked someone through the same process. The event script is for FE8, but the idea is the exact same for FE7

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