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Changing stat boosting rings in FE4?


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I haven't found a Nightmare module yet that has let me do this properly. I can change them to do things that other rings do (eg make the Power Ring add +5 Spd), but I want to modify the numbers (eg make the Power Ring add +3 Str instead of +5). Can anyone point me in the right direction? I have some experience with a Hex Editor so telling me what to change to something else works too.

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Have a look where the holy weapon bonuses are stored. The actual +5 value isn't stored with the rest of the item data. I haven't had a chance to look personally but it'd make sense.

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Well, I figured out that the weapon bonuses seem to come from a completely different place than the item bonuses. By comparing files in the hex editor I also figured out that the set of +5 bonuses (+3 for mov) are also stored somewhere in the game. I can make combinations of those +5/+3 boosts (for example a ring that gives +5 pow, +5 speed, +3 mov), but I still can't do what I want (+4 pow or +6 mov or whatever). Anyone else have ideas?

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on a side note, ring stat bonuses do not stack in case you were planning to have multiples, even if the bonus comes from two different rings... one would probably have to code the bonus to a different number to prevent overlap

even worse is that if you remove one when you carry two, the bonus disappears until you reapply it (from what I remember)

anyway, in all my time I have not been able to find where the ring stat bonuses are stored unfortunately, but if one could find them I can only assume one could do the combining and different amount things

Edited by Lamia
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