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Awakening Past-Game Plot Holes - Spoilers


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As a whole, I didn't really have much problem with Awakening's plot. I thought it could use some work, yes, but I never thought it was terrible.

However, while I love the setting of Archanea a thousand years later, it also causes a lot of plot issues.

Tellius, Magvel, and Elibe really served little purpose being introduced. I get that only Tellius with Priam came up due to fanservice for Tellius fans, but I feel that with Valm and Jugdral, it wasn't necessary to make them canon. They could have been otherworldly warriors or something.

What happened to Judgral as a whole? FE4 was quite popular in Japan, and I feel that introducing it into the plot wouldn't have been forced. I really liked the Valm segment because of stuff like The Mila Tree.

Speaking of Mila, that brings up some weird things. Why is Tiki on modern day Valentia? In a tree dedicated to Mila no less? For another thing, why all the singular Mila references? The people had joined Mila and Duma together into one religion IIRC, and yet Duma's only reference is the Japanese name of the Demon's Ingle: Duma's Remains. This causes another weird thing. Duma did not die in Gaiden, and IIRC again, the battle with him wasn't in a volcano anyway.

Who is Grima? I know there are theories, but still. Why is half of Archanea now a desert, including Altea? I know Grima did this, but it doesn't come up that much. In fact, the event known as The Schism is only brought up once by Basilio, and I think that it caused Ylisse, Plegia, and Regna Ferox to become like such.

As a whole, we still don't know what Judgral is up to in Awakening's time. I'd love to see an Awakening era Judgral for FE15 or so. I think that modern Tellius would be too pander-y though.

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The schism holds many answers about these problems, which is why I find it so odd it's only mentioned once in the actual game.

What I know about the event is that Grima was apparently born during it, and it caused the empires built by Marth and Alm to break into smaller countries. I assume Jugdral too, but as it is never visited in game, we have no way of knowing. Apparently, Grima really messed things up during it, and the unnamed First Exalt blood bonded with Naga like the Jugdrali crusaders to stop him. He succeeded, and then proceeded to found the country of Ylisse. Grima's followers founded Plegia while likely being brain washed like those poor saps at the Dragon's Gate in Chapter 22 and most if not all Grimleal in general, and apparently various barbarians founded the two Feroxi Kingdoms during this event. Valentia broke back into it's old two kingdom state, cause come to find out, Rosanne is a noble house, not a country, so the only two countries on Valentia are Cron sin and Valm.

As for where Grima came from, I have no flipping clue. I like to think of him as a fusion of Medeus and Gharnef seeing as Grima seems to be just as persistent as those two, but nothing ever flatout states that.

I'm not certain, but I believe Tiki went to Valentia to safeguard the gemstone she was keeping more effectively. After the Schism, it was decided that the power of the completed Fire Emblem was too much for men, so the gemstones were scattered across the continents. Ylisse got the Fire Emblem itself as well as the Lightsphere, Plegia got the Darksphere which is likely why Gangrel and Validar are evil sociopaths, I think Tiki got the starsphere, Cron sin got the Lifesphere, and Ferox got the Geosphere. I might have gotten Ferox and Tiki's mixed up, I'm not sure. In any case, to more effectively scatter the gemstones, Tiki needed to hop continents.

Funny thing about Jugdral tho, it was intended during development of Awakening for a third continent to be visited. It's been a while since I read thru the cut content, but I remember thinking it looked a great deal like Jugdral, tho my memory may be tricking me.

I would comment on Mila and Doma, but I honestly haven't played much of FE Gaiden beyond the first two chapters so I can't provide info on the one Doma reference. If I had to guess, it's due to Mila winning in the end even if Doma survived, and history is written by the victors after all so Mila worship likely became much more prominent.

Jeez, it's been a while since I've made this meaty a post.

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I don't really think Jugdral not being in the game is a plot hole, but the Deadlords are from FE4 and all the FE4 Holy Weapons are there too. Everything in Awakening that references other games is a reference and nothing more (even Archanea), its story is 100% self-contained.

All those references are purely fanservice and most of them are wildly inaccurate. They're not important parts of the story, so just ignore them and focus on stuff that's relevant to Awakening itself.

What I know about the event is that Grima was apparently born during it, and it caused the empires built by Marth and Alm to break into smaller countries.

The only thing said about it ingame is that it's when the gemstones were scattered and when most of the currently existing countries were founded, and while it may have been caused by Grima that's not discussed ingame.

Chon'sin and Valm are the only countries that are mentioned, but Valm is referred to as "so tiny, you could forget it even existed had it not shared our continent's name" or something. From all the talk of dynasts, Valm is probably a collection of fiefdoms instead of proper states.

FE2 ended with Mila and Duma reconciling and both going to sleep, leaving the future in the hands of men with no more divine intervention.

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Okay, that theory about Plegia getting the Darkstone and making things ever worse was actually really cool. Of course, I highly doubt that anything like that crossed the mind of the team sadly. The lore is slightly underdeveloped

can anyone guess which fe continuity is my favorite

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