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Hello Serenes Forest. I started my account a few months ago, didn't post for a while, then made a few a couple weeks ago. I have been playing Fire Emblem for a few years, and started with Path of Radiance, moved to Radiant Dawn, though I have not completed that game yet. Then didn't play for a while until I got a 3ds last year with Fire Emblem Awakening. I am looking forward to Fates, and unfortunately not very good at keeping things from being spoiled for myself. My favorite class for Fire Emblem would probably be the Halberdier, and am glad to see them return in Fates. I've also played other strategy games like Valkyria Chronicles, Warcraft Series, Age of Wonders, etc. I am looking forward to my time on here aswell. I probably won't be very active, but do enjoy reading posts, so Hello again, and good luck.

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Welcome to the forums.

... Did you ever mention finishing Radiant Dawn? If you didn't do it, then I think you should get on that before Fates releases.

. Yeah I am playing through the game now. Got to the part where you have to split the three armies. Probably one of the coolest "endgames" for a game imo. Thanks everyone :)
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Welcome to the forums, Tolvir!

I always thought it was weird the enemies could have soldier units yet they're often not playable units at all. Hopefully Fire Emblem 15 keeps them as well.

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. Yeah I am playing through the game now. Got to the part where you have to split the three armies. Probably one of the coolest "endgames" for a game imo. Thanks everyone :)

Indeed. Radiant Dawn's cast is massive, and it's great to see all of the Tellius characters unite for one final showdown.

If Halberdiers are your favorite classes, then I know of another game with one. It's actually a fan game of a GBA game (which of course I recommend you play the original before playing these, but still, the original doesn't have Halberdiers in them so that's why I'm telling you about this one).

It's called FE7x: Immortal Sword. And here's what the Halberdier looks like in that game!


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Indeed. Radiant Dawn's cast is massive, and it's great to see all of the Tellius characters unite for one final showdown.

If Halberdiers are your favorite classes, then I know of another game with one. It's actually a fan game of a GBA game (which of course I recommend you play the original before playing these, but still, the original doesn't have Halberdiers in them so that's why I'm telling you about this one).

It's called FE7x: Immortal Sword. And here's what the Halberdier looks like in that game!


They look pretty similar to Tellius's Halberdiers. Ive been interested in the GBA Fire Emblem games for years. Unfortunately I have been unable to find a copy of the games, and I recently had to get rid of my old GBA because it was pretty much broken beyond repair. I'm hoping sooner or later that they either make a remake for them, or rerelease them for the DS.

*edit: Just realized that what you posted was a ROM Hack type thing. That is really interesting. I will have to take a look at that.

Edited by Tolvir
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They look pretty similar to Tellius's Halberdiers. Ive been interested in the GBA Fire Emblem games for years. Unfortunately I have been unable to find a copy of the games, and I recently had to get rid of my old GBA because it was pretty much broken beyond repair. I'm hoping sooner or later that they either make a remake for them, or rerelease them for the DS.

*edit: Just realized that what you posted was a ROM Hack type thing. That is really interesting. I will have to take a look at that.

It's possible that they were based off of them, yeah.

If you use certain programs, you can emulate the GBA games on your computer, and on other specific devices. I'll let you research that on your own. Forum rules ban the linking of ROMs, by the way, so you're going to have to find your own copy of that too if you want to start (not that it's that difficult to find anyway).

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