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Should Toshiyuki Kusakihara stay as the art director in future installments of the franchise?



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  1. 1. Should he?

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The GBA designs are too plain to me most of the time. And FE6's art is especially bad, imo. I love the practicality, detail, and beauty of the Tellius designs.

Edited by Anacybele
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i'm actually a fan of FE11/12 art designs myself, just not sprite work.

i just don't want to see turtle knights, toilet bowl cavaliers, or battle panties.

panty shots i am cool with, armor having gaps it in to show off your underwear, i am not, if you were going that far out of your way just make it a battle skirt, that way its more practical, and we can still get panty shots, its the best of both worlds.

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Keep Kozaki if possible. But this guy shouldn't stay.

Luckily FE changes the whole art department after a few games, so I hope he leaves soon.

And didn't the GBA games and Tellius games share the same art director IIRC?

Edited by RidellCrimea
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I have mixed feelings. In some places the art director dun goofed with ridiculous fanservice but for the classes that don't have it, they're all well designed. Look at Heroes or Cavaliers (male only) and tell me those aren't fantastic. Even knights look great in Fates.

I'd say my favorite designs came from Elibe and Tellius but Fates is generally pretty good. Awakening was pretty bad but there were a few winners in the bunch (Tactician, Chrom, Mymidons).

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I have no problems with him staying since a lot of his problems seem to be situational issues rather than an overall bad design work.

We also don't know how much responsibility goes to him for a lot of the stuff being mentioned here.

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Yeah, it's very likely designs go through a committee and through other higher ups, which is normal in the art/entertainment industry. So even if they got rid of him, it's not like certain things people dislike in the recent games are going away. While I'm not in the game industry, I am in the art industry and can confirm designs for everything go through a number of people. So for all we know the designs first get approved by a group of people, then this guy, then people above him, then people above those people and so on. It's hard to really place the blame on one individual when realistically some of the bad designs were the result of several people.

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Honestly I have never heard of that name before. I thought all of the complaints went to Kozaki.

Anyways, found this as I was trying to find who this guy was:



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I voted no.

While some of the character and generic unit designs in Awakening and Fates are good, the rest are either atrociously sexualized, or just uninteresting or even bad imo. Personally, I think Sacred Stones through New Mystery had the best designs (just art/portrait wise for Shadow Dragon and New Mystery though. I won't defend the stuff we see in battles), with Binding Blade and Blazing Sword following close after. Hell, I'd prefer pants-less Marth over more waifu bait clad in battle panties at this point...

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pretty sure that GBA and Tellius are the worst

well Tellius is okay but overrated while GBA designs are really really boring

like I say, mystery of the emblem and the Kozaki games look the best

Pretty sure this is just your opinion. Though I've honestly seen a vast majority of fans here praise the Tellius designs.

I like the official art for the DS games, but not the in-game portraits. They look too lifeless and boring to me. I see same-face syndrome too.

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Fun fact Chinese fandom likes to call DS portraits "pancake face" because all of them look really flat, FE12 had some improvements though

I don't like Shirou Masamune's style, and I do think Daisuke Izuka could work on faces more (looking at the faces and the cgs he did, he probably did the portraits), but I really like Daisuke Izuka's shading for the new character designs.

And FE12 Marth.

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Honestly I have never heard of that name before. I thought all of the complaints went to Kozaki.

People wisened up and realized Kozaki mostly sticks to drawing and character design; Kusakihira's the guy who does most of the armor design.

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Eh, I have a hard time hating on the designs. For every stupid design like Camilia's underpants we get like 10 cool ones



I'm okay with dumb fan service when it's kept to a minimum and doesn't distract from the rest of the game.


This is pretty much my opinion on the matter

TBH, the battle panties and gaps on the knights' bottoms sides never really bothered me, but I can def see why some people wouldn't like them

Plus, FE isn't really that realistic at times anyways (like the FEGBA nomadic troopers; look how high they jump!), so I really could give a hoot what they do art-wise, lol

Edited by Pixelman
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No, please no more shitty armor and battle panties.

He made the atrocities that are Toiler Cavaliers, Easy Access Generals/Paladins/etc., Awakening Heroes, Awakening Generals, Garous, Fates Fighters (BOTH GENDERS), Awakening Falcoknights, Awakening Sorcerers (BOTH GENDERS again), and I could probably say more.

He also made some really cool and badass designs but...

The bad outweights the good, for me.

And while we're at it:

I'd get a new artist too. I want the dude who drew DLC Roy as the next FE artist.

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No, please no more shitty armor and battle panties.

He made the atrocities that are Toiler Cavaliers, Easy Access Generals/Paladins/etc., Awakening Heroes, Awakening Generals, Garous, Fates Fighters (BOTH GENDERS), Awakening Falcoknights, Awakening Sorcerers (BOTH GENDERS again), and I could probably say more.

He also made some really cool and badass designs but...

The bad outweights the good, for me.

And while we're at it:

I'd get a new artist too. I want the dude who drew DLC Roy as the next FE artist.

Easy... Access?

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