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I'm KittyCatLand, as seen in my username, but people like to refer to me as Kitty for simplicity reasons.

I own Fire Emblem Awakening, Fire Emblem 8 (Both an actual GBA cartridge and 3DS download) and Fire Emblem 7 (On WII U eshop and still have not completed).

I prefer Awakening out of the 3, but there was hardly a competition.

I'm un-sure who my favourite character is out of the 3 titles i own.

My favourite game in-general may have to be either Star Wars Battlefront II, Pokemon Platinum or Super Smash Bros. Brawl, or maybe even the recently released Undertale.

I don't really do much when it comes to hobbies besides making videos about Smash Bros. that may or may not have meaning to them.

If we're into the same things, then i can make a really good friend! If not, i couldn't care less, though i'm still pretty nice aslong as you don't get on my bad side.

I'm pretty short, like, Ricken levels of short here, and i'm like 14 or 15.

I like to think of myself negatively, but not depressingly.

I hate talking to anyone who is in my age range if they criticize my hobbies and interests (which is like, 99% of my entire school).

I also have a few troubles talking, but they're not really present when talking to friends or family.

ANYWAYS, back to a more positive note, i like anime, but i'm nowhere into it that i can consider myself an otaku or a weeaboo.

And i guess that's about, maybe i could put in information at how much i suck at Lunatic difficulty, but i'll save that for another time.

EDIT: I ALMOST FORGOT, CAAAAAATS! I love cats, i really do.

EDIT 2: fixed a few things, grammar-wise.

EDIT 3: I started out with FE8 btw

EDIT 4: Jeez, i'm looking like Ubisoft, releasing stuff before it's even finished.

EDIT 5: Thanks Refa

Edited by KittyCatLand
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Welcome to the forest, KittyCatLand!

I see that you like Pokemon Platinum and SSBB. I like platinum too, since the GEN4 was the gen that introduced me to pokemon and the wild strategy battles. Who do you main in brawl. I mained Ike and Wolf, but have now moved to play Smash 4. Btw do you own smash 4 for Wii U or 3DS? or do you just prefer Brawl?

Undertale seems like an interesting and funny game. I played the demo and loved it. It gave me some Earthbound vibes (Which is a good thing.)

I also had some difficulty making words come out of my mouth back in my High school days, whenever I talked someone with high authority. You shouldn't worry about it too much.

I'm more of a Manga guy nowadays, but I've watched some episodes of One-Punch Man this year and I've liked them a lot. Looking at your current profile picture, I guess you've liked it too?

Oh and if you find Lunatic hard, we have a Lunatic club thread here in the forest where you can ask help and questions for some tips, strategies and such.

EDIT 4: Jeez, i'm looking like Ubisoft, releasing stuff before it's even finished.

^ This made me grin a little :)

Anyways, Hope you enjoy your stay here in the forest. Don't get lost.

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Welcome to the Forest, KittyCatLand!

EDIT 4: Jeez, i'm looking like Ubisoft, releasing stuff before it's even finished.

I laughed at it way too much.

Anyway, have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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Welcome to the forest, KittyCatLand!

I see that you like Pokemon Platinum and SSBB. I like platinum too, since the GEN4 was the gen that introduced me to pokemon and the wild strategy battles. Who do you main in brawl. I mained Ike and Wolf, but have now moved to play Smash 4. Btw do you own smash 4 for Wii U or 3DS? or do you just prefer Brawl?

Undertale seems like an interesting and funny game. I played the demo and loved it. It gave me some Earthbound vibes (Which is a good thing.)

I also had some difficulty making words come out of my mouth back in my High school days, whenever I talked someone with high authority. You shouldn't worry about it too much.

I'm more of a Manga guy nowadays, but I've watched some episodes of One-Punch Man this year and I've liked them a lot. Looking at your current profile picture, I guess you've liked it too?

Oh and if you find Lunatic hard, we have a Lunatic club thread here in the forest where you can ask help and questions for some tips, strategies and such.

Well i've moved on from SSBB to Smash 4 like everyone else, but i'll never forget the times i had in SSBB casually using characters such as Marth or Ice Climbers (I didn't know about chain grabs or anything about the competitive scene during the days of SSBB) and completing the Subspace Emissary mode, it was a magical time. As for Smash 4, i own both versions and i play it mostly competitively but i love me an occasional FFA.

Undertale is pretty great, it's pretty cheap on steam and it has an avid community. However, i can understand people would be turned off by it due to the fandom, but it isn't that bad compared to other fandoms nowadays.

One Punch Man is amazing, infact the last episode of the season came out yesterday i think, it was pretty cool.

I'll check out that Lunatic Club thread soon enough.

Thanks for the welcome.

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Welcome to Serenes Forest! It uh sure is...a place. Yes, on the internet. Lovely. People post here.

If we're into the same things, then i can make a really good friend! If not, i could hardly care less, though i'm still pretty nice aslong as you don't get on my bad side.

I hate talking to anyone who is in my age range if they criticize my hobbies and interests (which is like, 99% of my entire school).

Actually, it's "couldn't care less", since "could care less" implies that you care about things that you're not into.

Your hobbies don't seem that unusual. I thought (mostly) everyone liked video games and cats.

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Welcome to the forums, KittyCatLand!

Based on your avatar alone, I'll assume you've watched One Punch Man! I haven't seen the season finale yet, but I think the show is really good overall, and it's a bummer it only gets a half season.

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