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Chapter 2 Iron lance dissapearing from inventory, if you "send to convoy"


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It actually destroys the weapon, much like in FE7 when you don't have Merlinus fielded.

Oh, I haven't done this myself. Sorry for the misunderstanding, so it does say discard/destroy one then...?

It doesn't help that nothing ever tells you about the convoy feature becoming a thing. I don't blame the OP for not noticing this.

I honestly always thought the convoy was available from the start...

Edited by L95
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You need the convoy to keep stuff, yeah. That also happens with stuff gained from Event Tiles. If you're soloing and really need to carry a bunch of stuff on one unit, keep things you aren't immediately using like Vulneraries on your pairup so nothing's lost (the Lance isn't too important since you get two next chapter, the Sword is very helpful).

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