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Kamui builds for each route on Hard/Lunatic~


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Hello guys not really sure if there is a thread up on this I searched but I kinda mentioned this in other threads and kinda just want to make my own thread for it.

What are your Kamui builds for Hard/Lunatic? Any interesting ones or ones you guys think sound good on paper? I wanna test some out.

One I'm sorta interested in is a Pegasus Warriors/Wyvern Lord build I know you wouldn't get the ability to use Swords anymore which sucks cause that means no Yato but It's something I wanted to test out mainly for a friend who likes those classes.

As for me I have tried

+Mag/-LCK Dragonstone Tank for all 3 routes my first playthrough (Then I found out Dragonstones aren't really that great in this game

+Mag/-LCK Paladin is something I'm experimenting right now on Hoshido utilizing the Shockstick till Yato just becomes objectively better.

+STR/-RES Ninja for Nohr(I think people know how good this is)

+STR/-RES Samurai this is something I have tried for all 3 routes and I think it's especially broken as a Fem Kamui with a paired up Joker.

So anyways any interesting ones you guys have tried out? I'm curious.

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The best builds off the top of my head are +Mag/Str Cavalier, +Str Ninja, and +Mag Spellcaster(-Luck for all since no reason not to really). They work in all the routes. +Str Samurai works in Nohr and IK, but the other three are better.

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The best builds off the top of my head are +Mag/Str Cavalier, +Str Ninja, and +Mag Spellcaster(-Luck for all since no reason not to really). They work in all the routes. +Str Samurai works in Nohr and IK, but the other three are better.

+ mag cavalier is that good? I mean you have only shockstick right? :x

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Well you have the shock stick, Levin Sword, Yato, and every other piece of weaponry he has the ranks for. +Mag/-Luck Cavalier has something like 55% Str, 45% Mag, 50% Spd. It isn't like taking a Mag asset makes Kamui completely inept at physical combat. You also get Open Assault which is +3 damage for both physical and magic weapons. 7 Move is also really good.

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+Mag Spellcaster is actually legit? You'd still ideally wanna get level 10 before swapping correct? and people have done that in all 3 routes? Interesting. I was under the impression Magic users just suck in this game cause honestly only one I could get going for me was Ophelia. +Mag Spellcaster might be something I wanna try out in NA release and maybe end on Witch.

Is +Mag better than +STR Cavalier? or are they about the same?

Also I was under the impression Samurai was just better for IK cause you can dodge tank a lot stuff in the early game and have it be a legit strategy(Some bosses early on will have a 0%-20% chance to hit) Not that I disagree at all but I'd like to read your reasoning for why the other 3 are better for IK so I can take that for consideration in future playthroughs :>

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+Mag Spellcaster is actually legit? You'd still ideally wanna get level 10 before swapping correct? and people have done that in all 3 routes? Interesting. I was under the impression Magic users just suck in this game cause honestly only one I could get going for me was Ophelia. +Mag Spellcaster might be something I wanna try out in NA release and maybe end on Witch.

Is +Mag better than +STR Cavalier? or are they about the same?

Also I was under the impression Samurai was just better for IK cause you can dodge tank a lot stuff in the early game and have it be a legit strategy(Some bosses early on will have a 0%-20% chance to hit) Not that I disagree at all but I'd like to read your reasoning for why the other 3 are better for IK so I can take that for consideration in future playthroughs :>

The magic users aside from Leo all have a lot of problems, but Kamui can subvert those problems pretty easily.

+Str is better for the early game since +Mag Kamui is kinda chumpy for a bit in there. But +Mag has the vastly superior Mid-game and they are both about equal for the lategame.

You don't really need to do a lot of dodge tanking in the early game. The Cavalier Kamui still has good offense and good bulk in addition to 7 Move, keeping the Yato and multiple weapon types. Ninja gives 1-2 range, debuffs, similar stats to the Samurai/Trueblade, gets the Yato on promo and gives +Move in pair up. Spell Castor can just bop so many things like the chapter 9 Savages since most of IK is really Physically Bulky. Can also go to Dark Blood near the endgame or Marriage Seal from the Servant into Strategist. Samurai is pretty good, but you can do better in the other classes.

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Well you have the shock stick, Levin Sword, Yato, and every other piece of weaponry he has the ranks for. +Mag/-Luck Cavalier has something like 55% Str, 45% Mag, 50% Spd. It isn't like taking a Mag asset makes Kamui completely inept at physical combat. You also get Open Assault which is +3 damage for both physical and magic weapons. 7 Move is also really good.

I see your point now, well this is intresting indeed :P

Edit: How about Kamui + mag - lck with spellcaster (for skill) but stay as a DarkBlood with tomes/dragonstone to use?

The only thing i wonder about is: "Will it have enough power story-wise to take down enemies?"

You know, str Kamui can easly oneshot most of the units, but i'm not really confident about magic one.

Edited by Eriotto
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Shephen is the one that put me on to +Str builds (also because of the +Str/-Res build I did in Awakening once thanks to a user here). As someone that pretty much only does Ninja and Samurai at this point I can speak on their differences. Ninja is vastly superior from mid-late game because Copycat access, stupid 1-2 range, 7 mov option in pupeteer, and just generally combining all the good of Kaze, Saizou, and Kagerou all into one Ninja lol with none of the drawbacks. The only annoying thing is how really awkward it is early game due to losing 4 Str and being stuck with a 2 Mt weapon for a bit (Kamui goes from your strongest to one of your weakest) while Samurai only loses 2 strength but keeps sword rank. 1x is the ideal place to build Kamui to D rank Shuriken since everywhere else you want Kamui at the top of their game. Trueblade is also better for the really really late game (like, last 2 chapters late lol) due to Swordfaire+Astra+Dragon Fang making Kamui pretty much murder everything they come across and more reliable than Ninja at taking down the final Bosses.

-Lck takes -5% Str/Mag. -Res takes away -5% Mag/Spd. I do -Res for Ninja and Samurai because they are both +20% Spd classes anyway so the costs is negligible compared to taking away Str considering Ninja only has +5% Growth (Samurai has 10).

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It would be pretty good post promotion. Pre-promotion would be pretty weak since Kamui would be pretty slow since no speed asset and Dark Mage being tied for the slowest class in the game. If you could muscle through that it would be pretty good and hitting Res in IK early game is nice.

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Dark Mage seems like it could be an improvement on Spellcaster, when I think about it. Gwimpage is trying it out so he'll have results in a bit. You could get away with +Str/-Lck since DM has a huge +20% Magic growth and what not. The Spd cap/growth of Dark Knight would only be an issue in Nohr late game I think but since Hoshido and IK Yato boosts speed it won't be as much of an issue. I guess Kamui will maybe hate IK Ninjas and Trueblades too.

Edit: but the time not spent at S rank with Felicia would be sketchy, and one could go female Kamui for Jakob's better personal.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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Dark Mage seems like it could be an improvement on Spellcaster, when I think about it. Gwimpage is trying it out so he'll have results in a bit. You could get away with +Str/-Lck since DM has a huge +20% Magic growth and what not. The Spd cap/growth of Dark Knight would only be an issue in Nohr late game I think but since Hoshido and IK Yato boosts speed it won't be as much of an issue. I guess Kamui will maybe hate IK Ninjas and Trueblades too.

Edit: but the time not spent at S rank with Felicia would be sketchy, and one could go female Kamui for Jakob's better personal.

I dunno about that... This insight, courtesy of Shephen, is why:

Fun Fact! Dark mage is tied for the slowest base speed in the game with Armor Knights and Generals at a resounding base of 3! Guess IS really wanted to put the hammer down on dark mages after Awakening.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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I considered Dark Mage as an option because for some reason my brain assumed Spellcaster and Dark Mage used different weapons. If i go Spellcaster build I forgot sure wanna end on Witch.

If i went Dark Knight route couldnt pairup fodder fix my speed?

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A +Mag Kamui leveled up to 10(for Dragon Fang) has 11 speed on Average. Going Dark Mage then puts you at 9 Speed with 55% growth. Even with Felicia pair up you'll miss a lot of the doubling benchmarks early game aside from the slowest enemies. Going Spellcaster at that point puts you at 12 with 60% Growth. Offense is pretty close with DM having +1 in base and a 5% difference in growth. Mag+2 from Spellcaster cancels out the Devilish Wind from Dark Mage. Spell Caster is just better for the early game. If you really wanted to go Dark Knight you can just buddy seal Leo only takes 4 chapters to do so.

And in IK Felicia wants to be debuffing and staffing a lot in the early game since the enemies are really strong compared to the units that you get for awhile. She would fall back to support in the mid-late game.

Edit: You can also just Marriage Seal Felicia for Strategist in the down time from promotion to buddying seal Leo. Gets the mount and works on Tome rank. A +Mag/-Luck Kamui with Spellcaster as the secondary then marriage seals Felicia on promotion(so you don't have to deal with Rod Knight) then buddying Seal Leo for the late game is a pretty great set up.

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This is not to say the build is bad at all. It's definitely good. Just going off of theory, the build would probably be strongest in Hoshido and weakest in Nohr. The initial speed penalty would not be too bad in Hoshido because, well, it's Hoshido. Early game doubling thresholds range from like 12-17. The 9 base/55 growth at level 10 with Felicia and tonics would put Kamui in a good position to nuke most things save like C10 Ninjas or C8 Myrms and for those maps you could use Kaze pair up to work towards A support anyway. You also have eventual access to Horse god and Hoshido Yato boosts strength and speed so in conjunction with Felicia even Kamui's physical offense will be formidable when you need it. IK is the same deal as Hosh more or less, along with being able to use C10 statboosters but the speed might be an issue in the C18-C25ish stretch. Nohr is really awkward for the build since Kamui has to do a ton of work in C9 and C10 and the initial speed loss could cut into that. It would certainly dominate the hell out of C8, but the next few chapters would just be awkward especially with Kamui lacking bulk and not having Jakob's avoid to fall back on if we're using MaMui. Nohr Yato also doesn't give Str or spd so that could be troublesome for Kamui's physical offense as well. Bind would be great for some chapters though. N17, 19, and 25 come to mind.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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+HP and -Luck

Ultimate combination I think. Since HP growths are terrible in this game and that having maxed HP by Ch20ish is always a good thing and the -Luck can be dealt with Veteran Intuition that you can pick up the Vanguard seal around Ch7.

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the -Luck can be dealt with Veteran Intuition that you can pick up the Vanguard seal around Ch7.

Erm, I'm not too sure that it'd be feasible to take on at that point, and even then, not everyone would have or buy the DLC...

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