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Splatoon and Smash Skype Chat


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i hope this is allowed but im combining the two most popular games and making a skype chat

this chat is only for smash (mainly for wii u but 3ds is k too) and splatoon, for finding people to play with

there are rules too of course

1. its about smash and splatoon so dont talk about weird irrelevant sht
2. it's preferred that youre 13 or older because im not banning bad language or anything
3. if you rage at someone in the chat ill automatically kick you, i dont tolerate that. i can tell when its a joke tho so dont worry

and thats basically it
so send me your skype or post here and ill add you
or you can add me, it's claire.maarie

alternatively if you dont want me to add you ill PM you a join link so we don't get weird people


im hoping to gather members from this site, miiverse, and some other forum + old friends.
also if you want powers include that in ur message so i can consider you

edit: i should specify that you can have casual conversation but i dont want it to turn into some spammy chat!!

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I disagree with this idea. Not everyone plays both games, so I think they should be kept separate. Otherwise, I'm afraid I have no interest in joining this (not a Splatoon player).

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there are already two established skype chats that allow discussion of nearly anything. just join one of them.

Edited by Comet
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there are already two established skype chats that allow discussion of nearly anything. just join one of them.

Yea but it would be a little easier to have a chat narrow enough to the point where someone could ask

"yo anyone down for smash"

and a lot more people would down to play rather than the other more generalized chats, u know?

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im making a chat because i already have people in it and i was just posting here to see if anyone else wanted to join

its not like im interested in joining someone elses group at this time.

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There are already two established Smash Bros chats (and probably more) as well as one Splatoon chat, so you're likely better off trying to join them because most of the people that would join your chat are in at least one of the chats already.

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Honestly seems like a good idea, I get that there are other chats but honestly I would personally have no idea who to talk to about joining those.

Go ahead and PM a link.

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Once again, for the record, at least there's a TOPIC for this chat. Seriously, how is everyone expected to even join the other chats unless they knew specific people who are IN the chats?

I'm making a topic about this.

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I have a few questions:

1. I play Smash but not Splatoon, could I still join this or would there be no point?

2. When you say "chat", do you mean Instant Messages, Voice Chat or a mixture of both?

yes you could still join, and itll be instant messages

but im sure maybe eventually someone might want to voice call so theres that

i play both but i like smash way more and im still in that chat so i think it works out fine

i like how the splatoon chat is... id rather not mix them

so no thx :)

rly thats cool but this thread is for people who want to join so im not sure why ur posting haha

Edited by piichinu
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yes you could still join, and itll be instant messages

but im sure maybe eventually someone might want to voice call so theres that

i play both but i like smash way more and im still in that chat so i think it works out fine

In that case, I would love to join. I'll send a pm with my Skype username.

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