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Video game business practices that you think are hurting the industry.


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Okay here a couple good games that are actually below a 7

Mega Man X: Command Mission: 69

Star War Bounty Hunter: 65 (I was shocked by its score such a good game a least for the time)

Mario Party 5: 69 (they where good tell at least 5 or 6 after that...)

Hey now, those still round up to 7/10. I want some games that are 64 or lower that are good!

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Hey now, those still round up to 7/10. I want some games that are 64 or lower that are go

Well I don't tend to buy bad games so.... (expect for DS and IPhone I have made bad choices there)

Enter the Matrix (for GameCube): 63 (The only good game I have played that I remember that is below a 65, most hit 65)

Okay games: (ie. I am not suggesting you play them)

Burnout Legends (for DS): 38 (wasn't the worst thing I ever played it wasn't good either)

Lego Star Wars 2(for DS): 47 (not horrible but deserving of a 5 or 6)

The Dynasty Warriors series pretty much (though I don't like Musou's)

Edited by Locke087
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The remastered editions are meant for those people who missed out on the game the first time it came out, so that they can experience them for the first time, not for the old fogeys like you who bought the original back in the day.

Literally no.

Did you even read what she was replying to?

Tell that to the Atelier series, hell, I'm willing to say Gust games period, who release their games then, almost a year or so later re-release the same game "with all the dlc" as a "complete edition." with more dlc

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The worst I have ever seen in the recent years is the raise of shit taste. Lazy indie studios make bad games > game streamers play these games, they scream and make stupid jokes and get high views > stupid game become famous instantly for free > bad games has better sale than other normal games > Lazy indie studios get fame and money and keep making bad games. Ten years ago, nobody could bother playing worthless trash such as five nights in freddy and shit games would be totally ignored, not praised and steamed like in 2015. It seems like everyone lowered their standard for some reasons while keep paying more and more on a game. One Piewewbie something and BOOM, hundred other clones appear and start making lame jokes while screaming like idiots.

Another trend is the raise of casual gamers. These guys are nuts, I tell you. They are ready to spend hundred bucks on a free game, a very simple game that I didnt bother playing when I was a kid no less. It costs almost nothing to make these kinds of games, you can make one then clone it hundred times and people still play all of them. It's a safe bet business with ridiculous profits so it's understandable when even big companies also change their focus to the new "casual" market and ignore AAA titles. You scream and cry when Konami dropped Hideo Kojima and PT but who gave them the ideal from the first place? The filthy casuals who are proud of their Candy Crush records.

Edited by Magical CC
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The remastered editions are meant for those people who missed out on the game the first time it came out, so that they can experience them for the first time, not for the old fogeys like you who bought the original back in the day.

I don't know about you, but games like Bully and Halo 4 only had about 2 years until they were remade or remastered. Of course, I wouldn't want whipper-snappers like you to miss out on games released two years ago!

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My problem with remastered editions is that the original game is released, then 2 years later once all the DLC content is out, they repackage the game with all of that included at the cost of the base game, maybe 20 dollars more. If that is the case then why the hell did I spend nearly 100 dollars for all of your DLC if you are just going to repackage it later with only an added 20$ to the price. It either discourages buying DLC, or discourages buying the game until the "remaster" both of which hurt the game.

At the same time I think DLC is great, dependent on what it actually is. While I thought the whole Horse Armor DLC for Oblivion was as dumb as a box of rocks, the Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep was an awesome DLC that was well worth the 15 dollar price. DLC done in a correct way can help expand on the life of the game, and just add more content that was after the fact of the game. The problem with DLC comes in with games like Call of Duty, where the game has half the normal content of a normal game, and the DLC isnt even worth the price.

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I don't know about you, but games like Bully and Halo 4 only had about 2 years until they were remade or remastered. Of course, I wouldn't want whipper-snappers like you to miss out on games released two years ago!

wasn't the bully remaster for the newer consoles though?

Actually think that's the case for some remasters which in that case it makes sense if you don't have the original console it was on.

I'd agree with microtransactions as my biggest gripe.

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releasing a game before its finished and proper testing for bugs because they want to keep to the original release date posted

if developers took more time to finish their games we wouldnt have as many buggy mess of a games as much...

and this is also a trend to have content planned on being a part of the original released game but due to the same thing i said already they release it later as dlc and charging us for it instead of delaying the game and including it as part of the game

when dlc comes out less then a month up to 2 months after the release of the game... you know this content was originally planned to be part of the game... it takes longer then that to make DLC most of the time

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One practice that's hurting the industry is supporting practices that hurt the industry. This includes buying half-finished/buggy games, buying terrible DLC, etc.

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Any game that uses skinner box techniques to addict you so that you will buy micro transactions, or that essentially requires microtransactins to play. There are good ways to do "free to play", so that the microtransactions are reasonable (like a puzzle game with the first 20 levels free, and $2 for each 20 levels after that, with the player able to replay any purchased levels as much as they want).

That being said, i think that part of the reason you see so many "free to play" games on phones nowadays is that anything more than 3 bucks in the app store is considered overpriced, which makes it hard to make much profit otherwise.

One big thing that no one has mentioned yet is any game that deliberately tries to generate controversy to increase sales, like "Hatred". It works, but generates enormous negative publicity toward the medium as a whole.

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One big thing that no one has mentioned yet is any game that deliberately tries to generate controversy to increase sales, like "Hatred". It works, but generates enormous negative publicity toward the medium as a whole.

I thought it would just generate enormous negativity towards those who bought Hatred.

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