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Want a hard FE 8

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Nightmare hacking is probably the best idea if you want to stay close to the original, since the lack of difficulty mostly comes from bad enemy stats, probably try something like reducing all of seth's stats by 3 and increasing all enemy growths by 10-15%

Can probably just use this to buff the enemies handily, you only need to turn off all options except increase enemy growth -> exactly amount along with inserting 10 or 15 into the box.

6 combatants would still be pretty easy in all chance unless you intentionally make weird choices, and lowmanning isn't really an interesting type of challenge (usually it makes things easier aswell).

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Equal opportunity no-grind.

That means that you take the lowest-level characters you have and field them. The trainees count as (level + 10) once they're out of trainee-land. Promoted classes count as (level + 20). The Tower of Valni/skirmishes/Lagdou Ruins cannot be used for any sort of experience gain.

Have fun~!

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I personally think that a normal playthorugh of it is too easy and i tink a rom hack is totally diffrent from the orignal but i here is a challenge you have to have only 6 people fighting and two of them have to be the Twins

So you only use 4 units, which will become ridiculously broken in the span of like three maps each? Sounds like you're making the game easier, not harder. Low manning concentrates all EXP and resources into few units.

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Low-manning would probably reduce the difficulty.

There are several other ways to make the game challenging:

  1. 0% Growths
  2. Increasing enemy growths
  3. eclipses suggestion
  4. No promotion, no prepromotes run
  5. Seth-less LTC/efficiency with added restrictions like no mounts/girls only etc. Just be creative with this one.
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