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Region Lock Issue


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I'm not sure if this is the right place to put it, but since it concerns the upcoming release of Fates in the states, I figured it at least makes sense here.

So I got a buddy in jolly old England, saying he wishes to gift me a copy of Fates on release. Issue is his bank is apparently hyper finnicky, so buying something American for seemingly no reason would cause problems for his account He can't just buy a European copy (unless they're lazy and just have the British version to just be the American version), so we havean issue there. I suggested if he really wants to, he could just get a 3DS money card and just tell me the code, but we're unsure if that will work since, again, England. If it's money in pounds, I'm unsure if it would just translate it to US dollar or just not accept it.

Anyone know this issue? Anyone have any simpler solutions, since we might be overthinking things?

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Quick google search suggests that the "3DS money card" is region locked so if you have to go with that option, he would have to get one that's for the US. Probably how it is commonly, I had to buy a digital code of a Japanese PSN card to buy from the JP PSN store.

I would say the best bet would be to use Paypal to send money to each other (I believe there is a small currency conversion fee but it's nothing huge, just a heads up) or find a web site that's a store based in the UK (or hell, maybe something on Ebay) where he can buy American ESHOP cards that either e-mail you the code or ship the physical card. Be wary of the latter option however, make sure you research the site enough to make sure it is trustworthy.

Edited by Sirius
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Thanks much, Sirius. Guess we'll look into these options. I'd rather not deal with paypal at all, but if that's how it is...Stupid pointless region lock.

Also, been a while Sirius. Nice to see you're still kickin',

Edited by grandjackal
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